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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91018 hits

Vehicle-vehicle Interactions at Roundabouts and their Implications for the Entry Capacity - A Methodological Study with Applications to Two-lane Roundabouts

Problem: The thesis deals with the capacity of two-lane roundabouts and with vehicle-vehicle interactions there. Method: The interactions and the corresponding capacity are modelled by gap-acceptance theory. Various components of this theory are discussed, models for headways in the multi-lane case and for the estimation of critical gaps for the two major streams being developed and being applied

2001cv magnus thierfelder

ABOUT Magnus Thierfelder keeps it simple, yet he does not simplify. He collects detailed observations that sometimes translate into an art work, and sometimes not - it is a liquid boundary between the two, an attitude that embraces the organic process of transformation. He takes a particular interest in the symbolics of a lamppost or a brick that are not human, but can act as one, as they reanimat - 2025-03-12

Lu cec 2018 4-3 english with film about the programmes

PowerPoint-presentation Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC The Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, is a combined physical and virtual centre at Lund University. CEC conducts research, education and communication on environmental sciences and climate research. 1 VISITING ADDRESS The Ecology building Sölvegatan 37 in Lund CEC is in an expansive phase and the number of - 2025-03-12

Lu cec 2018 4-3 in english with film about the educations

PowerPoint-presentation Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC The Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, is a combined physical and virtual centre at Lund University. CEC conducts research, education and communication on environmental sciences and climate research. 1 VISITING ADDRESS The Ecology building Sölvegatan 37 in Lund CEC is in an expansive phase and the number of - 2025-03-12

Data anne beaulieu

Dr. Anne Beaulieu "One aspect that I’ve always found fascinating is the importance of interfaces, when interacting with data." Dr Anne Beaulieu is a guest researcher with the theme DATA. She is a programme manager of Energysense RUG, a comprehensive knowledge infrastructure on energy and households. She joined the University of Groningen in 2011, following several years as senior research fellow a - 2025-03-12

Kp smmr34

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2017-06-07 to be valid from 2017-06-07, autumn semester 2017. General Information The course may not be included in a main field of study. It is included in semester 3 of the Master of Science programme in Service Management. Language of inst - 2025-03-12

Kp smmv11 190329

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2019-03-29 to be valid from 2019-08-01, autumn semester 2019. General Information The course is included in the first semester of all the specialisations of the Master of Science (120 credits) programme in Service Management. Language of instruct - 2025-03-12

Kp smmv11 eng ht20 0

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • Details of approval The syllabus has been approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies but not yet established. General Information The course is included in the first semester of all the specialisations of the Master of Science (120 credits) programme in Service Management. Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes For - 2025-03-12

Kp smmv18 190320

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2019-03-20 to be valid from 2019-08-01, autumn semester 2019. General Information The course is included in the first semester of all the specialisations of the Master of Science (120 credits) programme in Service Management. Language of in - 2025-03-12

Sasa17 litteratur

Brevmall Department o f Gender Stud ies SASA17, Gender Studies: Scandinavian Model of Equality – Gender, Class, Ethnicity and the Social Welfare State, 7,5 hp Fink, Janet & Åsa Lundqvist (eds.) (2010): Changing Relations of Welfare: Family, Gender and Migration in Britain and Scandinavia. London: Ashgate (212 p.) Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn, & Christina Carlsson-Wetterberg (eds.) (2008): Gender e - 2025-03-12


Microsoft Word - GEON02.doc Literature for Quaternary Geology: GEON02 Palaeoecological methods and environmental analysis, 15 ECTS credits Author & title, publishing house, year, ISBN Ca price B, L, (*) Pages to be read Good to have: A candinavian/European flora with common plants. (B) Faegri, K. & Iversen, J. 1989: Textbook of pollen analysis. 4th edition (revised by Faegri, K. Kaland, P.E.,Krzyw - 2025-03-12

Geon02 english

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Study programmes board, Faculty of Science on 2007- 01-31 to be valid from 2007-02-01, autumn semester 2007. General Information The course is an elective course for second-cycle studies for a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) in geology. The course is given in English. Language of instruction: English and - 2025-03-12