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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90778 hits

Svagt naturgrus och bergkrossmaterial till bärlager : en laboratoriestudie

lnvestigation of weak gravel for road construction has been going on at VTI for many years. The overall aim has been to find test methods that correspond with what happens in the road and that are easy to use in any road laboratory. Following methods have been used in this investigation: planetarytype mixer for wear tests, freeze-thaw variation for weathering tests, Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR)

Critical parameters in blood processing for T-cell assays: Validation on ELISpot and tetramer platforms

Assays detecting antigen (Ag)-specific T-cell responses in immune-mediated processes are increasingly employed to understand disease pathogenesis and "immune staging". The quantity and quality of starting peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) preparations are important factors in the performance of such assays. We therefore compared final PBMC yield and function by modifying parameters at the b

Construction of laboratories for solar energy research in developing countries

A large number of photovoltaic systems have been installed in developing countries around the world during numerous projects. The goal is often to improve the quality of life in rural areas often lacking electricity. Many of these installations provide important services such as lighting and charging of various devices. However, when the projects are finished, there is a large risk that maintenanc

Trouble in School: Law, Policy and the Dynamics of Everyday Life at School

Abstract/Results. The paper discusses the results of three different studies. A study of 717 ninth grade students in eight schools located in different socio-economic environments show that students have a low degree of trust in dispute settlement forms available at school. When involved in conflicts or degrading treatment at school they avoid turning to the school for help. Students give themselv

Discovery and systematic characterization of risk variants and genes for coronary artery disease in over a million participants

The discovery of genetic loci associated with complex diseases has outpaced the elucidation of mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. Here we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for coronary artery disease (CAD) comprising 181,522 cases among 1,165,690 participants of predominantly European ancestry. We detected 241 associations, including 30 new loci. Cross-ancestry meta-analysis with a

Privatanställdas rätt att offentliggöra information om missförhållanden på arbetsplatsen

I takt med samhällsutvecklingen och som en följd av att Europeiska unionens utfärdade visselblåsardirektivet har begreppet visselblåsning etablerats som en del av arbetsrätten, såväl internationellt som nationellt, och genomförandet av direktivet resulterade i att en ny visselblåsarlag utformades i den svenska rätten. För privatanställda som inte, inom anställningen, åtnjuter skydd av den grundlag

Revisorns ekonomiska brottsbekämpning - En rättsanalytisk studie av revisorns anmälningsskyldighet enligt ABL

Ekonomisk brottslighet (ekobrott) i aktiebolag är ett stort samhällsproblem i Sverige där revisorn fyller en viktig funktion vid misstanke om brott för ett fungerande näringsliv. Regeringen har sedan 1999 verkat för att effektivisera revisorernas brottsbekämpning för att förebygga och upptäcka ekobrott. Revisorn blev skyldig att anmäla misstanke om brott som kan upptäckas inom revisionsverksa

The Geras Solutions Cognitive Test for Assessing Cognitive Impairment: Normative Data from a Population-Based Cohort

BackgroundThere is a need for the development of accurate, accessible and efficient screening instruments, focused on early-stage detection of neurocognitive disorders. The Geras Solutions cognitive test (GSCT) has showed potential as a digital screening tool for cognitive impairment but normative data are needed.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to obtain normative data for the GSCT in cognitive

En rättsdogmatisk studie om arbetsmiljöansvar vid distansarbete

Att arbeta hemifrån är oftast något man ser som något nytt och modernt men det har varit en del av samhället i hundratals år. Syftet med denna uppsats är att se hur det rättsliga läget förändras ur arbetsmiljösynpunkt om arbetstagaren arbetar hemifrån jämfört med om arbetstagaren arbetat på ordinarie arbetsplats. Vidare är syftet också att utreda hur en arbetsgivare kan använda sitt arbetsmiljöansWorking from home is usually seen as something new and modern but it has been a part of society for hundreds of years. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the regulations regarding the working environment are affected when an employee is working from home compared to the regular workplace. Furthermore the purpose also is to investigate how the employer can control and regulate the condi

Implementing spatial variance in the rate of photolytic breakdown of NO2 in urban street canyons

In this study a module for calculating the solar exposure of individual fluid cells was developed to more accurately represent the effect of photolysis on the pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon. The module was tested and validated on 12 different cases, each with a different geographical location, time of year and/or time of day. It was used for four parallel simulations performed on a

Sveriges roligaste arbetsplats?

A strong employer brand is what determines whether people choose to look for work at the organization or not. Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to stay in the labor market as competition increases. There is an abundance of information that makes it difficult to get a good idea of ​​what it is like to work in an organization. The hospitality industry is an industry that

"Kan man krama om? Vågar man?" En kvalitativ studie om pensionärers upplevelser av socialt tryck under pandemin.

The aim of this thesis was to explore the experience of and reasoning about social pressure to which senior citizens have been subjected to during the covid-19 pandemic. Our research consisted of eight semistructured interviews with pensioners over the age of 65, which reflect our qualitative approach. The theoretical framework of the analysis was Scott & Lyman's (1968) theory of accounts,

Simulating genomic effects of habitat loss and population bottlenecks with spatially explicit models

Butterfly wing coloration and pattern are believed to be shaped by selection pressures arising from the needs of thermoregulation, as signals to conspecifics, or reducing predation risk. The Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) display a large variation in dorsal wing blueness among females. The gradual pattern of brown to blue wings varies between individual females and among populations in

Framing sustainability in recreational hunting

Recreational hunting evokes emotions and could be described as a contested space. The paper presents a study of recreational hunting in Sweden, focusing on accounts and narratives from ethnographic interviews with hunting tourism operators. It discusses how the notion of sustainability permeates and frames moral accounts of hunting practices, game meat, wildlife management, business ethics, animal

Ohövligt beteende på arbetsplatsen i relation till arbetsengagemang och psykologisk trygghet hos blåljuspersonal

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om, och i vilken utsträckning, ohövligt beteende tar sig uttryck hos blåljuspersonal i en svensk kontext. Studien ämnade även att undersöka förekomst av psykologisk trygghet samt grad av arbetsengagemang hos blåljuspersonal, och vidare om ohövligt beteende har något samband med hur arbetssituationen upplevs utifrån dessa variabler. Detta för att bid

Real-time Train Arrival Time Prediction at Multiple Stations and Arbitrary Times

Real-time prediction of train arrivals is important for proactive traffic control and information provision in passenger rails. Despite many studies in predicting arrival times or delays at stations, they are essentially the next-step time series prediction problem which may limit their applications in practice. For example, passengers on the trains or waiting on platforms may have different desti