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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89507 hits
No association between mutations in the human androgen receptor GGN repeat and inter-sex conditions
Exposure to PCB and p,p '-DDE in European and Inuit populations: impact on human sperm chromatin integrity
BACKGROUND: Persistent organochlorine pollutants ( POP), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE), are widely found in the environment and considered potential endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDC). Their impact on male fertility is still unknown. METHODS: To explore the hypothesis that POP is associated with altered sperm chromatin integrity, a cross-
Release rates for pine sawfly pheromones from two types of dispensers and phenology of Neodiprion sertifer
Comparisons of release rates, duration in the field, and catch efficiency of polyethylene and cotton roll dispensers for the sex pheromones of sawflies (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) were conducted. The release rates of the neodiprion sertifer(Geoffr.) and Diprion pini (L.) sex pheromones, the acetates of pentadecanol and (2S,3S,7S)-3,7-dimethyl (2S,3R,7R)-3,7-dimethyl--tridecanol from polyethylene di
Sankt Mary´s Priory and Parish church, Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. A buildingsarchaeological survey
De lär oss vägen till arbete - åtta röster om upplevelsen av att delta i ett integrationsprojekt
Kartläggning och nykonstruktion av svetsfixtur
Energiexpert - Krav på särskild kompetens
Koldioxidbalans och koldioxidinnehållsimulering av barrskog i Kristianstads län, samt klimatförändringens inverkan på skogen
Koncentrationen av koldioxid i atmosfären har ökat sedan den förindustriella eran, mellan åren 1000 och 1750, från 280 parts per million ( ppm – miljondelar ) till 368 ppm år 2000 vilket motsvarar ungefär 31 %. Enligt de sex illustrativa utsläppsscenariernas, utsago ( Special Report on Emissions Scenarios, SRES ) kommer koncentrationen av koldioxid vara mellan 540 och 970 ppm år 2100 ( IPCC, 2001 The carbon dioxide concentration has increased ever since the industrial revolution. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere will continue to rise. It will rise from today’s 360 parts per million ( ppm ) to somewhere between 540 and 970 ppm in the year 2100. By then, the average temperature will have increased with 1,4
ALLA OLIKA ALLA LIKA - En problematiserande studie av ASI utifrån socialsekreterares perspektiv
”Du vill inte ta upp någonting om det inte fnns någonting...” - En studie i hur förskolepersonal resonerar runt anmälningsskyldigheten och misstankar om att barn far illa.
Abstract Author: Jakob Wendén Title: ”You don't want to bring anything up if there isn't anything” - A study in how pre-school personnel are reasoning about their mandatory reporting duty and suspicions about child maltreatment. Supervisor: Tove Harnett Assessor: Hans-Edvard Roos The purpose of this study was to examine how pre-school personnel are reasoning about situations where they sus
Att se helheten - en studie av en psykosenhet inom psykiatrisk öppenvård
Ekonomiskt Bistånd –En kvalitativ studie över socialsekreterares arbetssituation då antalet klient ökar
The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers, in the social services department of economical aid, are affected by the increasing number of clients. More specifically we focused on how the social workers job situation as a whole, how the feelings of their work and the ability to reach the goals of the organizations was affected by the changing circumstances. To examine this we used
A Minor Field Study on Student Participation through Class and School Councils in Copperbelt Province, Zambia
The purpose of this Minor Field Study is to describe and analyse student participation through class and school councils as a way of increasing child rights at a school level and democracy at a national level. Class and school councils are new concepts in Zambia in the work towards the child’s right to participation as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child article 12. They were esta
Om samverkan och insatser för barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar
This essay is a part of the Program for Social Work 210 p, Lund University. Our aim with this study was to explore how the interaction and services around children of mentally ill parents functions. Two of the main questions have been: How does the interaction work between social services, child and adolescent psychiatry, adult psychiatry and a support group for children and young people around ch
Kompetenta eller olämpliga? - Medias diskussion om homosexuellt föräldraskap
Den sociala vårdaren? En studie om kuratorns stödjande och behandlande arbete inom Palliativ vård
The aim of this study was to explore the supportive and therapeutic practice with patients and their kin performed by the social worker within specialist palliative care. A qualitative research methodology was used where the social workers was asked to describe cases in which they were involved. We interviewed five social workers within specialist palliative care, all active in the southern region
Att arbete som gräsrotsbyråkrat i den svenska äldreomsorgen - En studie i kommuners sätt att bemöta äldre i behovsbedömningen.
The study aims to examine how social workers experience mental health disorders among older people with lighter problems with their mental health. What do they think that elderly people worry about and how can they help them. One big problem is the question: who feels responsible for these problems and does our society services allow older citizens to speak about anxiety if the elderly people feel
Landskapets påverkan på vinden : sett ur ett vindkraftperspektiv
Detta är en kandidatuppsats skriven vid Lunds Universitet i samarbete med E.ON Vind Sverige AB. Uppsatsen är en studie i hur det omgivande landskapet påverkar vindklimatet på en specifik plats. För att undersöka teorin om landskapets påverkan på vinden har tre olika mätmaster valts ut: en placerad i havet, en på slättland och en i skogsmiljö. Samtliga är landskapstyper representerade inom den svenThis is a bachelor thesis written at Lund University in cooperation with E.ON Vind Sverige AB. The thesis is a study that investigates how the surrounding landscape affects the wind climate at a specific site. The wind data used comes from three different met masts situated in the ocean, on plain land and in woodland respectively. The wind analysis is based on five parameters: turbulence intensity
Krossbergskvalitet och petrografi i den kambriska Hardebergasandstenen i Skåne
Detta examensarbete har som mål att förklara de faktorer som inverkar på ett stenmaterials hållfasthet samt hur Sydsten AB ska kunna bedöma hållfastheten utifrån tillgängliga metoder. Vid Hardeberga öster Lund finns ett stenbrott där Sydsten producerar ballast av en hård, kambrisk sandsten, den s.k. Hardebergasandstenen. Sandstenen är vit eller ljusgrå, ca 535-520 miljoner år gammal och deponerade