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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90778 hits

Effekten av blomremsor och landskapskomplexitet på solitära bin och getingar

During the past fifty years pollinators in Europe have been declining. Agricultural intensification is considered to be main driver for this decline. In Europe agricultural schemes are used in order to e.g. maintain biological diversity. As a part of these schemes several European countries use flower strips to increase the amount of pollinators in the landscape. Status and Trends of European Poll

The engagement of local residents in Destination Management Organizations

Local residents are often considered as destination stakeholders and their role assumed to be important in the destination development. However, when it is coming to their direct engagement in Destination Management Organizations (DMO) strategic planning, the question of their actual engagement on practice arises. This research discusses stakeholder theory and its application to the tourism indust

Barns upplevelse av skam och skuld av att leva med en förälder med långvarig smärta

Det saknas, så vitt vi vet, information om hur barn upplever svåra situationer i vardagen, och framförallt hur de upplever känslor som skam och skuld när de har en förälder med långvarig smärta. Dessutom finns det i Sverige inte någon insats inriktad på barnen under dessa förhållanden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva barnens upplevelse av skam och skuld av att leva med en långvarigt smärt

Då följer en stämpel i pannan -en diskursanalytisk studie om bilden av psykisk ohälsa

The aim of this paper was to explore the perceptions and images of mental illness that is conveyed in the media form of internet magazines, more precisely in the discussion forums that are found below the articles. This paper also explored how the category of people with mental health problems related to these structures. A central focus was to investigate how the image was constructed from the ta

Organisation och styrning av akutkliniker - en studie av sex akutkliniker

Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att beskriva och analysera utformning av organisation och styrning av akutkliniker. Det är också att undersöka huruvida specifika arbetssätt utmärker sig och utifrån detta skapa ett underlag för framtida diskussion rörande organisation och styrning av akutsjukvård. Metod: Uppsatsens metod grundar sig i en kvalitativ undersökningsdesign där multipla fallstudier anväPurpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the organization of and control tools used at emergency clinics. Futhermore it aims explore whether any methods are better than others to ease the patients’ process through the organization and create a basis for further discussion. Methodology: The thesis method is based on a qualitative research design where multiple case studies ha

Air Influence on the Temperature inside a Concrete Bridge Box Section

The temperature on a bridge is a complex phenomena caused by several sources and it is quite difficult to forecast. Its effects cannot be ignored and during the last decades various studies have been made in this field. In order to reduce the complexity of these investigations, some simplifications, which do not entail large risks, are admitted making the problem easier to analyse. The main ob

The impact of internet based information sources on patient satisfaction of care in Region Skåne – A cross sectional study using survey data

Background: Health care reforms introducing patient choice have been gaining popularity during the last decades and several countries have implemented patient choice. The underlying principle of patient choice is anchored in the concept of the well-informed patient, an individual that knows what he or she is choosing between. Several information sources, related to choice of caregiver and treatmen

Following the intensive care unit discharge

Objective: To develop and initially test a new questionnaire to be used to investigate former ICU patients physical and psychosocial needs/problems and if it change over time. Design: A questionnaire was developed based on the Likert scale. The items were generated from literature search and from personal experiences of follow up visit. SF 12 was used to assess the questionnaires concurrent validi

Uppföljning av patienter behandlade för depression inom öppenvårdspsykiatrin i Region Skåne

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sjukdomsförloppet vid depression avseende förekomst av återfall och återinsjuknande ett år efter avslutad depressionsbehandling inom Region Skånes öppenvårdspsykiatri. Studien syftade även till att kartlägga den aktuella symtom- och sjukdomsbilden samt att undersöka potentiella riskfaktorer för återfall och återinsjuknande. En urvalsgrupp bestående

Familjeåterförening En studie om unionsmedborgares och tredjelandsmedborgares rätt att leva tillsammans med sin familj inom Europeiska unionen

I denna uppsats berörs rätten till familjeåterförening. Denna rätt kan studeras ur olika perspektiv och olika synvinklar. I uppsatsen undersöks kretsen av familjemedlemmar som har rätt till familjeåterförening med särskild fokus på deras rätt att följa med eller ansluta sig till en unionsmedborgare och tredjelandsmedborgare bosatt i medlemsstaten. Det är således detta perspektiv som ligger i grundThis master thesis deals with the issues connected to the right to family reunification. This right can be studied from several different perspectives and different angles. The paper examines the circle of family members who may be entitled to family reunification with a particular focus on their right to accompany or join EU citizens and third country nationals residing in the State. Thus, it is

Management control in professional service firms - A control package in audit companies

Management control in professional service organizations is fundamentally different from the control in classical industrial and producing corporations. This is mainly due to the special context a professional service firm has to face, as the value creation is knowledge intensive, demands a high level of education, and the professional employees have different expectations concerning their work. H

Konsten att hantera en dubbel yrkesroll - Fyra musiklärares syn på att kombinera lärarrollen med en aktiv musikerroll inom jazzgenren

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur rollen som aktiv musiker påverkar rollen som pedagog och tvärtom. Vilka möjligheter och begränsningar finns det i att aktivt musicera parallellt med att undervisa? Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med fyra pedagoger verksamma vid högskola och folkhögskola inom jazzgenren. Jazzundervisning vid högre musikutbildning har blivit en inriktning för studiTitle: The art of managing a dual professional role. Four teachers' views on combining teaching with their roles as active jazz musicians. The purpose of this study is to examine in what ways the role as an artist impacts the role as a teacher and vice versa. What are the possibilities and limitations of actively playing music alongside teaching music? Qualitative interviews have been conducte

The Distorted Communication of a City

This study argues that there is a problem in previous literature regarding theunderstanding of value in city brand communication. Value construction has been overemphasized, at the expenses of value destruction, which is problematic because there is a mutual relationship between value construction and destruction. City brand communication is distorted, and therefore, groups are excluded when inten

A descriptive analysis of the emergency response to the 2013 flood incident in Suffolk, UK - A study in theory and practice

Over the past decade, flooding has been a great issue for several countries in Europe. With the movement of people and assets to flood prone areas, consequences due to flooding are increasing. Coping with this problem requires an effective response to flood risks. Therefore, this work has aimed to describe the emergency response to the 2013 flood incident in Suffolk, UK. This, in order to provide