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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90765 hits

En rättsdogmatisk studie om arbetsmiljöansvar vid distansarbete

Att arbeta hemifrån är oftast något man ser som något nytt och modernt men det har varit en del av samhället i hundratals år. Syftet med denna uppsats är att se hur det rättsliga läget förändras ur arbetsmiljösynpunkt om arbetstagaren arbetar hemifrån jämfört med om arbetstagaren arbetat på ordinarie arbetsplats. Vidare är syftet också att utreda hur en arbetsgivare kan använda sitt arbetsmiljöansWorking from home is usually seen as something new and modern but it has been a part of society for hundreds of years. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the regulations regarding the working environment are affected when an employee is working from home compared to the regular workplace. Furthermore the purpose also is to investigate how the employer can control and regulate the condi

Implementing spatial variance in the rate of photolytic breakdown of NO2 in urban street canyons

In this study a module for calculating the solar exposure of individual fluid cells was developed to more accurately represent the effect of photolysis on the pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon. The module was tested and validated on 12 different cases, each with a different geographical location, time of year and/or time of day. It was used for four parallel simulations performed on a

Sveriges roligaste arbetsplats?

A strong employer brand is what determines whether people choose to look for work at the organization or not. Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to stay in the labor market as competition increases. There is an abundance of information that makes it difficult to get a good idea of ​​what it is like to work in an organization. The hospitality industry is an industry that

"Kan man krama om? Vågar man?" En kvalitativ studie om pensionärers upplevelser av socialt tryck under pandemin.

The aim of this thesis was to explore the experience of and reasoning about social pressure to which senior citizens have been subjected to during the covid-19 pandemic. Our research consisted of eight semistructured interviews with pensioners over the age of 65, which reflect our qualitative approach. The theoretical framework of the analysis was Scott & Lyman's (1968) theory of accounts,

Simulating genomic effects of habitat loss and population bottlenecks with spatially explicit models

Butterfly wing coloration and pattern are believed to be shaped by selection pressures arising from the needs of thermoregulation, as signals to conspecifics, or reducing predation risk. The Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) display a large variation in dorsal wing blueness among females. The gradual pattern of brown to blue wings varies between individual females and among populations in

Framing sustainability in recreational hunting

Recreational hunting evokes emotions and could be described as a contested space. The paper presents a study of recreational hunting in Sweden, focusing on accounts and narratives from ethnographic interviews with hunting tourism operators. It discusses how the notion of sustainability permeates and frames moral accounts of hunting practices, game meat, wildlife management, business ethics, animal

Ohövligt beteende på arbetsplatsen i relation till arbetsengagemang och psykologisk trygghet hos blåljuspersonal

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om, och i vilken utsträckning, ohövligt beteende tar sig uttryck hos blåljuspersonal i en svensk kontext. Studien ämnade även att undersöka förekomst av psykologisk trygghet samt grad av arbetsengagemang hos blåljuspersonal, och vidare om ohövligt beteende har något samband med hur arbetssituationen upplevs utifrån dessa variabler. Detta för att bid

Real-time Train Arrival Time Prediction at Multiple Stations and Arbitrary Times

Real-time prediction of train arrivals is important for proactive traffic control and information provision in passenger rails. Despite many studies in predicting arrival times or delays at stations, they are essentially the next-step time series prediction problem which may limit their applications in practice. For example, passengers on the trains or waiting on platforms may have different desti

Coronapandemins osynliga offer Kvinnojoursverksammas upplevelser av hur coronapandemin har påverkat kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer

Intimate partner violence against women is a prominent problem within today’s society and during recent years it has gained a larger matter on the political platform. During the current Covid-19 pandemic there has been an increase in intimate partner violence against women. Since the restrictions of staying home and practicing social distancing were established during the beginning of 2020, the Sw

What You Perceive is What You Achieve: The Impact of Student Perceptions of Effective Teaching on Student Achievement

Effective teaching and its impact on student outcome has been operationalized in previous research through formal measures and external observations, but also through measurements based on teacher self-reports. Thus, although the recipients of teaching are the students themselves, the students’ perceptions of effective teaching and teacher behaviors, and potential links to student academic outcome

