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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90999 hits

Later, laterculus and testa : new perspectives on Latin brick terminology

For centuries antiquarians and archaeologists have tried to reconcile the terminology of ancient writers on architecture, such as Vitruvius, with the perceived realities of the material record. One particular issue of debate concerns the interpretation of different words for "brick" in Latin. In this paper it is argued that earlier attempts to settle this question are unsatisfactory and leave seve

Modelling of metal cutting tool wear based on Archard’s wear equation

This article deals with an essential problem in the metal cutting industry, the problem of predicting tool wear and tool life. This is also a problem that has been studied by academia for the last century, often with very little added knowledge. The possibility to replace a large number of systematic wear tests with only a few specially designed tests provides new potentials for rapid information

Does debt make you rich? - An empirical study of the effect leverage has on stock-returns

Debt is commonly used by firms as a way of financing. Factors driving stock return have been the subject of numerous studies. Investors are constantly seeking ways to better understand stock return, which is where financial statements may provide them with relevant information. The presented research paper focuses on explaining whether there is a significant relationship between stock return and l

Analysis of the interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis. A pilot study

The aim of this study was to analyse whether the interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 gene polymorphisms were associated with the susceptibility of chronic periodontitis. Genomic DNA was obtained from 20 patients with chronic periodontitis and 31 periodontally healthy subjects. All subjects were of North European heritage. The test subjects were kept in a maintenance program after periodontal treatment b

Neural semantic effects of tone accents

This study investigated whether the brain utilizes morphologically induced tones for semantic processing during online speech perception. An auditory comprehension task was conducted while measuring event-related potentials (ERPs). The study tested whether a discrepancy between contextual expectations and the tonal realizations of the target word would yield an N400 effect, indicative of semantic

Modelling tool life in the machining of strain-hardening material - Alloy 718

This publication presents a model that describes the lifetime of a tool when used for cutting work in strain-hardened material. The model is known as the Shortcut-Wear-Model (SWM) and can be com-pared with the established model based on Colding equation. The extent of this work has been limited to the turning of the nickel-based alloy 718 with fibre reinforced ceramic cutting tools. This model has

Intersectionality eng

ASG Intersectionality and Climate Scenarios Interdisciplinary methods The group aims to develop a critical method for analysing climate visions and climate scenarios. An analysis of visions and scenarios on climate and climate policies is based on a number of questions, which are developed in group discussions with the help of invited researchers. The first task is to analyse scenarios, primarily - 2025-03-15

Piz eng.1

Polski Instytut Źródłowy w Lund (PIZ) PAGE Polski Instytut Źródłowy w Lund (PIZ) (Polish Research Institute in Lund) Contents 1- 20. Testimonies ..............................................................................................................................1 21-23. Transport lists......................................................................................................... - 2025-03-15

Epihealth ethics policy 101108 0

LIFEGENE EpiHealth Ethics Policy, Version 1, 2010-11-09 Page 1 of 18 EpiHealth Ethics Policy Version 1, November 9, 2010 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................... 2 EpiHealth - Purpose and overview ..................................................................... 4 I. Relationship with participants .... - 2025-03-15