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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89303 hits

Life cycle assessment of the production of beet sugar and its by-products

This work presents estimates of the emissions resulting from the production of white sugar and its by-products (molasses, pressed beet pulp and dried beet pulp) from sugar beet cultivation to the final product at the factory gate. The study covers the impact of global warming potential, eutrophication potential (freshwater and marine) and particulate matter. The analysis was based on detailed prim

Patch Testing With Nickel Sulfate 5.0% Traces Significantly More Contact Allergy Than 2.5% : A Prospective Study Within the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group

Background Nickel allergy is the most common contact allergy, and a nickel salt is, therefore, included in most baseline patch test series. In the baseline series of the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group and the American Contact Dermatitis Society, nickel sulfate hexahydrate (NSH) in petrolatum at 2.5% is included, whereas NSH at 5.0% is included in many other baseline series, such a

How Communicating Polygenic and Clinical Risk for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Impacts Health Behavior : an Observational Follow-up Study

Background: Prediction tools that combine polygenic risk scores with clinical factors provide a new opportunity for improved prediction and prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, but the clinical utility of polygenic risk score has remained unclear. Methods: We collected a prospective cohort of 7342 individuals (64% women, mean age 56 years) and estimated their 10-year risk for athe

Mothers of children with down syndrome : A qualitative study of experiences of breastfeeding and breastfeeding support

Background: Children with down syndrome (DS) are breastfed to a lesser extent than infants in general, despite research showing that it is possible for these children to breastfeed successfully. Aim: The aim was to describe how mothers of children with DS experienced breastfeeding and breastfeeding support from healthcare professionals. Method: A qualitative study with an inductive approach. Indiv

Enterococcus faecalis bacteremia, cardiac implantable electronic device, extraction, and the risk of recurrence

Purpose: In all patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) and Enterococcus faecalis bacteremia (EfsB), endocarditis (IE) and CIED infection should be suspected. Guidelines recommend extraction of the CIED when CIED infection or IE is diagnosed. Whether extraction of the CIED should be done in other situations with EfsB is not known. We aimed to describe the management and outcome

Machine learning-assisted macro simulation for yard arrival prediction

Increasing the modal share of the single wagonload transport in Europe requires improving the reliability and predictability of freight trains running between the yards. In this paper, we propose a novel machine learning-assisted macro simulation framework to increase the predictability of yard departures and arrivals. Machine learning is applied through a random forest algorithm to implement a ya

Bisysslor inom den offentliga sektorn - En rättsvetenskaplig analys av regleringen av otillåtna bisysslor inom den offentliga sektorn utifrån ett förtroendeskadligt, arbetshindrande och konkurrerande perspektiv

Arbete inom den offentliga sektorn ställer särskilda krav på arbetstagare för att upprätthålla allmänhetens förtroende för staten. Därmed får inte arbetstagare inom den offentliga sektorn inneha bisysslor som kan anses förtroendeskadliga, konkurrerande, arbetshindrande. De förtroendeskadliga bisysslorna regleras främst i lagen (1994:260) om offentlig anställning (LOA), och de konkurrerande och arbWorkers in the public domain have to live up to certain demands in order to maintain institutional trust of the state. Because of this, public employees can not pose secondary employment which risks damage public trust, compete, or obstructing work. The secondary employments that undermine public trust are primarily regulated in the law of public employment, competing and obstructing secondary emp

Professionell eller medmänniska? En kvalitativ studie om professionella förhållningssätt till samtal i livets slutskede

In our contemporary society death has been secluded in hospitals and care homes. A more individual and secularized society leaves death as a personal matter that is witnessed only on rare occasions. But for some, the conversation about death is part of an everyday routine. The aim of this study was to explore how professionals go about conducting these conversations in light of the current discour

Sociala hierarkier - Fördelaktigt eller skadligt?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan upplevda sociala hierarkier och de fyra arbetsmiljöaspekterna krav, kontroll, sociala samspel och socialt kapital hos gymnasielärare i Sverige. De två forskningsfrågorna var: 1. Samverkar närvaron och nivån inom upplevda sociala hierarkier med de självskattade aspekterna av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för lärare på gymnasieskolor? 2. Samverka

Socialt nätverk: en skyddsfaktor eller en riskfaktor?

