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Department of service management and service studies Department of strategic communication Lund university ISBN 978-91-639-8835-6 What ś new in tourist search behaviour? During the last two decades, we have seen an increasing digitalisation. Tourists have not been late to respond to advancements in tourist information systems, but developments are uneven. This report focuses on German visitors in - 2025-03-10

Marianne Ekdahl

Project assistant Contact details Email: marianne [dot] ekdahl [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 05 29Organisation The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics Service point: 53 WebpageMarianne Ekdahls profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllJournal articleMaster's ThesisNew - 2025-03-10

Linn Hemberg (former Boberg)

Department of Clinical Sciences About meI am a doctoral candidate within the Department of Clinical Science in Lund, division of anaesthesiology and intensive care. I have an interdisciplinary background as I hold a Bachelor of Peace and conflict studies, and a Master of Environmental Science, with a specialization in applied climate strategy, both from Lund University.About my research projectMy - 2025-03-09

Funding collaborations and mobility

As an employee of Lund University, you have many opportunities to receive funding from different programmes if you work, or plan to work, abroad.  Funding collaborationsHere you will find brief descriptions about established programmes that offer various forms of project funding.Erasmus+ collaborative programmesNordplusSeed money for course and programme developmentSTINT Strategic Grants for Inter - 2025-03-09

Templates, logos and graphic profile 

Here you find materials and links which will facilitate your work when you are going to present or represent the Faculty of Medicine in various contexts.Please remember that being an employee also make you the face of the Faculty of Medicine. Consequently, the graphic design of your presentation as well as quality level linguistically are important.  Logo Faculty of Medicine Logotype for Faculty o - 2025-03-09

What Isabelle says about the programme

Isabelle Karlsson What did you do before you started studying the Master’s programme in Strategic Communication? Before starting my Masters, I studied my Bachelors in Communication Science and Sociology at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. In the last year of my Bachelors, I went for an exchange semester to La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and interned at the Corporate Communi - 2025-03-09

Master Programme in Physics - Quantum Science and Technology

2 years · 120 credits The programme in quantum information science and technology offers a general physics education with particular focus on the rapidly developing field of quantum science from both a theoretical and experimental perspective. Understanding quantum theory leads to fundamental insights about the physical world and the fact that quantum systems can be used to manipulate information - 2025-03-09

Cohorts: Cancer

The Colon Cancer Family Registry Cohort (CCFRC). (Int J Epidemiol. 2018 Apr 1;47(2):387-388i.)The Danish Testicular Cancer Late Treatment Effects Cohort (DaTeCa-LATE). (Front Oncol. 2018 Feb 21;8:37.)The EPI-CT study: a European pooled epidemiological study to quantify the risk of radiation-induced cancer from paediatric CT. Int J Epidemiol. (2019 Apr 1;48(2):379-381g.)An observational longitudina - 2025-03-09

Cohorts: Diabetes

Danish Centre for Strategic Research in Type 2 Diabetes (DD2) project cohort of newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes: a cohort profile. (BMJ Open 201.Apr 7;8(49:e017273.)The Finnish Gestational Diabetes (FinnGeDi) Study. (Int J Epidemiol. 2020 May 6. pii:dyaa039.)The Funen Diabetes Database-a population-based cohort of patients with diabetes in Denmark. (BMJ open. 2020 Apr 6;10(4):e035492 - 2025-03-09


The Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Time: Using Genomic Data to Individualize Treatment Protocol (RIGHT Protocol). (Int j Epidemiol. 2020 Feb 1;49(1):23-24k.)Characteristics and utilisation of the Mayo Clinic Biobank, a clinic-based prospective collection in the USA: cohort profile. (BMJ Open. 2019 Nov 6;9(11):e032707.)The Incontinentia Pigmenti Genetic Biobank: study design and cohort profile to fa - 2025-03-09

Arthro Therapeutics (Joint Academy)

 To increase accessibility of guideline recommended first line treatment for people with osteoarthritis, Arthro Therapeutics developed Joint Academy – an innovative digital platform based on scientific evidence that digitally delivers physical therapy and patient education.In Joint Academy, patients with diagnosed hip- or knee OA receive daily individually adapted exercises and educational materia - 2025-03-09

Library card

You need a library card to borrow books from the Social Sciences Faculty Library. Students and staff use their LU card as library card. Other users receive a library card at the circulation desk. The library card, which is valid at all the libraries at Lund University, is used to borrow material. Getting a library card Students and staff: Pick up your LU card at a card station. To be able to use t - 2025-03-09

Twin registers

Below you will find links to papers describing different twin registers and validation of data in the registers. However, we do not include papers presenting results from studies based on data from the registers. Is something missing? Let us know at! Establishing a Twin Register: An Invaluable Resource for (Behavior) Genetic, Epidemiological, Biomarker, and 'Omics' StudiesRecruitmen - 2025-03-09


Do you want to understand, explain and improve the world around us? Then maybe a chemistry education is right for you! Chemistry is how everything around us works and interacts at a molecular level, it is how your muscles relax, how to turn oil into plastic and how to produce pain killers. Chemists are needed to understand and produce medicine for currently incurable diseases like cancer and Alzhe - 2025-03-09