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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89508 hits

Identitet, gemenskap och social mobilisering

Stockholm is a highly segregated city where the ethnic and economic segregation is obvious. As a response to the segregated city people in the suburbs have started to organize. Megafonen in Stockholm is an organization who struggles for justice and equality. My study is based on five interviews with members of the organization. My aim is to understand which identities or communities they use in th

The Law of Neutrality - Obstruction or Completion to the System of Collective Security?

Neutralitetskonceptet växte fram under en tid då konflikter mellan länder fortfarande var en regional angelägenhet. Idag har kollektiva säkerhetssystemet i FN-stadgan konverterat dessa konflikter till en global angelägenhet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka korrelationen mellan neutralitetslagstiftningen och FN-stadgan och hur detta påverkar neutrala stater inom FN. Frågeställningen är i viThe concept of neutrality emerged at a time when conflicts between states were still regional matters. Today the system of collective security within the UN Charter has converted these conflicts into a global issue. The purpose of this essay is to examine the correlation between the law of neutrality and the Charter of the United Nations and how this affects the neutral member states of the Unit

Stress och negativ förstärkning - En beteendeanalytisk studie om att vara lärare i svenska skolor

En explorativ beteendeanalytisk studie genomfördes i syfte att studera arbetsrelaterad stress hos hög- och mellanstadielärare i svenska grundskolor. Åtta lärare från fem skolor deltog i studien. Lärarna observerades och intervjuades under varsin arbetsdag. Information om deras stressupplevelser dokumenterades i strukturerade och ostrukturerade observationsanteckningar. Intervjun utgick från en sem

Självstigma och socialt stöd - förekomst och samband hos en grupp personer med psykisk sjukdom

Samhälleliga insatser har riktats till personer med psykisk sjukdom för att förbättra deras möjligheter och livsvillkor. Bristande socialt stöd och stigmatisering är två bidragande orsaker till att social integrering i samhället kan försvåras för dessa personer. I föreliggande enkätstudie undersöktes självstigma och socialt stöd i relation till psykisk sjukdom. Genom brukarorganisationer i södra SEfforts have been directed toward improving life opportunities for people with mental illness. Stigmatization and lack of social support are two contributing factors to the failure of proper social integration of these persons. This survey based study investigated self-stigma and social support in association with mental illness. Ninety-four individuals with mental illness were contacted through c

Borde du gifta dig med mig älskling? Samlevnadsformens betydelse för arvsrätt och faderskapsfastställelse

Samlevnadsformen har stor betydelse för vilket skydd ett par åtnjuter. Sambor saknar till skillnad från makar arvsrätt efter varandra och även vid fastställande av faderskap föreligger betydande skillnader. I denna framställning har utretts varför så är fallet, hur dessa skillnader motiveras och om lagstiftningen utifrån sambors perspektiv är i förändringsbehov. Kyrkan har haft betydande inflytaCohabitation forms have great significance concerning the type of protection provided for couples. Cohabitees lack, unlike spouses, the right to inherit each other by law. Furthermore, the determination of paternity differs substantially. This paper investigates why this is the case, how the differences are justified and whether the legislation, from cohabitees’ perspective, requires modification.

Ungdomars situationsspecifika självförtroende att övervinna hinder för fysisk aktivitet: En mixad studie

Trots de kända hälsofördelarna med fysisk aktivitet, minskar den fysiska aktivitetsnivån när ungdomar når de högre tonåren, och det finns en skillnad mellan unga kvinnor och mäns fysiska aktivitetsnivå som bör uppmärksammas. Upplevda hinder såväl som ungdomars situationsspecifika självförtroende att övervinna dessa hinder är två av de starkaste prediktorerna för fysisk aktivitet, och därmed av stoGiven the known health benefits of physical activity (PA), the decreasing levels of PA during adolescence and differences in PA levels between young males and females are causes of concern. Perceived barriers towards physical activity as well as the adolescents‟ self-efficacy to overcome those barriers are two of the strongest predictors for PA, thus of major importance when investigating how to i

Rehabilitering och socialt kapital. En studie av patientens tillgång till och val av rehabilitering i samband med cancersjukdom

ABSTRACT Author: Moa Stinggård Kristensson Title: Rehabilitation and Social Capital. A Study of the Patient's Access to and Choice of Rehabilitation in the Context of Cancer Disease. Supervisor: Marianne Larsson Lindahl Assessor: Max Koch, Anna Meeuwisse The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which patients were informed about the possibility of rehabilitation. Further, to investig

