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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90824 hits
Muhn61 interpretation 1 eng
MUHN61_Interpretation_1_eng Course syllabus 1 Course details 1 Code: MUHN61 2 Interpretation for international students, year 1 3 Cycle: Second 4 Credits: 60 5 Approved by the committee for the Performance and Church Music programmes 23 October 2013. The syllabus is valid from 2 September 2014 2 General information 1 Main field: Music 2 Subject: Instrument studies 3 Freestanding higher education c - 2025-03-11
Web verkbroschyr a4 andreas 0
Studentreport berlin
Student report on the Erasmus Exchange at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin HT 14/15 Anna Eichbichler After plenty of paper work and uncertainty if I'll get the courses I chose, the semester finally started in October. I already moved to Berlin in the end of August since I started an internship, which I simultaneously did at an educational institution for cognitive behavioural therapy. I really exper - 2025-03-11
Application Form ATMP-researchschool application 2024
Application form for National ATMP research school 2024 (max. 2 pages personal and general information + 6 pages application text including references) A. Personal Information Supervisor name Personal number Email Department and institution Name and email to head of department If half-time PhD project (employed by the Region) provide this additional information PhD student name Personal number Ema
Lina Van Dooren
Malmö Academy of Music About meI am a PhD student of the Agenda 2030 Graduate School at the faculty of Fine & Performing Arts. I hold a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Music Education from LUCA School of Arts in Leuven (Belgium) and completed the Advanced Studies in Music Education at the same university. In combination with my studies, I worked partly as an assistant-researcher and as a music tea - 2025-03-09
Theory and Methods of Physical Geography
NGEA07 Course contents This course gives you an introduction to the basic physics, matematics and statistical methods used within physical geography. After the course you will have an improved insight and understanding of basic mathematical and statistical methods of physical processes in the biosphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, as well as their mathematical formulation. You will be able - 2025-03-09
COSM51: International Relations in East and South-East Asia: Issues and Cases
The course deals with the international relations in East and South-East Asia. It begins with a very brief introduction to basic theories about international relations and continues with a short historical overview focusing on the post-war period. The primary focus of the course is a series of in-depth case studies which define the region today. These include the territorial disputes in the East
Outline of the Master's Programme in Asian Studies
Academic achievements (the student workload) at Lund University are measured according to a credit system. 1.5 credits equal approximately one week of full-time studies. Thus, after one semester of successful full-time studies (participating according to requirements and passing the examinations), you will be awarded 30 credits.Courses at the Centre usually consist of 7.5 or 15 credits each. Cours - 2025-03-09
CRUSH: Critical Urban Sustainability Hub
Students’ unions
Lund has a rich student life with associations and organisations covering most interests. There is also a wide range of activities specifically intended for students at the Faculty of Medicine, organised via the Corpus Medicum students’ union. Corpus MedicumThe students’ union, Corpus Medicum, monitors courses and study programmes through student representation in various decision-making bodies - 2025-03-09
Contact us - 2025-03-09
Twin registers
Below you will find links to papers describing different twin registers and validation of data in the registers. However, we do not include papers presenting results from studies based on data from the registers. Is something missing? Let us know at! Establishing a Twin Register: An Invaluable Resource for (Behavior) Genetic, Epidemiological, Biomarker, and 'Omics' StudiesRecruitmen - 2025-03-09
PROGS’s Research Projects
Missing Men: New conceptual understandings of gendered educational choices. Upcoming international collaborative project led by Dr. Runa Brandal Myklebust at the Institute for Social Resarch in Oslo, Norway. Starting in 2024. For information; contact %20r [dot] b [dot] myklebust [at] samfunnsforskning [dot] no (Dr. Runa Brandal Myklebust.) Sure you can code! (2020-2023) The project ”Sure you can c
Sustainable living environments
Densifying the cities without increased environmental health burden - is it attainable? PI: Ebba Malmqvist Project website EGRESS: Building egressibility in an aging society PI:Enrico Ronchi Contact person at Tornblad: Giedre Gefenaite HEAP - Health promoting environments for an aging population PI: Anna Axmon Project website LivE-COVID-19: How can living environments buffer the consequences of pr - 2025-03-09
Small science on big machines - 2025-03-09
Digitalization and Legal Responsibility
Digitalization enables machines to make, or contribute to, ever more complex decisions with ever higher stakes. This imposes the question of legal responsibility for digitalized decision-making on us all. Our project inquires whether digitalization is a threat to long-established models of legal thinking, reasoning and adjudicating, and, if so, why that is and what can be done about it. Our focus - 2025-03-09
Work environment and safety
The Department of Chemistry conducts extensive work with the work environment and safety. The systematic work with the work environment at the department is also part of the Kemicentrum's systematic work with the work environment.A large part of the Department of Chemistry's work with the work environment is coordinated with the other department at Kemicentrum (Department of Process and Life Scien - 2025-03-09