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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91120 hits

Lagen som ett retoriskt objekt - En analys av gamla och nya konsumentköplagen

Arbetet ämnar ge ett teoretiskt perspektiv på utformningen av det svenska lagspråket. Genom en retorisk argumentationsanalys, grundad i Chaïm Perelmans teori om föreställda publiker och Lloyd Bitzers teori om den retoriska situationen, utreds konsumentlagstiftningen i sin egenskap som meningsbärare mellan en retorisk avsändare och en retorisk mottagare. Den gamla och den nya konsumentköplagen jämf

New movements in entrepreneurship

'Drawing from contributions by scholars of entrepreneurship from North America, Western Europe and Asia, this edited book celebrates the vibrancy and interdisciplinarity of entrepreneurship research. It showcases the renewed importance of entrepreneurship studies in the social sciences. New Movements in Entrepreneurship is a tour de force in entrepreneurship studies that must not be missed. It's b

Operationalising resilience for disaster medicine practitioners: capability development through training, simulation and reflection

Resilience has in recent decades been introduced as a term describing a new perspective within the domains of disaster management and safety management. Several theoretical interpretations and definitions of the essence of resilience have been proposed, but less work has described how to operationalise resilience and implement the concept within organisations. This case study describes the impleme

Segmental and Syllabic Articulations : A Descriptive Approach

Purpose: This article reports on jaw articulation, in connection with the segmental articulations of tongue tip and lips. The jaw is considered a syllable articulator as it opens and closes for each syllable, and the amount of jaw opening is related to syllable strength, given the same phonemic vowel. Here, we investigate the syllabic and the segmental articulations relationships to the acoustic s

Metabolic dysfunction induced by HFD + L-NAME preferentially affects hippocampal mitochondria, impacting spatial memory in rats

High-fat diet-induced metabolic changes are not restricted to the onset of cardiovascular diseases, but also include effects on brain functions related to learning and memory. This study aimed to evaluate mitochondrial markers and function, as well as cognitive function, in a rat model of metabolic dysfunction. Eight-week-old male Wistar rats were subjected to either a control diet or a two-hit pr

Spatial Renewal and Lost Voices

The deliberation that precedes or runs alongside the remaking of cities, buildings and landscapes seem almost by default to generate situations with unsatisfied stakehold-ers, neglected citizen groups or completely ignored voices. What does it mean to find, listen and respond to those concerned by alteration of built environments? Here, in this paper, citizen participation, its ideological and pol

Long-term health outcomes associated with hydration status

Body water balance is determined by fundamental homeostatic mechanisms that maintain stable volume, osmolality and the composition of extracellular and intracellular fluids. Water balance is maintained by multiple mechanisms that continuously match water losses through urine, the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and respiration with water gains achieved through drinking, eating and metabolic water

Analysis of genetic variant associated with heart failure mortality implicates thymic stromal lymphopoietin as mediator of strain-induced myocardial fibroblast-mast cell crosstalk and fibrosis

Heart failure (HF) is a leading cause of death and disability globally. Heritable factors and the extent and pattern of myocardial fibrosis are important determinants of outcomes in patients with HF. In a genome-wide association study of mortality in HF, we recently identified a genetic polymorphism on chromosome 5q22 associated with HF mortality. Here, we sought to study the mechanisms by which t

Glycolytic enzyme Enolase-1 regulates insulin gene expression in pancreatic β-cell

Enolase-1 (Eno1) plays a critical role in regulating glucose metabolism; however, its specific impact on pancreatic islet β-cells remains elusive. This study aimed to provide a preliminary exploration of Eno1 function in pancreatic islet β-cells. The findings revealed that the expression of ENO1 mRNA in type 2 diabetes donors was significantly increased and positively correlated with HbA1C and neg

Big Data Visualization in Extended Reality

Effectively utilizing Big Data can be a challenge for many companies. Due to its volume, many aspects of the data processing pipeline such as storage, retrieval and usage may quickly become problematic. For example, it could be difficult identifying the relevant metrics when analyzing a service failure. Visualizing and deriving insights from the data could also prove to be quite onerous. Immersive

Same game, different worlds? General conditions, perceived stress, and associations between stress and past season injuries in elite female and male ice hockey players

Background: Ice hockey is played by women and men but the arena they play in may differ substantially. Potential differences in general conditions to play the sport may be associated to perceived stress, which has shown to be related to athletic injury in other sports. Therefore, this study aimed to describe and compare general conditions for playing ice hockey, stress levels, and the association

Barking up the wrong tree? : A guide to forest owner typology methods

Creating typologies of forest owners is a common approach for analyzing and understanding heterogeneity in responses to forest policies and management practice uptake. While many forest owner typologies have been developed, only a few quantitative methods dominate the field with little information on how methodological choice affects outcomes. In this study we compare five methods for quantitative

Research and education form competing activity systems in externally funded doctoral education

Several authors have described how the formalization of recent decades has steered doctoral education towards structured curricula, more managerial control and new models for supervision. Largely absent from these accounts, however, is if and how doctoral education has been affected by the concurrent changes in research governance, in particular by the ‘projectification’ of research. For this studSeveral authors have described how the formalization of recent decades has steered doctoral education towards structured curricula, more managerial control and new models for supervision. Largely absent from these accounts, however, is if and how doctoral education has been affected by the concurrent changes in research governance, in particular by the ‘projectification’ of research. For this stud

Gluten-free diet for pediatric patients with coeliac disease : A position paper from the ESPGHAN gastroenterology committee, special interest group in coeliac disease

Background and Objective: Coeliac disease is a chronic, immune-mediated disorder for which the only treatment consists of lifelong strict adherence to gluten-free diet (GFD). However, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines on the GFD dietary management of coeliac disease. This position paper, led by the Special Interest Group in coeliac disease of the European Society of Pediatric, Gastroent