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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90080 hits

The Swedish Monopoly on Gambling - How to address the shifting reality of the Swedish gambling market

Gambling and the national gambling markets has so far not been harmonised through any Community law regulation or directive. Instead gambling is covered by the general principles of Community provisions for the free movement of services article 49, and the closely connected article 43 regulating the freedom of establishment. This has been established through the case law of the ECJ. The Member Sta

From Sweden with Love: Turkish Migrants in Sweden and their Social Remittances

The aim of this thesis is first to contribute to the theorising of the so-called ‘social remittances’. This entails an attempt to put together the reasons that qualifies the flow of social goods from migrant destinations to sending communities as remittances, as well as an endeavour to contribute to definitional clarifications on what constitutes the different natures, levels and types of these re

Sweden’s Forfeiture Regime in a Time of Change - A comparative study of Swedish and Australian law regarding forfeiture of unexplained wealth

Internationellt har begreppet "gå på pengarna" vunnit mark och mer effekti-va förverkandebestämmelser anses vara en viktig åtgärd i kampen för att spåra och återföra utbytet av brott. Förverkande vid brott har till avsikt att verka avskräckande genom att förhindra brottslingar att dra nytta av brott samt återinvestera utbytet av brott i ny brottslig verksamhet. Vidare har förverkande somInternationally, the concept of "follow the money trail" has gained ground, and more efficient forfeiture provisions are considered an important meas-ure in the fight to track down and return the proceeds of crime. Forfeiture provisions are designed to deter crime by preventing criminals to benefit from crime and reinvest the proceeds of crime in new criminal activity. Furthermore, forfe

Swedish trailing taxes and EU-law-an analysis of the Treaty-conformity of the Swedish provisions regarding deferral of capital gains tax on the exchange of shares

Mål rörande rena utflyttningsskatter har det senaste decenniet varit tämligen frekvent förekommande i EU-domstolen. Detta har i sin tur medfört att,, Kommissionens fokus har riktats gentemot ifrågakommande medlemsstaters utformning/tillämpning av denna typ av skatter då medlemsstaterna i sin strävan att skydda sina respektive skattebaser gärna använder sig av utflyttningsskatter i olika utforOver the last decade there has been an increase in the number of cases that are referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) with regards to matters of exit taxes. Consequently, this has turned the Commission’s focus towards the outline of the respective exit tax regimes applied in the different Member States (MS). This since the MS, in their efforts to protect their respective ta

Development at Home: A case study of development cooperation between the Swedish government and the Somali diaspora in Sweden

This paper departs from an interest which has grown exponentially since the beginning of the 2000s’ for cooperation between donor governments and diasporas in development initiatives directed at the diasporas’ country of origin. It notices a discrepancy between identified potential and observed practical results. In an attempt to understand this discrepancy, the thesis seeks to explore the seldom

No PE – no problem? - A study on the Swedish preliminary income taxes for foreign companies without tax liability in Sweden

Nya skyldigheter för utländska företag verksamma i Sverige infördes den 1 januari 2021. Trots frånvaron av ett fast driftställe i Sverige eller annan skattskyldighet, ska skatteavdrag för preliminär inkomstskatt göras från betalningar för arbete som ett utländskt företag utför i Sverige. Den innehållna skatten kan återbetalas, men tidigast efter att ett beslut om slutlig skatt har fattats efter rä