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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89861 hits

Gender mainstreaming and the promotion of gender equality in Swedish development cooperation: A qualitative content analysis of Sweden's results strategies

Gender equality (GE) is one of Sweden’s three thematic prioritizations in foreign aid and have so been since 2007. Gender equality is emphasized as important for development and as a question in which Sweden has added value in promoting. The thesis examines what type of gender equality Sweden promotes in development cooperation with nine African countries and how it has changed in the country and

The grey partridge and AESs in Sweden: Setting up an experimental restoration of the grey partridge and associated farmland biodiversity in Sweden

The grey partridge Perdix perdix has suffered a severe decline in numbers and contraction in range during the last half century. The loss of landscape heterogeneity through agricultural intensification has often been indicated as a cause. By preserving and managing small biotopes and creating uncropped border zones, some ecological heterogeneity is maintained and recreated with the aid of agri-env