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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91448 hits

Nature and the Social Sciences : Examples from the Electricity and Waste Sectors

Popular AbstractWhen society first perceived the environmental condition as problematic, focus was on local emissions with local consequences. Subsequently, the center of attention partly moved beyond local effect research to a broader interest in, for instance, ecocycle processes of energy, and the whole lifecycle of materials. However, technological and natural scientific analyses of these pheno

Approaches and Methods in Urban Ecology

In this article, different approaches to the field of urban ecology are distinguished. The focus lies on the approach characterized by looking at the city as an ecological system, since this view has given rise to the most fruitful discussion from a social geographical perspective. Further, references are made to four studies of applied urban ecology with short summaries of the most important conc

Small biotopes: Landscape and management effects on pollinators

The intensification of agriculture during the second half of the twentieth century, has caused sever declines of farmland biodiversity, where loss of semi-natural habitats is one of the major drivers. To halt further loss of habitat and biodiversity, agri-environmental schemes (AES) are used to compensate farmers to use methods less harmful to the environment. In this thesis, I have investigated t

The release of organic compounds during biomass drying depends upon the feedstock and/or altering drying heating medium

The release of organic compounds during the drying of biomass is a potential environmental problem, it may contribute to air pollution or eutrophication. In many countries there are legal restrictions on the amounts of terpenes that may be released into the atmosphere. When considering bioenergy in future energy systems, it is important that information on the environmental effects is available. T

High resolution ensemble flood forecasting

Pluviala översvämningar inträffar när intensiteten av ett regn överskrider markens förmåga att infiltrera, vilket resulterar i att vattnet istället ansamlas på ytan. Tillräckligt mycket vatten på samma yta leder som bekant till översvämning. Ett typexempel är när korta intensiva regn faller över urbana områden där ytor som asfalt förhindrar infiltrering. Mängden och intensiteten av denna typ av övThe number and impacts of pluvial floods are likely to increase with the growth of our cities and as extreme weather is anticipated to intensify with climate change. Im- proved preparedness is needed which may be attained owing to recent development of high-resolution hydro-meteorological observations and forecasts as well as geographical data. This paper investigates the capacity of the HYPE mode

Finns det ett samband mellan patientskattning av allians och tidig förbättring i psykoterapi? - en undersökning inom primärvården

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka ett eventuellt samband mellan allians och förbättring under de första tre samtalen i psykoterapi. Undersökningen utfördes i ordinarie primärvårdsverksamhet och behandlingen var reguljär psykologbehandling med KBT. I studien undersöktes även huruvida patienternas egen skattning av global hälsa vid behandlingsstart korrelerade med behandlingsutfall. E

Förlikning - ett spel utan regler: Är svensk processförlikning rättssäker?

Rättens förlikningsverksamhet är sedan år 2011 obligatorisk. Förfarandet är dock helt och hållet oreglerat. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att undersöka om svensk processförlikning är rättssäker trots avsaknaden av reglering. För att besvara syftet ska frågeställningen om svensk doktrin ger uttryck för en enhetlig förlikningsverksamhet utredas. Vidare ska diskuteras om svensk rätt behöver klargöraThe courts’ work for the parties to reach a settlement is a mandatory part of the litigation process in court since year 2011. However, the settlement procedure in courts is unregulated. The purpose of this essay is therefore to investigate whether settlement in court, despite the lack of regulation, is legal certainty. To fulfill the purpose, the essay is going to answer two questions. The first

High-efficient bacterial production of human ApoA-I amyloidogenic variants

Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I)-related amyloidosis is a rare disease caused by missense mutations in the APOA1 gene. These mutations lead to protein aggregation and abnormal accumulation of ApoA-I amyloid fibrils in heart, liver, kidneys, skin, nerves, ovaries, or testes. Consequently, the carriers are at risk of single- or multi-organ failure and of need of organ transplantation. Understanding the b

Researching materiality and children’s biographies

Children’s biographies are only rarely and more recently considered. In this paper, we make a case for thinking biographically about children’s relational lives. Using two qualitative case studies from research with children in middle childhood, in the UK and Sweden, we attend to the materiality of children’s biographies. We explore the way in which home spaces, possessions, family mementoes and m

The mediatized tourism city under terror: Dilemmas and strategies for destination management organisations

The concern of this paper is with the mediatisation of tourism cities through fast circulating narratives on digital platforms in an era characterised as post-truth involving the spread of fake news and disinformation. Hence far, there is scarce knowledge on how misleading information and false rumours concerning terrorism affect the image of tourism cities. In addition, extant research studies pr

The cultural citizenship values of political comedy engagement

The freedom to express oneself as a citizen is paramount to contemporary democracy. However, this freedom is often questioned in relation to humour and the offence it might cause, especially in cases where humour is referred to as an excuse, as a defence to avoid criticism (Smith 2009). This article uses the concept of cultural citizenship (cf. Hermes 2005) to conceptualise citizen rights and resp

Precision medicine in Type 2 Diabetes

The Precision Medicine Initiative defines precision medicine as "an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person." This approach will facilitate more accurate treatment and prevention strategies in contrast to a one-size-fits-all approach, in which disease treatment and prevention strategi

Factor V:Q506 mutation and anticardiolipin antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus

Inherited resistance to activated protein C (APC resistance) is an important risk factor of venous thrombosis. It is caused by a point mutation in the gene coding for coagulation factor V, called FV:Q506. Arterio-venous thrombosis is a common and serious medical problem in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We studied the prevalence of the factor V mutation associated with APC resis

A core undergraduate curriculum in plastic surgery – a Delphi consensus study in Scandinavia

Background and aims: In recent years, undergraduate medical education has undergone a transition from a speciality-based to a more competence-based training system. Consequently, whilst medical knowledge is rapidly expanding, time for teaching of the surgical specialties is decreasing. Thus, there appears to be a need to define the core competences that are to be taught. The aim of this study was

Familial associations of colorectal cancer with other cancers

Colorectal cancer (CRC) has a strong familial component which extends to discordant cancers (ie non-CRC tumors). This is best seen in cancer syndromes such as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) which predisposes to several tumor types. Population-based family studies have also found discordant associations for CRC but they have included cancers which manifest in HNPCC, and there is