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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90765 hits
Exome sequencing of 20,791 cases of type 2 diabetes and 24,440 controls
Protein-coding genetic variants that strongly affect disease risk can yield relevant clues to disease pathogenesis. Here we report exome-sequencing analyses of 20,791 individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and 24,440 non-diabetic control participants from 5 ancestries. We identify gene-level associations of rare variants (with minor allele frequencies of less than 0.5%) in 4 genes at exome-wide si
The occupation-based intervention REDO™-10 : Long-term impact on work ability for women at risk for or on sick leave
Postprandial glycaemic dips predict appetite and energy intake in healthy individuals
Understanding how to modulate appetite in humans is key to developing successful weight loss interventions. Here, we showed that postprandial glucose dips 2–3 h after a meal are a better predictor of postprandial self-reported hunger and subsequent energy intake than peak glucose at 0–2 h and glucose incremental area under the blood glucose curve at 0–2 h. We explore the links among postprandial g
Planning for 1000 Years : The Råängen Experiment
While traditional forms of urban planning are oriented towards the future, the recent turn towards experimental and challenge-led urban developments is characterized by an overarching presentism. We explore in this article how an experimental approach to urban planning can consider the long-term through setting-up ‘conversations with a future situation.’ In doing so, we draw on a unique experiment
Lack of participatory effort : On the ethics of communicating urban planning
In all planning processes, including those we label participatory, there are neglected parties. Even when co-produced decisions, equity objectives, or common initiatives are at hand, some actors are likely to be less listened to, or they are never even recognised, hence, ‘perfect’ participation does not exist. Nevertheless, participatory objectives continue to be an important resilience factor in
VPS39-deficiency observed in type 2 diabetes impairs muscle stem cell differentiation via altered autophagy and epigenetics
Insulin resistance and lower muscle quality (strength divided by mass) are hallmarks of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Here, we explore whether alterations in muscle stem cells (myoblasts) from individuals with T2D contribute to these phenotypes. We identify VPS39 as an important regulator of myoblast differentiation and muscle glucose uptake, and VPS39 is downregulated in myoblasts and myotubes from indi
Inside-t : A groundwater contamination transport model for sustainability assessment in remediation practice
Current sustainability assessment (SA) tools to help deal with contaminated groundwater sites are inherently subjective and hardly applied. One reason may be lack of proper tools for addressing contaminant spread which are basically objective. To fill this gap, there is a need for contaminant transport models that provide site managers with needed room for applying their judgments and consideratio
Echocardiographic assessment of chamber size and ventricular function during the first year after heart transplantation
AIMS: Detecting changes in ventricular function after orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is important but interpretation of findings is complicated by lack of data on early graft adaptation. We sought to evaluate echocardiographic measures of ventricular size and function the first year following OHT including speckle tracking derived strain. We also
Material Decomposition in Low-Energy Micro-CT Using a Dual-Threshold Photon Counting X-Ray Detector
Material decomposition in computed tomography is a method for differentiation and quantification of materials in a sample and it utilizes the energy dependence of the linear attenuation coefficient. In this study, a post-image reconstruction material decomposition method is constructed for a low-energy micro-CT setup using a photon counting x-ray detector. The low photon energy range (4–11 keV) al
Leptin levels are associated with multiple sclerosis risk
Background: Obesity early in life has been linked to increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). Leptin and insulin are both associated with obesity, making them suitable candidates for investigating this connection. Objective: To determine if leptin and insulin are risk factors for relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: In this nested case–control study using blood samp
Patch Testing with Methylchloroisothiazolinone/Methylisothiazolinone Using a New Diagnostic Mix - A Multicenter Study from the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group
U-Pb baddeleyite age for the Ottfjället Dyke Swarm, central Scandinavian Caledonides : new constraints on Ediacaran opening of the Iapetus Ocean and glaciations on Baltica
Immune responses against oxidized LDL as possible targets for prevention of atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus
Patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and traditional therapies including statins provide insufficient protection. Impaired removal of apoptotic material is a common pathogenic mechanism in both SLE and atherosclerosis and is considered to be a key factor in the development of autoimmunity. Since oxidized LDL and
The Danish royal flagship gribshunden : Dendrochronology on a late medieval carvel sunk in the Baltic Sea
Modets växlingar hos förnamn i Norden
Länsvis tillgång på skogsbiomassa för svensk biodrivmedels- och bioflygbränsleproduktion
I denna studie görs en uppdaterad analys av den länsvisa tillgången på skogsbaserade rest- och biprodukter i form av grenar och toppas (grot) vid föryngringsavverkningar, bark från sågverk och massabruk, sågspån (och kutterspån) från sågverk samt lignin från svartlut i sulfatmassabruk som råvara för framtida produktion av biodrivmedel/bioflygbränsle. Analysen inkluderar också beräkningar av teoretThis study includes an updated analysis of the regional potential of forest-based residues and by-products in form of logging residues after final felling’s, bark in sawmills and pulp mills, sawdust in sawmills, and lignin from black liquor in pulp mills, as feedstocks for future production of biofuels and biojet fuels. The analysis also include calculations of theoretical transportation distances
Narratives of Survivorship : A Study of Breast Cancer Pathographies and Their Place in Cancer Rehabilitation
The focus on cancer rehabilitation has increased, but breast cancer patients still report unmet rehabilitation needs. Since many women today will live long beyond their diagnosis, there are multiple challenges for the healthcare system in supporting these women in their new life situation. A more individualized approach is seen as necessary to optimize the rehabilitation for survivors. Pathographi
Beyond the growth imperative and neoliberal doxa: Expanding alternative societal spaces through deliberative citizen forums on needs satisfaction.
Are there indications for the neoliberal hegemony in economy and society to come to an end? Are people already imagining a future within environmental limits and beyond the growth imperative? Theoretically, building upon Marx and Bourdieu, we reconstruct the ideological impact that capitalism, in general, and neoliberalism, in particular, has on the ways we think, feel and make sense of our enviro
Cell-specific and divergent roles of the CD40L-CD40 axis in atherosclerotic vascular disease
Atherosclerosis is a major underlying cause of cardiovascular disease. Previous studies showed that inhibition of the co-stimulatory CD40 ligand (CD40L)-CD40 signaling axis profoundly attenuates atherosclerosis. As CD40L exerts multiple functions depending on the cell-cell interactions involved, we sought to investigate the function of the most relevant CD40L-expressing cell types in atheroscleros