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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90329 hits
... och benen är fulla med spring! Barns bristande rätt till en god utemiljö i förskolan
Barns rätt till en god utemiljö och utevistelse i förskola är inte föremål för tillsyn. Svensk miljölagstiftning är inte tillämpbar för att kontrollera att barn får sina behov av en god utemiljö och en regelbunden utevistelse tillgodosedda enligt rättspraxis. Kommunala miljönämnder runt om i landet har i flera decennier arbetat för att ställa tydliga krav på utemiljön som står till förskolebarn
Resiliens inom dricksvattenområdet ur ett beredskaps- och beroendeperspektiv
Beyond the Green: Exploring how municipalities consider the planning and implementation of nature-based solutions
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are gaining popularity as tools to address societal challenges while providing social, economic, and environmental benefits. Given that NbS is a relatively new concept, there is a lack of guidance on how NbS in urban areas can be adapted to fit their socio-spatial context and provide benefits. This research uses an exploratory comparative case study between Rotterdam,
Plöjningens påverkan på ekosystemtjänster i skånska jordbruksfält
Ekosystemtjänster är en vital del av människans välfärd och hälsa. Samspelet mellan naturen och människan är kritiskt för hela vår existens. En av de största ekosystemtjänsterna som naturen förser oss med är matproduktion, mycket av den kommer från jordbruket. Matproduktionen från jordbruket är beroende av ett flertal andra, stödjande, ekosystemtjänster. Till följd av en ökande efterfrågan på mEcosystem services are a crucial part of humankind’s well-being and health. They are especially important in agriculture; without them the production of food would come to a halt. The intensification of agriculture has led to a deterioration of the soil health, which in turn has had negative consequences on the ecosystem services that agricultural ecosystems deliver. The aim of this study was to r
Vem råder över vattnet? - En utredning av hur den vattenrättsliga rådigheten kan säkras med fastighetsrättsliga åtgärder
Sverige är ett land rikt på vattenkraft, både från inlandssjöar men även från våra många vattendrag. Det har därför sedan länge varit en naturlig del av vår nationella kraftförsörjning, och innan elektriciteten var det ett av våra bästa verktyg när det kom till tunga arbetsuppgifter som att driva benstampar eller mala säd till mjöl. Våra vattendrag är därför fulla av gamla vattenkvarnar och dammar
Is the Universe Infinite? Characterising a Hierarchy of Reasoning in Student Conceptions of Cosmology Concepts Using Open-Ended Surveys
Cosmology presents students with ideas that stimulate their curiosity and brings together various concepts from STEM that call on a variety of reasoning types across multiple representational modes, involving subtleties of spacetime relations, a variety of models and evidence requiring multiple lines of high precision observations. This study investigated high school students’ levels and types of
Regulation of osteoblast to osteocyte differentiation by cyclin-dependent kinase-1
Osteocytes have recently been identified as a new regulator of bone remodeling, but the detailed mechanism of their differentiation from osteoblasts remains unclear. The purpose of this study is to identify cell cycle regulators involved in the differentiation of osteoblasts into osteocytes and determine their physiological significance. The study uses IDG-SW3 cells as a model for the differentiat
A Cost Benefit Analysis of Continuous Cover Forestry in Djurholmen, Skåne
Har du någonsin funderat på vad något är värt för dig? När du går i affären har du kanske jämfört kilopriser på olika livsmedel, visst är det hjälpsamt att kunna jämföra vilket som är ett bättre val för dig. Detta är vad en miljöekonomisk analys försöker göra med två olika skogsbruksmetoder. I den här kostnadsnyttoanalysen så jämförs hyggesfritt skogsbruk med det vanligare systemet, trakthyggesbru
Analyzing Factors Contributing to Real-time Train Arrival Delays using Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
Understanding the impact of various factors on train arrival delays is a prerequisite for effectiverailway traffic operating control and management. Existing studies analyze the train delayfactors using a single, generic regression equation, restricting their capability in accounting forheterogeneous impacts of spatiotemporal factors on arrival delays as the train travels along itsroute. The paper
Real-time High-Speed Train Delay Prediction using Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models
Understanding the impact of various factors on train arrival delays is a prerequisite for effective railway traffic operating control andmanagement. Existing studies model the train delay prediction problems using a single, generic equation, restricting their capabilityin accounting for heterogeneous impacts of spatiotemporal factors on arrival delays as the train travels along its route. The pape
Circulating Metabolomic and Lipidomic Signatures Identify a Type 2 Diabetes Risk Profile in Low-Birth-Weight Men with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The extent to which increased liver fat content influences differences in circulating metabolites and/or lipids between low-birth-weight (LBW) individuals, at increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), and normal-birth-weight (NBW) controls is unknown. The objective of the study was to perform untargeted serum metabolomics and lipidomics analyses in 26 healthy, non-obese early-middle-aged LBW men, i
The Culinary Commons
The importance of structural, situational, and psychological factors for involving hunters in the adaptive flyway management of geese
Adaptive flyway management of superabundant geese is emerging as a strategy to reduce damage to agricultural crops and other ecosystem disservices, while also ensuring sustainable use and conservation objectives. Given the calls for intensified hunting as part of flyway management in Europe, we need to increase the understanding of structural, situational, and psychological factors important for g
Real‐time rainfall prediction at small space‐time scales using a two‐dimensional stochastic advection‐diffusion model
A model based on the two‐dimensional stochastic advection‐diffusion equation is developed to forecast properties of individual rain cells in urban areas such as speed and spatial rainfall intensity. Two different modeling approaches are employed, and examples of the results are given. The first approach involves a Gaussian distribution as an analytic solution to the advection‐diffusion equation, w
Defunctioning stoma in anterior resection for rectal cancer does not impact anastomotic leakage : a national population-based cohort study
Background: Anterior resection (AR) is considered the gold standard for curative cancer treatment in the middle and upper rectum. The goal of the sphincter-preserving procedure, such as AR, is vulnerable to anastomotic leak (AL) complications. Defunctioning stoma (DS) became the protective measure against AL. Often a defunctioning loop-ileostomy is used, which is associated with substantial morbid
Truly United in Diversity: The European Union Thriving in Crisis? An Interview Study on Problem-Solving Behaviour in the European Union During the Ukraine Crisis
The European Union (EU) has faced numerous severe crises during the 21st century. Rather than standing united and finding joint solutions, the intergovernmental negotiations have often revolved around furthering member state preferences, and maximising individual outcomes. Surprisingly, when Russia invaded Ukraine, in the spring of 2022, the EU managed to field a relatively successful and united r
Fältarbetares uppsökande arbete med ungdomar som är i riskzonen för att hamna i kriminalitet.
Salt-inducible kinases are required for glucose uptake and insulin signaling in human adipocytes
OBJECTIVE: Salt-inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) is abundantly expressed in adipocytes and downregulated in adipose tissue from individuals with obesity or insulin resistance. The main aims of this work were to investigate the involvement of SIKs in the regulation of glucose uptake in primary mature human adipocytes and to identify mechanisms underlying this regulation.METHODS: Primary mature adipocytes
Defining and implementing a sufficient level of accessibility : What’s stopping us?
Recent transport equity literature has proposed a sufficientarian approach to transport planning, according to which all individuals would be entitled to a minimum level of accessibility deemed adequate or sufficient. The implementation of this approach would require the adoption of an accessibility standard as a key performance indicator guiding transport investments, land use planning and servic