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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90999 hits
Neural semantic effects of tone accents
This study investigated whether the brain utilizes morphologically induced tones for semantic processing during online speech perception. An auditory comprehension task was conducted while measuring event-related potentials (ERPs). The study tested whether a discrepancy between contextual expectations and the tonal realizations of the target word would yield an N400 effect, indicative of semantic
"Han talte de om som en hjälte" : Performativ maskulinitet i tv-serierna S*M*A*S*H och Pistvakt
Modelling tool life in the machining of strain-hardening material - Alloy 718
This publication presents a model that describes the lifetime of a tool when used for cutting work in strain-hardened material. The model is known as the Shortcut-Wear-Model (SWM) and can be com-pared with the established model based on Colding equation. The extent of this work has been limited to the turning of the nickel-based alloy 718 with fibre reinforced ceramic cutting tools. This model has
Themis v. Ziezhi: judicial independence in China
Fabrication Tehnology for RF Cirquit Implementation of Vertical III-V MOSFETs
Letter of intent komb26 0
Letter of intent komn01
Curriculum vitae: Alf Hornborg CURRICULUM VITAE: ALF HORNBORG Education: Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala University, May 21, 1986 Current position: Professor and Head of Division, Human Ecology Division, Lund University, October 1993 Previous employment: - Assistant Professor at Dept. of Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala University, 1986-1990 - Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala Unive - 2025-03-15
Litteraturlista SOAO02 vt24
Lund municipality 2021
Internship Service administration Lund municipality Alexandra Arnsteg NGEA51 During the time period 6th of September to the 12th of October 2021 I did an internship at the service administration at Lund’s municipality office. The purpose of their work is to maintain functional support for the administrations and municipal companies in Lund. My supervisor’s job was to handle everything from ecology - 2025-03-15
Ht2016-application 3
Summary sheet MASTER´s PROGRAMME IN APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - CHEMISTRY Please, fill out the designated form fields and answer the questions. Make sure to print out and scan the print-out before uploading it at - otherwise the text may not be readable. Last name Application number (see First Name E-mail address BA/BSc degree Name of University
LPED 2019 4
Annons doktorander English 2021
Service and support for outbound students
The role of the officer vs that of the nominated studentExchange students need to take great responsibility when applying for exchange studies through Lund University. The international coordinator supports and facilitates the process. The boundary between the student's own responsibility and that of the international coordinator sometimes needs to be clarified. The role of the international coord - 2025-03-13
Work package 4 of SUMMIT
Work package 4 of SUMMIT - "Novel animal models of diabetes" Novel means to prevent diabetic complications are needed. An important mean in this undertaking would be to develop tools which would make development of novel drugs for prevention of complications more feasible. The SUMMIT consortium brings together European key leaders in the field of diabetes research; scientists with a deep insight i - 2025-03-14
What is personal data?Who is responsible for personal data processing at Lund University?When and how are you to process personal data?What is "sensitive" personal data?Does the GDPR affect how you process personal data collected before 25 May 2018?How are we to process personal data in everyday work?How are contact details for next of kin to be managed?How are you to inform the data subjects?What - 2025-03-13
Occupational health and safety
For us to be a successful faculty, we need a good and well-functioning working environment. A living, systematic work environment management, where the focus is not only on the physical but also on the organisational and social work environment is of most importance for our well-being, health and safety. On this page you will find information about work environment, health and safety in the workpl - 2025-03-13
Lund Dissertations in Social Work
69. Storgaard, Asbjørn (2023) A potential for democratic emancipation? Policy and discretionary practices in probation service Lund: School of Social Work, Lund University. 68. Jha, Rishi (2023) Unsettled City: Neoliberal redevelopment, state crisis, slum resettlement & biopolitical struggle in Mumbai. Lund: School of Social Work, Lund University. 67. Jönsson, Anders (2023) Professional paperwork: - 2025-03-13