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major social problem and complex subject with a lack of research. Youths are a particularly vulnerable group when it comes to IPV. A larger risk of exposure and experience of violence during the teenage years may contribute to a larger risk of violent relationships in the future. It is therefore important to notice, educate and prevent violence at an early stag

Malmö POTS symptom score : Assessing symptom burden in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

BackgroundPostural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a common cardiovascular autonomic disorder characterized by excessive heart rate increase on standing and symptoms of orthostatic intolerance, posing significant limitations on functional capacity. No objective tool exists to classify symptom burden in POTS.MethodsWe conducted a case-control study in 62 POTS patients and 50 healthy cont

Tillåter Lagen om anställningsskydd åldersdiskriminering? - Motiven till förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering och den satta LAS-åldern

Idag finns det uppsägningsregler inom arbetsrätten som möjliggör det för arbetsgivaren att särbehandla på grund av ålder vid anställningens upphörande, vilket resulterar i att arbetstagare kan komma att missgynnas på grund av ålder. Samtidigt finns det diskrimineringsregler som ska skydda mot åldersdiskriminering, bland annat inom arbetslivet. Därför undersöker denna uppsats hur uppsägningsreglernToday, there are termination rules in the labor law which enable the employer to take age into account in certain termination situations, which results in workers being disadvantaged due to age. At the same time, there are discrimination rules to protect against age discrimination in the labor market. Therefore, this essay examines how the termination rules in the Employment Protection Act relate

En moderniserad arbetsrätt för sjuka arbetstagare

Uppsatsens syfte har varit att analysera hur anställnings- och inkomsttryggheten förändrats för sjuka arbetstagare efter införandet av Prop 2021/22:176 Flexibilitet, omställningsförmåga och trygghet på arbetsmarknaden. Sedan januari överenskommelsen där parterna beslutade om att arbetsmarknaden skulle moderniseras och bli mer flexibel har fokus på en ökad sysselsättningstrygghet framför anställninThe purpose of the essay has been to analyze how the employment and income security of sick workers has changed after the implementation of Prop 2021/22:176 Flexibility, adaptability and security in the labor market. Since the January agreement in which the political parties decided to modernize the labor market and make it more flexible, the focus on increased employability rather than employment

En digital gemenskap, utan inre gränser? - En rättsdogmatisk studie om Digital Services Act och möjliga effekter på den svenska marknadsföringslagen

Sverige är ett av Europiska Unionens mest digitaliserade länder och det finns mycket att vinna på en fortsatt anpassning till de nya förutsättningar som digitaliseringen skapar. Tjugo år efter antagandet av det befintliga rättsliga ramverket som idag är tillämpligt på området, har EU-kommissionen, som ett led av nya och innovativa affärsmodeller presenterat ett förslag till förordning som nu har a

On becoming a police officer: A prediction analysis based on cognitive ability, personality and physical tests in the selection process for police training

I ljuset av samtida fynd inom evidensbaserad rekrytering och en uppdaterad polisprofil har Plikt- och prövningsverket reviderat urvalsprocessen till polisutbildningen. Till följd av revideringen är det okänt hur olika delar av urvalsprocessen bidrar till den samlade bedömningen av kandidaters lämplighet. Urvalsprocessen består av fem urvalsmetoder, administrerade i sekventiella steg: kognitiv förm

Occupational therapy interventions for adolescents and young adults with depression and anxiety disorders

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar och unga vuxna har ökat och kommer sannolikt att fortsätta öka på sikt. Depression och ångestsyndrom är bland de vanligaste orsakerna till psykisk ohälsa världen över. Arbetsterapeuter besitter en avgörande kompetens inom aktivitet och hälsa. Denna kompetens kan vara behjälplig för ungdomar och unga vuxna med depression och ångestsyndrom. Syfte: Att kartläggBackground: Mental illness among youth and young adults has increased and will likely continue to increase in the long term. Depression and anxiety disorders are among the most common causes of mental illness worldwide. Occupational therapists possess competence in activity and health. This competence can be helpful for adolescents and young adults with depression and anxiety disorders. Aim: To ov

Second-hand clothing markets and a just circular economy? Exploring the role of business forms and profit

Second-hand consumption of clothing can support the transition to circular economies by prolonging the lifespan of products through reuse. Historically, not-for-profit businesses have been dominant actors in second-hand markets across Western Europe and North America. However, with the growing interest in second-hand consumption, for-profit firms have increasingly entered this market over the last

Citizen science initiatives increase pollinator activity in private gardens and green spaces

Wild insect pollinators are essential to cultivated and natural ecosystems globally. Today, many pollinator species are declining. One reason is a general lack of flowering habitats at landscape scales. However, urban areas, including private gardens, may provide flowers, and constitute beneficial habitats for pollinators. Here, we evaluate the ecological outcomes of a citizen science campaign run