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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91024 hits

Evaluation of a feedback control method for hydronic heating systems based on indoor temperature measurements

Indoor temperatures in apartment blocks are often indirectly controlled by the outdoor temperature using a feedforward control loop, in which the radiator supply temperature is a function of the outdoor tem- perature. However, this control principle cannot take into account heat gains or losses caused by tenants, electrical appliances, the sun, air leakage, etc., which may result in uneven indoor Indoor temperatures in apartment blocks are often indirectly controlled by the outdoor temperature using a feedforward control loop, in which the radiator supply temperature is a function of the outdoor temperature. However, this control principle cannot take into account heat gains or losses caused by tenants, electrical appliances, the sun, air leakage, etc., which may result in uneven indoor te

Morphometrics and taxonomy of Erigeron acris sensu lato

Morphometric multivariate analysis has been performed based on 23 characters observed on 113 herbariumspecimens from throughout Fennoscandia. This demonstrates that four taxa can be recognised withinErigeron acris L. sensu lato, viz. E. acris L. subsp. acris, E. acris subsp. decoloratus (H. Lindb.) Hiitonen,E. acris subsp. droebachiensis (O. F. Müll.) Arcang. and E. acris subsp. politus (Fr.) H. L

“Acting Like a Man”: Emotion Management in Police and Border Guard Work

Conventional views of the police support a norm of emotion management. Aspiring police officers are taught not to show pain or fear and to display an image of control and assertion. If failing to convey such emotions officers might be considered too weak or simply not “man enough” for the job. This is also the case concerning border guarding and border police conduct. This study draws on data gath

Measuring the end-of-life premium in cancer using individual ex ante willingness to pay

For the assessment of value of new therapies in healthcare, Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agencies often review the cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. Some HTA agencies accept a higher cost per QALY gained when treatment is aimed at prolonging survival for patients with a short expected remaining lifetime, a so-called end-of-life (EoL) premium. The objective of this study is t

Occupational therapy student experiences of a university mental health course based on an integrated application of problem-based and team-based learning

Background: The goal of problem-based and team-based learning (PBL/TBL) is to maximize student engagement and encourage interactive learning. Combining these methods in course design is described as a win-win situation that optimizes student learning, professional development, and uses varied teaching approaches that fit well within health science. More research is needed in the effectiveness of s

Effect of oral pre-meal administration of betaglucans on glycaemic control and variability in subjects with type 1 diabetes

We conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover pilot study to investigate the effect of oat betaglucans (β-glucan) on glycaemic control and variability in adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D; n = 14). Stomacol® tablets (1.53 g of β-glucan) or placebo (Plac) were administered three times daily before meals for two weeks. Glucose levels were monitored during the second week by continuous gluc

Bridging the floods - The role of social learning for resilience building in urban water services

The development of cities is increasingly threatened by a worldwide water crisis. Urban water services (including drinking water, sanitation and drainage) are facing complex and multiple pressures, which are becoming increasingly frequent and severe. These pressures include floods, and the depletion, pollution and degradation of water resources and their associated ecosystems. These diverse pressu

Intake of Energy and Protein is Associated with Overweight Risk at Age 5.5 Years : Results from the Prospective TEDDY Study

Objective: The associations of energy, protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake with weight status up to the age of 5.5 years were prospectively assessed in The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study. Methods: Food record data (over 3 days) and BMI measurements between 0.25 and 5.5 years were available from 5,563 children with an increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes f

Development of a harmonized food grouping system for between-country comparisons in the TEDDY Study

The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) is an international study aiming to investigate associations between dietary and other environmental factors and the risk of developing islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes. Dietary intake was assessed using a 24-h recall and repeated 3-day food records and analyzed using country-specific food composition databases (FCDBs) in Finlan

Experiments suggesting extra-digestive effects of enteral pancreatic amylase and its peptides on glucose homeostasis in a pig model

The studies presented were designed to highlight the impact of pancreatic enzymes on glycemic control and insulin response. Blood glucose and plasma insulin levels were monitored after intravenous, oral or direct gut glucose tolerance tests (GTT) in 6 pigs with an intact gastrointestinal tract and in 12 pigs following duodenal-jejunal bypass (DJB) surgery. In the intact pigs, pancreatic enzymes (C

Lung toxicity after radiation in childhood : Results of the International Project on Prospective Analysis of Radiotoxicity in Childhood and Adolescence

Background and purpose This study presents the evaluation of acute and late toxicities of the lung in children and adolescents after irradiation in terms of dose–volume effects. Materials and methods Irradiated children and adolescents in Germany have prospectively been documented since 2001 in the “Registry for the Evaluation of Side-Effects after Radiotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence (RiSK)”

Adiposity and genetic factors in relation to triglycerides and triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in the women's genome health study

BACKGROUND: Previous results from Scandinavian cohorts have shown that obesity accentuates the effects of common genetic susceptibility variants on increased triglycerides (TG). Whether such interactions are present in the US population and further selective for particular TG-rich lipoprotein subfractions is unknown. METHODS: We examined these questions using body mass index (BMI) and waist circum

A Single Bout of Electroacupuncture Remodels Epigenetic and Transcriptional Changes in Adipose Tissue in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

A single bout of electroacupuncture results in muscle contractions and increased whole body glucose uptake in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS have transcriptional and epigenetic alterations in the adipose tissue and we hypothesized that electroacupuncture induces epigenetic and transcriptional changes to restore metabolic alterations. Twenty-one women with PCOS receive

Optimization of wind turbine foundations for poor soil

One of the most important constraints on large-scale civil engineering projects is economic feasibility. All projects are restricted by the cost of construction and materials. A cost analysis of alternative foundation designs for wind turbines is done in this work to aid the choice of design solution. The suitability of different foundation types are compared including a novel solution, with a cir