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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91117 hits

Building organizational adaptive capacity in the face of crisis : Lessons from a public sector case study

While organizations providing critical services to society must have the ability to anticipate and prepare for foreseeable threats, they also need to develop a capacity to adapt in the face of unforeseen challenges and crises. While adaptive capacity becomes manifested in a specific situation through the concrete adaptations carried out by an organization, the preconditions to adapt exist already

Protection-interdiction-restoration for resilient multi-commodity networks

Interdependent critical infrastructure systems represent substantial financial investments and are vital to maintain a fundamental level of social and economic well-being, making them attractive targets for malevolent actors. Many of these infrastructure systems carry multiple products, each with unique needs and importance to different stakeholders. This work extends a tri-level protection-interd

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att stödja elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro i grundskolan

Bakgrund: Problematisk skolfrånvaro har på senare år ökat och kommit att bli ett samhälleligt problem. Barns framtid och utveckling är till stor del präglad av att de klarar av skolan. Ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv som innebär förståelse för hur miljön kan påverka aktivitetsutförandet kan bidra till att förbättra elevers delaktighet i skolan. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka arbetsterapeuters erBackground: Problematic school absenteeism has increased in recent years and has become a societal problem. Children's future and development is largely determined by their ability to complete school. An occupational therapy perspective that involves an understanding of how the environment can affect the performance of activities can contribute to improving students' participation in schoo

Metamorphic titanite-zircon pseudomorphs after igneous zirconolite

The formation of metamorphic zircon after baddeleyite is a well-known reaction that can be used to date the metamorphism of igneous silica-undersaturated rocks. By contrast, metamorphic minerals formed after igneous zirconolite have rarely been reported. In this paper, we document metamorphic titanite + zircon pseudomorphs formed from the metamorphic breakdown of igneous zirconolite in syenodiorit

Design and rationale of the myocardial infarction and new treatment with metformin study (MIMET) - Study protocol for a registry-based randomised clinical trial

Aims: To investigate if addition of metformin to standard care (life-style advice) reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular events and death after myocardial infarction (MI) in patients with newly detected prediabetes. Methods: The Myocardial Infarction and new treatment with Metformin study (MIMET) is a large multicentre registry-based randomised clinical trial (R-RCT) within the SWEDEHEART regis

Rethinking the Public Fetus : Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy

Exploring a wide variety of visualizations of pregnancy and fetuses through 300 years of history, this timely volume offers a fresh look at the influential feminist concept of the "public fetus."Images of pregnant and fetal bodies are today visible everywhere. Through ultrasound screenings at maternity clinics, birth videos on social media platforms, or antiabortion propaganda, visualizations of p

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner inom primärvården för vuxna individer med stressrelaterad ohälsa

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa står för nästan hälften av sjukfrånvaron i Sverige, varav de flesta fall beror på stressrelaterad ohälsa. Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner är ett alternativ för individer med stressrelaterad ohälsa då de kan vara i behov av förändringar som kan främja en god aktivitetsbalans. Syfte: Undersöka arbetsterapeutiska interventioner inom primärvården för vuxna individer med str

Genes with epigenetic alterations in human pancreatic islets impact mitochondrial function, insulin secretion, and type 2 diabetes

Epigenetic dysregulation may influence disease progression. Here we explore whether epigenetic alterations in human pancreatic islets impact insulin secretion and type 2 diabetes (T2D). In islets, 5,584 DNA methylation sites exhibit alterations in T2D cases versus controls and are associated with HbA1c in individuals not diagnosed with T2D. T2D-associated methylation changes are found in enhancers

Att vara klient i socialtjänsten - en studie om upplevt erkännande från ett brukarperspektiv

In this essay, we have attempted to gain a better understanding of client's feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction about contact with their social workers in social service and economic assistance. We wanted to gain understanding, through the lens of the theory of recognition and judgment, how individuals who receive economic assistance experience the contact in terms of satisfaction or d

Kostnadsändring i entreprenadavtal enligt AB 04 6 § 3

De senaste åren har omvärlden stått inför flera tuffa utmaningar och den svenska byggbranschen är förstås inget undantag. Pandemins effekter ställde till det i många byggprojekt och avtalsrelationer. När pandemin till synes ver-kade klinga av, gick Ryssland in i Ukraina och nästa prövning var ett faktum. Vi lever i en global värld där krig får verkningar även utanför det krigsdrab-bade området. K

Exploring Gender Differences in Adolescent Executive Functions: The associations of Depression, Anxiety, and Perception Discrepancies between Self-Ratings and Teacher Ratings.

Forskning om Exekutiva Funktioner (EF) gällande ungdomar har varit otydlig angående huruvida det existerar könsskillnader i denna åldersgrupp. När könsskillnader påvisats i tidigare forskning har få försök att förklara dessa skillnader gjorts. Denna tvärsnittsstudie hade som mål att undersöka om det existerade könsskillnader i EF, genom att använda både självskattningar och lärarskattningar av EF,Research on Executive Function (EF) has revealed diverging results regarding gender differences among adolescents. Moreover, when differences have been identified, few attempts to explain these differences have been made. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine potential gender differences in EF, considering both self-rated and teacher-rated EF measures, and if differences in mental health bet

Valsedelns Empatiska Påverkan - En experimentell enkätstudie om selektiv empati i politiska in- och utgrupper

Denna studie sökte svar på huruvida människor tenderar att känna mer empati för personer som tillhör deras politiska ingrupp än de som befinner sig i utgruppen, och därmed om empati är selektivt i förhållande till politiska in- och utgrupper. Empati definieras här som (1) kognitiv empati, (2) affektiv empati, och (3) empatisk oro. Urvalet bestod av personer som identifierar sig som socialdemokrateThis study sought to answer whether people have a higher tendency to feel empathy towards people who are part of their own political ingroup, rather than those who are in the outgroup, meaning, if empathy is selective in relation to political in- and outgroups. Empathy is defined here as (1) cognitive empathy, (2) affective empathy, and (3) empathic concern. The sample consisted of people who symp

Networking in Action : Taking Collaborative Capacity Development Seriously for Disaster Risk Management

This study investigates the role of multi-stakeholder networks in disaster risk management (DRM) capacity development and how it aligns with the principles of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. While the Framework emphasises collaboration, coordination, and partnerships among diverse stakeholders, there remains a gap in understanding how networks foster and sustain collaborative DRM