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Neuroleptic malignant syndrome - rare diagnosis with high mortality
Research projects - 2025-03-09
Marta Kolankiewicz
Studierektor I Universitetslektor Kontaktinformation E-post: marta [dot] kolankiewicz [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Genusvetenskap Hämtställe: 31 WebbplatsMarta Kolankiewicz profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Profilområdesmedlem LU profilområde: Mänskliga rättigheter Studierektor för grundutbildningen GenusvetenskapBackgroundI earned my PhD in 2015 from the Departm - 2025-03-10
Sara Hultqvist
Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: sara [dot] hultqvist [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation School of Social Work Visiting address: Universitetsplatsen 2, Helsingborg Room number: C532 Service point: 28 WebpageSara Hultqvists profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Associate professor School of Social Work Associate professor Ageing and Eldercare Profile area member LU - 2025-03-10
Sylvia Schwaag Serger
Professor Kontaktinformation E-post: sylvia [dot] schwaag_serger [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen Besöksadress: Scheelevägen 15 B, Lund Rumsnummer: Alfa 1:2083 Hämtställe: 10 WebbplatsSylvia Schwaag Sergers profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Affilierad professor CIRCLE Publikationer Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen ti - 2025-03-10
Annegret Engel
Universitetslektor Kontaktinformation E-post: annegret [dot] engel [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 10 47Organisation Juridiska institutionen Rumsnummer: 387 Hämtställe: 56 WebbplatsAnnegret Engels profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Forskare EU-rätt Publikationer Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel. Filtrera efter typ AllaArtikel i tidskrift - 2025-03-10
Lunds universitet administrerar flera rese- och forskningsbidrag. De flesta kan sökas två gånger per år, i februari och september. Andra har särskilda ansökningstider. Fakulteten meddelar när olika ansökningsperioder är aktuella.Fakulteternas rese- och forskningsbidrag.Genom verktyget Pivot-RP kan anställda på Lunds universitet bevaka nationella och internationella utlysningar av forskningsmedel. - 2025-03-10
Collaboration initiatives One of the university's tasks is to contribute to solutions to key societal challenges. To succeed in this, broad interdisciplinary collaborations within the academy are required in collaboration with activities outside the university.Collaborate with usWe welcome innovative thinking and collaborations outside of traditional patterns. Collaboration with companies and orga - 2025-03-09
A total number of 29 applications for SASNET planning grants were received. Total amount applied for was 2.68 Million SEK. Decisions taken on 30 August 2005. SEK 500 000 were distributed. Planning grants for continued research programmes Baboo M. Nair, Dept. of Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University: “Creation of data base and interactive website for SA - 2025-03-09
Venue - 2025-03-09
Translational Diabetes Research
Allan Vaag’s group Our researchOur translational research strategy integrates multiple complementary research fields and innovative technologies to address key questions in the fields of integrative physiology, for example ex vivo multi-omics, muscle and adipose tissue biology, genetics, epigenetics, epidemiology, register research, and clinical trials.Our team and collaborators take advantage of - 2025-03-09
Land surface - Atmosphere Interactions
Exchange processes between the terrestrial biosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere are at the core of the global carbon cycle and play a critical role in achieving climate targets. We combine expertise in measuring techniques with advanced modelling of the atmospheric boundary-layer and climate to improve our understanding of greenhouse gas exchanges between the biosphere and the atmosphere - 2025-03-09
Higher education development
The development of teaching and learning in higher education has a long tradition at Lund University. The most important work takes place in close connection with the students, at the departments, and in teaching teams, characterised by a reflective and scholarly approach to education, teaching, and the teaching profession. The training in teaching and learning in higher education aimed at staff w
Principles of a circular economy
Traditionally, our economy has been thought of as "linear"; raw materials are manufactured into products, used by consumers, and then thrown away once they are no longer useful. By reusing and recycling, however, we not only reduce our usage of raw materials, but also recoup much of their financial value in the long term. A circular economy aims to close the loop by recycling all products and mini - 2025-03-09
After your doctoral studies
On this page you will find information about what you should think about after the public defence and what support is available. Administrative & logistical supportUpon terminating your contract as a doctoral student employee, please get in touch with Helen Fogelin about equipment you need to return (such as your computer, LU card, etc.).Contact info to Helen Fogelin (helen [dot] fogelin [at] svet - 2025-03-09
Malmö Academy of Music offers a range of scholarships aimed at different musical specialisations. The scholarships intend to contribute to your continued artistic development by enabling, for example, further education or the purchase of a new instrument. The distribution of the scholarships is decided by the academy's Board of Directors in consultation with educational committees, individual teac - 2025-03-09
Venue - 2025-03-09
COSM39: Documentary Film in East and South-East Asia
Interested in documentary film? Want to know about and see documentary films from East and South-East Asia? In this course, we explore the socio-political context of documentary filmmaking and discuss how film provides valuable insights into many challenges and current issues in the region. In the course, we will focus on the history and development of documentary films, and discuss a range of ind - 2025-03-09