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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90778 hits
Persistent disabling breathlessness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Insulin resistance is accompanied by increased fasting glucagon and delayed glucagon suppression in individuals with normal and impaired glucose regulation
Hyperinsulinemia is an adaptive mechanism that enables the maintenance of normoglycemia in the presence of insulin resistance. We assessed whether glucagon is also involved in the adaptation to insulin resistance. A total of 1,437 individuals underwent an oral glucose tolerance test with measurements of circulating glucose, insulin, and glucagon concentrations at 0, 30 and 120 min. Early glucagon
Genome-Wide DNA and Histone Modification Studies in Metabolic Disease
The last decade has witnessed a revolution in genetic technology, where genome-wide analyses, covering the majority of genetic variation, were thought to explain disease-causing mechanisms in common metabolic disorders. However, these genetic data only explain a modest proportion of the estimated heritability of type 2 diabetes and obesity and hence suggest a potential role for epigenetic variatio
A simplified model to estimate the concentration of inorganic ions and heavy metals in rivers
This paper presents a model that uses only pH, alkalinity, and temperature to estimate the concentrations of major ions in rivers (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, HCO3 -, SO4 2-, Cl-, and NO3 -) together with the equilibrium concentrations of minor ions and heavy metals (Fe3+, Mn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Pb2+, and Zn2+). Mining operations have been increasing, which has led to changes in the pollution loads to r
The Opportunity Offered by the ESSnuSB Project to Exploit the Larger Leptonic CP Violation Signal at the Second Oscillation Maximum and the Requirements of This Project on the ESS Accelerator Complex
Value-driven vs market-driven purchasing of kitchen cabinets
In economic and management literature, the relationship between supplier and buyer can be more or less intimate. It can vary from market-driven with a constant change of suppliers to a value-driven relationship with one sole supplier. Purchasing strategies of construction companies have often been described as short-sighted, where price is the most considered aspect. Recent lean management literat
Seasonal Decline in Clutch Size of the Marsh Tit (Parus palustris) in Relation to Date-Specific Survival of Offspring
Differential role of pannexin-1/ATP/P2X7 axis in IL-1β release by human monocytes
IL-1β release is integral to the innateimmunesystem.The release ofmature IL-1βdepends on 2 regulated events: the de novo induction of pro-IL-1β, generally via NF-κB-dependent transduction pathways; and the assembly and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. This latter step is reliant on active caspase-1, pannexin-1, and P2X7 receptor activation. Pathogen-associated molecular patterns in gram-posit
Loss of a2d-1 calcium channel subunit function increases the susceptibility for diabetes
Reduced pancreatic b-cell function or mass is the critical problem in developing diabetes. Insulin release from b-cells depends on Ca2+ influx through high voltage- gated Ca2+ channels (HVCCs). Ca2+ influx also regulates insulin synthesis and insulin granule priming and contributes to β-cell electrical activity. The HVCCs aremultisubunit protein complexes composed of a pore-forming a1 and auxiliar
The challenge of living with diabetes in women and younger adults : A structural equation model
Background: Attitudes toward diabetes care are different between genders and age-groups. Furthermore, diabetes related challenges may cause psychosocial problems. Therefore, we were to compare the psychosocial status and glycemic control in women and men with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in different age-groups. Methods: 441 adults with T2D were recruited. Demographic, self-care behavior, resources and a
ADAMTS-7 is associated with a high-risk plaque phenotype in human atherosclerosis
Several large-scale genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the genomic region of A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin type 1 repeats (ADAMTS)-7 and associations to coronary artery disease. Experimental studies have provided evidence for a functional role of ADAMTS-7 in both injury-induced vascular neointima formation and development of
Metabolite profiling of LADA challenges the view of a metabolically distinct subtype
Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) usually refers to GAD65 autoantibodies (GADAb)-positive diabetes with onset after 35 years of age and no insulin treatment within the first 6 months after diagnosis. However, it is not always easy to distinguish LADA fromtype 1 or type 2 diabetes. In this study, we examined whether metabolite profiling could help to distinguish LADA (n = 50) from type 1
Insufficient time for leisure and perceived health and stress in working parents with small children
BACKGROUND: More knowledge about how recovery may promote health among parents with small children is needed.OBJECTIVE: To explore whether insufficient time for leisure was associated with poorer perceived health and higher stress in working parents. A further aim was to explore potential gender differences in the association between insufficient time for leisure and poor perceived health.METHODS:
Partial disruption of lipolysis increases postexercise insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle despite accumulation of DAG
Type 2 diabetes and skeletal muscle insulin resistance have been linked to accumulation of the intramyocellular lipid-intermediate diacylglycerol (DAG). However, recent animal and human studies have questioned such an association. Given that DAG appears in different stereoisomers and has different reactivity in vitro, we investigated whether the described function of DAGs as mediators of lipid-ind
Measuring motivation using the transtheoretical (stages of change) model : A follow-up study of people who failed an online hearing screening
Abstract: Objective: Acceptance and readiness to seek professional help have shown to be important factors for favourable audiological rehabilitation outcomes. Theories from health psychology such as the transtheoretical (stages-of-change) model could help understand behavioural change in people with hearing impairment. In recent studies, the University of Rhode Island change assessment (URICA) ha
The Incidence of Senile Cataract and Glaucoma is Increased in Patients with Plasma Cell Dyscrasias : Etiologic Implications
Plasma cell dyscrasias, including monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), multiple myeloma (MM), Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM) and light chain AL amyloidosis, are characterized by clonal expansion of plasma cells which produce a vast amount of an immunoglobulin-derived M-protein. We noted that MGUS diagnosis often coincided with diagnoses of senile cataract and glaucoma and
Sustained influence of metformin therapy on circulating glucagon-like peptide-1 levels in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes
Aims: To investigate, in the Carotid Atherosclerosis: Metformin for Insulin Resistance (CAMERA) trial (NCT00723307), whether the influence of metformin on the glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 axis in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is sustained and related to changes in glycaemia or weight, and to investigate basal and post-meal GLP-1 levels in patients with T2DM in the cross-sect
Embodied intersubjectivity, sedimentation and non-actual motion expressions
As part of a long-term project investigating the relevance of phenomenology for (cognitive) linguistics we analyse two central, interrelated concepts: embodied intersubjectivity (intercorporeality) and sedimentation. With respect to the first, we spell out a number of different intercorporeal structures, emanating at the most fundamental level from the dual Leibkörper nature of the body. Further,
Early prediction of autoimmune (type 1) diabetes
Underlying type 1 diabetes is a genetic aetiology dominated by the influence of specific HLA haplotypes involving primarily the class II DR-DQ region. In genetically predisposed children with the DR4-DQ8 haplotype, exogenous factors, yet to be identified, are thought to trigger an autoimmune reaction against insulin, signalled by insulin autoantibodies as the first autoantibody to appear. In child