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Konferensbidrag (sida 16 av 78)
- Agebjörn, A. (2017). Ordförråd och språkfärdighet : Lexikal komplexitet i (bedömning av) svenska som andraspråk. I Sköldberg, E., Andréasson, M., Adamsson Eryd, H., Lindahl, F., Lindström, S., Prentice, J. & Sandberg, M. (Red.) Göteborgsstudier i nordisk språkvetenskap, Svenskans beskrivning 35 : Förhandlingar vid trettiofemte sammankomsten Göteborg 11–13 maj 2016 (pp. 37-52), 29. University of Gothenburg.
- Akujärvi, J. (2017). Hvad är bästa sättet at öfversätta et Skaldestycke? Om svensk översättning av antik poesi c. 1750–1850.
- Akujärvi, J. (2017). Tillfällesdikter på humanistgrekiska.
- Ambrazaitis, G. & House, D. (2017). Acoustic features of multimodal prominences : Do visual beat gestures affect verbal pitch accent realization?. I Ouni, S., Davis, C., Jesse, A. & Beskow, J. (Red.) Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP2017). KTH.
- Björk, M. (2017). Urania and Apollo : Myth and Identity in Tycho Brahe's Latin Poetry. I Jönsson, A. & Vogt-Spira, G. (Red.) Spudasmata, The Classical Tradition in the Baltic Region : Perceptions and Adaptations of Greece and Rome (pp. 77-96), 171. Georg Olms Verlag AG.
- Carling, G. (2017). Etymology and iconicity in onomatopoeia and sound symbolism : A Germanic case study. Etymology and the European Lexicon : Proceedings of the 14th Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, 17-22 September 2012, Copenhagen, 93-104. Reichert.
- Carling, G. (2017). The typological profile of Tocharian : The complexity underlying a quantitative, mass-based study of morphosyntactic patterns.
- Carling, G. & Cathcart, C. (2017). Contrasting models of morphosyntactic reconstruction : A comparison of results of comparative-historical and phylogenetic methods for the Indo-European family.
- Claesson, C. (2017). ¿Qué es lo que hay que contar ahora? Subjetividad y crítica social en El público de Bruno Galindo. El arte en un mundo de crisis : La literatura, el cine y la prensa como instrumentos de transformación social, 101-110. Andavira editora.
- Colonna Dahlman, R. & van de Weijer, J. (2017). Testing factivity in Italian.
- Colonna Dahlman, R. & van de Weijer, J. (2017). Testing factivity in Italian.
- Egerland, V. (2017). Machiavelli och idealfursten. AIGIS : Idé og ideal, 17, 1-11.
- Einfeldt, M., Kupisch, T. & Tronnier, M. (2017). The acquisition of Italian geminates by L1 German and Swedish speakers in production and perception.
- Ewald, O., Asu, E. L. & Schötz, S. (2017). The formant dynamics of long close vowels in three varieties of Swedish. I Lacerda (chair), F. (Red.) Interspeech, Interspeech 2017 (pp. 1412-1416).
- Farshchi, S., Paradis, C. & Andersson, R. (2017). Processing negation in a miniature artificial language.
- Flyman Mattsson, A. (2017). Att lära ut vad inlärare kan lära in : om grammatisk utveckling hos andraspråksinlärare. I Kindenberg, B. (Red.) Flerspråkighet som resurs : symposium 2015 (pp. 67-79). Liber.
- Frid, J., Ambrazaitis, G., Svensson Lundmark, M. & House, D. (2017). Towards classification of head movements in audiovisual recordings of read news. I Paggio, P. & Navarretta, C. (Red.) Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016) (pp. 4-9). Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Friis, E. (2017). Are the facts of life lemon on the oyster? Irigaray's critique of the ethics of reversibility.
- Gargiulo, C. (2017). Scrivere sul web in italiano L2 : analisi pragmalinguistica di un forum.
- Granfeldt, J. (2017). ASLA 50 år : Ett samtal om tillämpad språkvetenskap - då, nu och i framtiden. I Bendegard, S., Melander Martala, U. & Westman, M. (Red.) ASLA:s skriftserie, Språk och norm : Rapport från ASLA:s symposium, Uppsala universitet 21-22 april 2016 (pp. 8-12), 26. ASLA, Association suédoise de linguistique appliquée.
- Granfeldt, J., Ågren, M. & Sayehli, S. (2017). Second foreign languages in the Swedish school context - The views of school leaders.
- Hedling, O. (2017). A Publicly Owned Media Company Co-Producing Audiovisual Content? : The case of Film Väst - Invited Keynote Talk.
- Hedling, O. (2017). Present European and Scandinavian Co-production Practices Through the Prism of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009).
- Hedling, O. (2017). The Entangled Media Geographies of the Nordics : Contemporary Scandinavian Production Practices through the Prism of Audio-visual Nordic Noir.
- Hult, F. (2017). Engaging pre-service teachers with language policy.