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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90063 hits

Gender mainstreaming and the promotion of gender equality in Swedish development cooperation: A qualitative content analysis of Sweden's results strategies

Gender equality (GE) is one of Sweden’s three thematic prioritizations in foreign aid and have so been since 2007. Gender equality is emphasized as important for development and as a question in which Sweden has added value in promoting. The thesis examines what type of gender equality Sweden promotes in development cooperation with nine African countries and how it has changed in the country and

Sustainability integration in Innovation strategies - An analysis of sustainability aspects in Swedish innovation strategies and in Swedish healthcare sector innovation activities

The healthcare sector, currently accounting for about seven percent of global GDP expenditure, faces growing demand pressures driven by factors such as ageing populations and growing prevalence of chronic diseases. Consequently, the sector is increasingly looking for innovations that can simultaneously improve the efficiency and quality of care. Healthcare innovations could in turn make large cont

The Swedish Identity- Defining Swedishness and Political Loyalty

Abstract: Since the implementation of the European community in the 1950’s support for the integration process was founded on the necessity of establishing an ever-closer Union among the citizens of Europe. There was an overall belief that support for a European community would increase over time as a result of the opportunities it created and the functional pressures that followed. The public su

No PE – no problem? - A study on the Swedish preliminary income taxes for foreign companies without tax liability in Sweden

Nya skyldigheter för utländska företag verksamma i Sverige infördes den 1 januari 2021. Trots frånvaron av ett fast driftställe i Sverige eller annan skattskyldighet, ska skatteavdrag för preliminär inkomstskatt göras från betalningar för arbete som ett utländskt företag utför i Sverige. Den innehållna skatten kan återbetalas, men tidigast efter att ett beslut om slutlig skatt har fattats efter rä