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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91022 hits

Public Services and State Aid – is a Decentralisation of State Aid Policy Necessary?

The impact of European Union law on the regional and local levels in the Member States has been underestimated for a long time now. Today, however, it is clear that the impact of European Union law on these levels is important, not least as a consequence of the deregulation that has been carried out in most Member States in recent years. As local markets open up for competition, the scope of EU la

Money, Money, Money? Politico-Moral Discourses of Stem Cell Research in a Grant Allocation Process

Concerns have been raised about the marketization of science through the prevailing funding regime. However, the present article will discuss how it comes that the potentially marketable stem cell science is not more commercialized than what is currently the case. We approach this question by analysing discursive pluralism in defining the value of stem cells within a grant allocation process. More

Greening food supply chains: Analyzing the potential role of retailers in triggering/ensuring environmentally and socially responsible production of food

In order to meet the unprecedented challenge of feeding an increasing population while curbing associated environmental impacts a fundamental change in the current food system is required. Such a shift needs an active facilitator who could set and implement the sustainability agenda in the food supply chain. Recently, it has been argued that retailers might become a vital agent of change towards s

More or Less about Data - Analyzing Load Demand in Residential Houses

Load demand in residential houses is a significant contributor to peak load problems experienced by utilities. The knowledge about demand variation in households is fairly limited as well as the use of various tools to analyze the demand. Many utilities have recently installed interval (hourly) metering at their residential customers. The availability of hourly data is a significant progress, howe

The Importance of Agility in the Packaging Printing Industry

Today, the demand for shorter lead times, shorter production runs and more diversified products is a general market trend, which puts pressure on logistics systems. When adapting to this trend, agile manufacturing becomes increasingly important. Flexible printing activities, in particular, are needed when products and packaging designs increasingly are to be adapted for niche markets. This study s

The effect of including societal consequences for decisions on critical infrastructure vulnerability reductions

Critical infrastructures provide society with services that are essential for its functioning and extensive disruptions of these give rise to large societal consequences. Vulnerability analysis gives important decision information concerning improving their ability to withstand strains. To analyze vulnerabilities in infrastructures models for estimating consequences due to failures are needed. Con

Rip2 Deficiency Leads to Increased Atherosclerosis Despite Decreased Inflammation.

Rationale:The innate immune system and in particular the pattern-recognition receptors Toll-like receptors have recently been linked to atherosclerosis. Consequently, inhibition of various signaling molecules downstream of the Toll-like receptors has been tested as a strategy to prevent progression of atherosclerosis. Receptor-interacting protein 2 (Rip2) is a serine/threonine kinase that is invol

Return to Work Outcomes of the Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO) Program for Women with Stress-Related Disorders: A Comparative Study : a comparative study focusing on return to Work

Stress-related disorders are a frequent cause for sick leave, with consequences such as great distress and adverse economic effects for the affected person and substantial costs for society. Identifying effective interventions that facilitate return to work is thus important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the 16-week Redesigning Daily Occupations program as a work reha

The Influence of Initial Management and Family Stress on Metabolic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes

The aim was to assess whether temporal changes in the initial management for children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes over a ten year period affected metabolic control two years after diagnosis. A further aim was to investigate if social factors, registered at diagnosis, had an impact on metabolic control two years after diagnosis. During the years 1997-2006, 247 children and adolescents were diagn

A comparison of two different team models for treatment of diabetes mellitus in primary care

The importance of the nurse's role in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes has long since been emphasized. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that a structured organization of type 2 diabetes care, with a diabetes nurse working more independently of the general practitioner, has a significant impact on the patient's self-management and quality of care. The test consisted o

How to make a workplace health promotion questionnaire process applicable, meaningful and sustainable.

How to make a workplace health promotion questionnaire process applicable, meaningful and sustainable Background In workplace health promotion, a questionnaire could be of great use. Unfortunately, fatigue regarding answering questionnaires has recently become greater than before. An action research approach could be a possible way of increasing employee participation. Aim This study reports an at

Reduced global warming potential after wood ash application in drained Northern peatland forests

Past land use change has converted vast areas of Northern peatland by drainage to agricultural or forested land. This change often reduces the greenhouse gas (GHG) sink strength of peatlands or turns them even from sinks to sources, which affects the global climate. Therefore, there is a need for suitable mitigation options for GHG emissions from drained peatlands. Addition of wood ash to peatland

Metabolite Profiling Reveals Normal Metabolic Control in Carriers of Mutations in the Glucokinase Gene (MODY2).

Mutations in the gene encoding glucokinase (GCK) cause a mild hereditary form of diabetes termed maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)2 or GCK-MODY. The disease does not progress over time, and diabetes complications rarely develop. It has therefore been suggested that GCK-MODY represents a metabolically compensated condition, but experimental support for this notion is lacking. Here, we pro

Contentious Politics Studies : Forskningsfältet social och politisk konfrontation på frammarsch i Skandinavien

In the last decade or so an increasing number of researchers in Scandinavia have become interested in the research field of contentious politics studies (CPS). The result has been a growing number of publications focusing on political contention. We have now reached the point where international research networks are being set up. Several interesting workshops and book projects are underway unders

Coffee Consumption and CYP1A2*1F Genotype Modify Age at Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Estrogen Receptor Status.

CYP1A2 plays a key role in the metabolism of both estrogen and coffee. Women with higher coffee intake and the CYP1A2*1F A/A genotype have a ratio of high 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1) to 16alpha-OHE1. 2-OHE1 is a weak estrogen and may even block the estrogen receptor (ER), whereas 16alpha-OHE1 is procarcinogenic. We hypothesized that moderate to high coffee consumption (>/=2 cups per day) combined wi

Social capital, political trust, and health locus of control: A population-based study.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between political trust in the Riksdag and lack of belief in the possibility to influence one's own health (external locus of control), taking horizontal trust into account. Design/setting/participants/measurements: The 2008 public health survey in Skåne is a cross-sectional postal questionnaire study with a 55% participation rate. A random sample of 28,19