Överskuldsatthet - En netnografisk studie om överskuldsattas beskrivningar av sitt mående på forumet LånForum

There are some people that cannot bear with their own burden of debt. These are over-indebted individuals. Research show that the reasons for over-indebtedness are macroeconomic shocks, personal shocks such as sickness, divorce and unemployment, but also sociological factors that make individuals want to spend more than they should. Additionally, research show that being over-indebted is correlate

Manligt; det nya kvinnliga. En problematisering av könsstereotyp makt och preferens

Studiens mål var att undersöka preferensvägd makt mellan olika nationaliteter och kön. Makt är ett komplext koncept, och definitionerna skiljer sig mellan kontext. För att eliminera dessa kontexters inverkan på maktperception, användes termen Preference Weighted Power (PWP) i ett tidigare experiment av Sikström et al. (2020). PWP väger betydelsen av en maktdomän mot den uppfattade makten i samma dThe aim of the study was to investigate the Preferene Weighted Power between different nationalities and genders. Power is a complex concept, and the definitions differ between contexts. To eliminate these contexts’ impact on the perception of power, the term Preference Weighted Power (PWP) has been used in an earlier experiment by Sikström et al. (2020). PWP weights the importance of a power doma

Intraspecific variation in female wing coloration in Polyommatus icarus –Structural basis, heritability and temperature-dependent plasticity

Bästa att var blå eller brun fjärilshona? Solen skiner och fjärilarna cirkulerar runt bland dina blommor. Har du någon gång funderat på varför fjärilar ofta är så färgrika? Här i Sverige har vi ca 400 dagfjärilar och en av de allra vanligaste är en liten men färgglad vid namn puktörneblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus). Hannarna är ljusblå med en stilren svart konturlinje och honorna varierar mellan atButterfly wing coloration and pattern are believed to be shaped by selection pressures arising from the needs of thermoregulation, as signals to conspecifics, or reducing predation risk. The Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) display a large variation in dorsal wing blueness among females. The gradual pattern of brown to blue wings varies between individual females and among populations in

Kompetensfördelningsfrågor i aktiebolag – Om kompetensen vid beslut som riskerar att urholka minoritetsposter

En frivillig avnotering av ett aktiebolags aktie när bolaget fortfarande uppfyller noteringskraven är ett för en minoritetsägare ingripande beslut i deras aktieposter. Likt vid ett beslut om byte av bolagskategori från publikt till privat tillämpas inte bara olika regler utan möjligheten att omsätta aktierna påverkas drastiskt varför sådana beslut riskerar att urholka minoritetsägarnas förmögenhetDelisting of shares when the company still meets the listing requirements is an intrusive decision for minority shareholders. As with a decision to change legal form of the company from public to private. Not only do different rules apply but the possibility of trading the shares is drastically affected and such decisions risk eroding the wealth of minority shareholders. The purpose of the essay

Marknadsmanipulation i förhållande till utvecklingen av sociala medier

Idag har stora delar av världens befolkning tillgång till internet och många äger smarta telefoner och datorer. Den tekniska och teknologiska utvecklingen har skapat snabb och enkel tillgång till fakta, skapat möjligheter för människor att hålla kontakten med varandra på distans, skapat nya jobb och förenklat spridningen av information. I takt med utvecklingen har även användningen av sociala mediSocial media services enable people to create, express and share information and ideas. The development of social media platforms has been fast and the number of people using social media on a daily basis keeps increasing. Today many people in countries all over the world have access to the internet and spend a great amount of time using social media platforms or networks. This development of easy

The Multiple Mediation of Psychological Capital and Empathy in the Relationship Between Social Support and Prosocial Behavior

Prosocial behavior is important for building a harmonious society, while acting prosocially is also regarded as beneficial for mental wellbeing. To explore the potential underlying mechanism of promoting prosocial behavior, the present study investigates if psychological capital and empathy mediate a proposed relationship between perceived social support and prosocial behavior. The final sample co