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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91027 hits

Btb iii symposium v.17.12.2020

Microsoft Word - BTB III symposium V.17.12.2020.docx 1 Bridging the Baltic Symposium III Medicine in the Baltic Sea region: Networks, Transfers, Consequences When and where: March 18-19, 2021, Biskopshuset, Biskopsgatan 1, Lund, Lund University & Zoom The Department of History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, Germany, the Department of History of Medic - 2025-03-10

Beyond the Catchwords : Adjustment and Community Response to Participatory Development in Post-Suharto Indonesia

The emphasis on people-centred development is distinctive in today’s development discourse. This is noticeable in catchwords like democratic decentralisation, participation, and empowerment, which are highly esteemed among NGOs, donors, and policymakers in recipient countries. The benefits of participatory approaches are several. When people influence the process of development, policies and pro

LU News 17

Published 23 October. University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Viktor Öwall, Pro Vice-Chancellor“The Research Programmes Board has taken a major step forward and agreed that the University is to strive to use ONE system for all ISP management.”LU’s comprehensive approach to third-cycle education Would you like to help represent LU’s diversity? Lund University works - 2025-03-10

Vernissage för "Kustperspektiv" – en utställning om det föränderliga kustlandskapets utmaningar och möjligheter 

4 June 2024 12:00 to 14:00 | Exhibition Välkommen till en alldeles särskild vernissage i Pufendorfinstitutets trädgård med efterföljande paneldiskussion och frågestund: Frågor, tankar och idéer från alla håll och perspektiv välkomnas! Utställningen kommer att pågå fram till den 19 juni. Utställningen väcker flera frågor: Vilka värden är viktiga att bevara eller utveckla vid våra kuster? Vilka tids - 2025-03-10

Syllabus SMMV11 eng HT21 0

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2019-03-29 and was last revised on 2021-02-17. The revised syllabus applies from 2021-08-30, autumn semester 2021. General Information The course is a compulsory component in the first semester and included in the Master's (120 credits) program - 2025-03-10


Department of Biology Department of Biology Faculty of science 1 Lund University We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition Lund University – a world class university Founded 1666 Ranked among the world’s top 100 universities 47 000 students, 25% international 8 800 employees, approximately 750 professors, 4 300 lecturers, researchers and doct - 2025-03-10

Fa 2007 04

FA_nov05_poster Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies FOCUSASIA Venue: Bytaren & Gränden Hall, Hotel Lundia, Knut den Stores torg 2, Lund 16-18 april 2007 16-17 April R&D and Technological Change in the People’s Republic of China 16 April 09:00 Opening remarks R&D Capabilities in China Chair: Sonja Opper, Dept. of Economics, Lund University 09:15-10:45 “e Chinese Industrial In - 2025-03-10

Prel agenda of multidisciplinary workshop

SEPTEMBER 8 09.00-09.30 09.30-10.15 Welcome and introduction 10.15-10.45 10.45-12.00 12.00-13.00 13.00-13.45 13.45-14.15 14:15-14:45 14.45 -16.00 – Hemophilia- an evolving area of clinical management (Jan Astermark) Break Multidisciplinary case discussion Lunch The use of drugs for pain, depression and anxiety among PwH (TBD) The role of ultrasound in the daily practice (Magnus Aspdahl) Break Mult - 2025-03-10


Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Strategic communication on 2018-03-13 to be valid from 2018-03-14, autumn semester 2018. General Information The course is offered as a free-standing course. The course is given in Helsingborg. Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes Upon the completion of the course, the - 2025-03-10

Application criteria 2017

Microsoft Word - APPLICATION CRITERIA 2017.docx APPLICATION CRITERIA There are formal criteria as well as assessment criteria for the Leapfrogs cheques. If the formal criteria are fulfilled and all questions answered according to the application guidance, a jury will go through your application to decide on approval or not. Read carefully the criteria below and the guidance in the application docu - 2025-03-10