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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90067 hits
Media Coverage of Sweden’s Temporary Aliens Act: A News Frame Analysis of Swedish Newspapers, 2016-2019
Body mass index and risk of over 100 cancer forms and subtypes in 4.1 million individuals in Sweden : the Obesity and Disease Development Sweden (ODDS) pooled cohort study
Swedish-(Par)Desi : Belonging Narratives of Second-Generation Pakistani Muslims in Sweden
Avhandlingen undersöker begreppet tillhörighet utifrån 42 livsberättelser som samlats in genom intervjuer med pakistanska muslimer i tre svenska städer. Ur ett intersektionellt flergenarationsperspektiv på diaspora ställs frågor om ”vem som hör hemma” och ”hur man hör hemma”.I avhandlingen beskrivs hur diasporiska identiteter formas, förhandlas och omvandlas över generationer inom ramen för svensk
Partial Clinical Remission of Type 1 Diabetes in Swedish Children : A Longitudinal Study from the Swedish National Quality Register (SWEDIABKIDS) and the Better Diabetes Diagnosis (BDD) Study
Low prevalence of ideal cardiovascular health in the general Swedish population : Results from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS)
A Swedish Philhellenic Pamphlet from 1821 : "Will you let that sacred voice that echoes in the tender Swedish heart cry out in vain?”
The first volume of Grifos is a publication of a rare, anonymously published philhellenic pamphlet from the year 1821. It was printed in Stockholm, yet it has hitherto remained uncollected by the scholarly community. The pamphlet is published here for the first time with an English translation and a commentary by George Kalpadakis and Vassilios Sabatakakis. In their introduction the authors plac
The Case of Sweden - A theory developing mixed methods study on understanding coalition breakdown in Sweden.
Cancer, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality in Iraqi- and Swedish-born individuals in Sweden : the MEDIM cohort study
Sweden: “Go Jimmie go!” : The voices of Sweden Democrat supporters
General dental practitioners' fees for root canal treatment, coronal restoration and follow-on treatment in the adult population in Sweden : A 10-year follow-up of data from the Swedish Dental Register
Postmigrant Talks Experiences of Language Use in Swedish Academia Academic Migrants in Sweden
Diverging Trends in the Incidence of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Sweden 2010-2019 : An Observational Study from the Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke)
Exchanges of shares and Sweden’s right to tax - An examination of the Swedish exchange of share mechanism for individuals, and its compliance with the Tax Merger Directive
Den här uppsatsen undersöker den svenska implementeringen av andelsbytesmekanismen för privatpersoner, som återfinns i artikel 8 i Fusions-Direktivet, hädanefter FD. Uppsatsen undersöker även hur Sverige har valt att skydda sin beskattningsrätt när aktieägaren emigrerar till en annan EU MS medan hen äger aktier erhållna via ett andelsbyte. Syftet bakom undersökningen är att utreda huruvida om den
The Swedish Order Exported – Freemasonry as a conduit for Swedish and German educated elites during the Enlightenment and early Romantic period
New Sources to the History of Algiers during the Ottoman Era: The Algerian-Swedish documents in the National Archives of Sweden as a source for historical research. Algiers, Scientific International Meeting about the Algerian Scandinavian relations March 12-14.
Mergers of semi-autonomous central agencies: The Swedish trajectory and the case of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency
Representation of migration in the Swedish nation branding: a qualitative analysis of the representation of migration in the photo exhibition ‘Portraits of Migration’ produced by the Swedish Institute
Brand Personality Dimensions in Sweden - Developing a Brand Personality Scale among Swedish Consumers
Impacts of increased plastic recycling in Sweden - A quantitative study of the environmental, social and economic impacts of increased plastic recycling in Sweden
Miljörelaterade, sociala och ekonomiska effekter av en ökad plaståtervinning i Sverige Dagens plastproduktion är förknippad med åtskilliga miljöproblem. En av de största utmaningarna är att en betydande del av den plast vi konsumerar hamnar i världshaven. År 2050 förväntas plastproduktionen vara fyra gånger större än vad den är idag. Om vi inte agerar kommer det snart finnas mer plast (i vikt) än