Public Agencies in International Cooperation under National Legal Frameworks : Legitimacy and Accountability in Internationalised Nordic Public Law

The last few decades have witnessed a fundamental change in the administrative law structures of many states. Through the phenomena labelled globalisation, internationalisation and Europeanisation, the national public bodies have seen partially new legal frameworks for administrative activities, judicial review of decisions and accountability regimes. This is very clear in regard to administrative

Prediction of surface water turnover time in coastal waters using digital bathymetric information

This paper presents a new type of geographical information system (GIS) for scientific planning of coastal waters. One hypothesis in the work is that the morphometry of the coast plays a significant role for how the water system functions as a receiving water system, for example, as a receiver of industrial and urban pollution and in response to various forms of aquaculture. A digital technique fo

Effects of Probiotic Bacteria Lactobacillaceae on the Gut Microbiota in Children With Celiac Disease Autoimmunity : A Placebo-Controlled and Randomized Clinical Trial

Disturbances of the gut microbiota may influence the development of various autoimmune diseases. This study investigated the effects of supplementations with the probiotic bacteria, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum HEAL9 and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 8700:2, on the microbial community in children with celiac disease autoimmunity (CDA). The study included 78 genetically predisposed children for cel

Progression of type 1 diabetes from latency to symptomatic disease is predicted by distinct autoimmune trajectories

Development of islet autoimmunity precedes the onset of type 1 diabetes in children, however, the presence of autoantibodies does not necessarily lead to manifest disease and the onset of clinical symptoms is hard to predict. Here we show, by longitudinal sampling of islet autoantibodies (IAb) to insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase and islet antigen-2 that disease progression follows distinct tra

DPVis : Visual Analytics with Hidden Markov Models for Disease Progression Pathways

Clinical researchers use disease progression models to understand patient status and characterize progression patterns from longitudinal health records. One approach for disease progression modeling is to describe patient status using a small number of states that represent distinctive distributions over a set of observed measures. Hidden Markov models (HMMs) and its variants are a class of models

Protein-altering germline mutations implicate novel genes related to lung cancer development

Few germline mutations are known to affect lung cancer risk. We performed analyses of rare variants from 39,146 individuals of European ancestry and investigated gene expression levels in 7,773 samples. We find a large-effect association with an ATM L2307F (rs56009889) mutation in adenocarcinoma for discovery (adjusted Odds Ratio = 8.82, P = 1.18 × 10−15) and replication (adjusted OR = 2.93, P = 2

Ghrelin suppresses insulin secretion in human islets and type 2 diabetes patients have diminished islet ghrelin cell number and lower plasma ghrelin levels

It is not known how ghrelin affects insulin secretion in human islets from patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) or whether islet ghrelin expression or circulating ghrelin levels are altered in T2D. Here we sought out to identify the effect of ghrelin on insulin secretion in human islets and the impact of T2D on circulating ghrelin levels and on islet ghrelin cells. The effect of ghrelin on insulin

Molecular evolution of coxsackievirus A24v in Cuba over 23-years, 1986–2009

Coxsackievirus A24 variant (CVA24v) is a major causative agent of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis outbreaks worldwide, yet the evolutionary and transmission dynamics of the virus remain unclear. To address this, we analyzed and compared the 3C and partial VP1 gene regions of CVA24v isolates obtained from five outbreaks in Cuba between 1986 and 2009 and strains isolated worldwide. Here we show tha

Association of inflammatory mediators with frailty status in older adults : results from a systematic review and meta-analysis

Frailty is a geriatric syndrome defined as a status of extreme vulnerability to stressors, leading to a higher risk of negative health-related outcomes. “Inflammaging”, an age-related state of low-grade chronic inflammation, is characterized by an increased concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins. Inflammaging has been postulated as an underlying mechanism of frailty,

Cellular and immunological mechanisms influence host-Adapted phenotypes in a vector-borne microparasite

Predicting pathogen emergence and spillover risk requires understanding the determinants of a pathogens host range and the traits involved in host competence. While host competence is often considered a fixed species-specific trait, it may be variable if pathogens diversify across hosts. Balancing selection can lead to maintenance of pathogen polymorphisms (multiple-niche-polymorphism; MNP). The c