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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91117 hits

"...tradition, tenniskungen, världsspelare och vackra människor" -Imagens påverkan av en ökad kommersialisering

Syfte:Studiens syfte består i att belysa hur företagen som sponsrar ett idrottsevenemang anser att deras image kan påverkas och förändras via den ökade kommersialiseringen av idrotten. Metod:Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och det empiriska materialet samlades in via kvalitativa enkäter. Arbetets utgörs av en blandning mellan induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv:De huvudsaklig

Kvinnor som offer . En kritisk studie av svensk dagspress och dess framställning av Kongos kvinnor

Sexual violence is a widespread and severe problem in the Democratic Republic of Congo and hits thousands of civilians each year. In Congo sexual violence is a weapon of war and the women are the most affected. The last few years the sexual violence in Congo has received increased attention from international organizations, as the United Nations and non-governmental organizations, and also from th

Fire safety on board submarines – crew interventions

This work investigates crew opinions about manual intervention on board submarines and planned new solutions on the new submarine, the A26. The planned solutions include an unmanned aft and the installation of water mist instead of Halon 1301 as fire suppression system. Literature, survey and interviews were used to gather information. The crew routines and previous fire incidents were determined.

Implementation of the Rotterdam Rules - Carrier’s obligations and liabilities

Historiskt sett har transportören, med undantag för force majeure och krigshandlingar, varit strikt ansvarig för all skada på det transporterade godset. Detta kom att förändrades under slutet av 1800-talet och början av 1900-talet när transportörerna började begränsa sina ansvarsgrunder med klausuler i transportavtalen. Snart var transportörerna inte ansvariga för i princip någonting, vilket var pThe carrier has historically been strictly liable for all damage to the cargo carried, with the exception of acts of God and war. This changed during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when the carriers began to limit their liabilities in the contract of carriage. They were soon not liable for very much which was problematic for the shippers, since they did not receive compensation when their goods

Family caregivers of persons with dementia. Experiences of burden, satisfaction and psychosocial intervention.

One of the most common diseases occurring in old age groups is dementia. Caring for a relative with dementia poses many challenges for family caregivers and they bear the main responsibility for the persons with dementia living at home. The overall aim of this thesis, which consists of five community-based studies, was to explore experiences of burden and satisfaction among family caregivers (FC)

Optimising the clinical use of tomotherapy

Radiotherapy is one of the major tools for treating cancer. Through research and technical development radiotherapy is becoming more advanced with new treatment techniques emerging. In the work presented in this thesis, well-known methods have been used, or modified for use, and new methods have been introduced in order to optimise the clinical use of an advanced radiotherapy treatment technique,

On Evil Twins and Their Absent Friends

Knowledge on intermetallic compounds and alloys is essential for technology leaps. The latest of these, the so-called digital revolution, started the period of the information age which is characterized by fast information transfer. The constant development of faster and smaller electronic devices comes with the drawback of increased amounts of waste, meaning products that used to by high-end tech

Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Liquid Food Process Lines

In the present work a dynamic model library of components for process lines was developed. The analysis addressed characteristic aspects of liquid food process lines, and new models were developed for fluid transitions, dispersion, mixing zones and first-order chemical reactions in pipes and heat exchangers. The computational efficiency and accuracy of the models were analysed. It was demonstrated

Varför säger Herren så? Profeterna, kontexterna, retoriken. En jämförelse mellan Amos och Malaki

Why does the Lord say thus? Prophets, Contexts, Rhetoric A Comparison Between Amos and Malachi When the prophets preached their messages they authorized their words by the old messenger formula "Thus says the Lord". The import of these words was to emphasize that the prophet was only the mouthpiece of the Lord. However, the prophetic literature of the Old Testament is highly varied in its scope a

Vägen till vinnarcirkeln. Travhästen och dess människor mellan sport och spel

The way we understand and treat our horses, like the purpose for which they are bred, is culturally conditioned. The transition between differing social formations involves not only new life circumstances for people and animals, but also changed social modes of relating between them. Certain of the animals? previous functions and types of use come to an end at the same time new ones arise in their

Bacterial cytochromes P450-Studies on Cytochrome P450 102A2 and P450 102A3 of Bacillus subtilis

Cytochromes P450 constitute a super-family of heme containing mixed function mono-oxygenases that is found in all branches of life. They introduce single oxygen atoms, mostly in the form of hydroxyl groups, into lipophilic substances and thereby render them more hydrophilic and susceptible to further reactions. Little is known about the bacterial cytochromes P450. I have in my thesis given an over

Dispersion and Transformation of Traffic Exhaust Particles in the Urban Atmosphere

Ultrafine particles, their sources and fate in the atmosphere are currently key issues in atmospheric research owing to concern about their effects on human health and global climate. Traffic emissions are a dominating source of ultrafine particles, especially in urban areas. After release into the atmosphere, the particles are subjected to complex dilution and transformation processes that are of

A mapping of the interactions between a moth sex pheromone component and its receptor

A number of analogues of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate (1), a pheromone component of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, have been synthesised and tested by using single-cell electrophysiology, in order to investigate the relationships between structure and activity, and to elucidate the interactions between 1 and its receptor. Molecular mechanics and ab initio quantum mechanical calculations have been used

Mesoporous Silica SBA-15 - Formation, Modification and Application

Several aspects related to the mesoporous silica material SBA-15 have been studied through the use of a wide range of experimental techniques, including low voltage high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, small angle X-ray scattering and nitrogen sorption. This work contains three parts, which are in many ways overlapping. The first part deals with the formation of SBA-15, it is found that a

Myoelectric Control for Hand Prostheses

An investigation of improvements of myoelectric prostheses has been undertaken. The primary aims of this thesis were (1) to generate an accurate prediction of as many hand movement as possible, (2) to produce a training setup for subjects allowing intuitive and instant control over multiple movements, and (3) to reduce the training cycle for the control system to a maximum of a couple of minutes t

The Role of Impaired Interatrial Conduction in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the role of interatrial conduction defects in the genesis of lone paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) using combined approach of non-invasive signal-averaged P-wave ECG, invasive electrophysiological (EP) studies, anatomical studies and animal experiments. Non-filtered signal-averaged P-wave ECG revealed irregularities in orthogonal P-wave morphology and the

Reformationens huvudfrågor och arvet från Augustinus. En studie i Martin Chemnitz' Augustinusreception

As a co-author of the Formula of Concord, Martin Chemnitz (1522-86) codified the sola scriptura principle of the Reformation, that the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures are the only rule for all Church doctrine. This principle is clearly expressed in Chemnitz' own theological treatises as well, but in his argumentation one is also confronted with an astonishing number of quotations from the Churc