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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91037 hits

Good research practice

What is appropriate or inappropriate in research? What is legal or illegal? Compliance with regulations in general is a part of good research practice. As a researcher, you are yourself responsible for becoming familiar with and following laws, regulations and good practice. Regardless of research field, researchers need to carefully consider matters concerning research ethics. Short-cuts to conte - 2025-03-10

PM Courses and Reporting of courses

Brevmall Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Information on courses and reporting of courses COURSES AND COURSE SYLLABI Courses at Lund University should have a course syllabus and a course code. This is mandatory according to Lund University regulations for third cycle studies. All course syllabi are prepared and approved in accordance with the current delegation procedure at the faculty.Administ - 2025-03-10

Bids programme plan - revised 2013

Politices kandidat programmet (180 poäng) Faculty of Social Sciences A. Bachelor of Science Programme in Development Studies (3 years) (Kandidatprogrammet i utvecklingsstudier, 180 högskolepoäng) Credits: 180 credits Level: first cycle Programme code: SGUTV The syllabus for the Bachelor of Science Programme in Development Studies was approved by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on 2011- - 2025-03-10

Utbildningsplan bids 2015-10-09 beslut eng

Politices kandidat programmet (180 poäng) Faculty of Social Sciences A. Bachelor of Science Programme in Development Studies (3 years) (Kandidatprogrammet i utvecklingsstudier, 180 högskolepoäng) Credits: 180 credits Level: first cycle Programme code: SGUTV The syllabus for the Bachelor of Science Programme in Development Studies was approved by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on 2011- - 2025-03-10


Verksamhetsberättelse 2010 CENTRUM FÖR GENUSVETENSKAP | LUNDS UNIVERSITET 1 Verksamhetsberättelse 2010 Centrum för genusvetenskap Lunds universitet 2 NULÄGET VID CENTRUM FÖR GENUSVETENSKAP ............................................................................... 3 GÄSTFORSKARE..................................................................................................................... - 2025-03-10

Centre for Retail Research Annual Report 2023 final web

Centre for Retail Research at Lund University ANNUAL REPORT | 2023 2 ANNUAL REPORT CENTRE FOR RETAIL RESEARCH AT LUND UNIVERSITY 2023 Introduction Centre for Retail Research – 2023 the tenth year You are now browsing the Centre for Retail Research at Lund University's 10th annual report! For those of us who have been involved since the beginning, this feels a little surreal. In our fast-moving wor - 2025-03-10

Information about prolongation teaching 211027

How to fill in forms for prolongation due to teaching, departmental work and student representation Cecilia Akselsson, 2021-10-27 Teaching, different types of student representation and some departmental work justify prolongation of your PhD studies. There are two forms to use for this. For student representation, e.g. in boards and committees, and positions of trust within student organizations, - 2025-03-10


CMES SEMINAR PROGRAM spring2025 CMES SEMINAR PROGRAM Spring 2025 Thursdays 13.15-14.30 Convenors: Karin Aggestam & Ronny Berndtsson, 22 January Is the Syrian Conflict Over? Challenges and Opportunities for the New Administration Orwa Ajjoub, Malmö University 6 February Israel’s Bank Leumi in Palestine Hebatalla Taha, CMES, Political Science, L - 2025-03-10

Kp SMMM40 eng VT22

Kursguide - Course Syllabus Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2021-09-15 to be valid from 2022-01-17, spring semester 2022. General Information Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes Course design Assessment The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular - 2025-03-10


Rapid changes in bird community composition at multiple temporal and spatial scales in response to recent climate change 313 Rapid changes in bird community composition at multiple temporal and spatial scales in response to recent climate change Å ke Lindstr ö m , Martin Green , G ö ran Paulson , Henrik G. Smith and Vincent Devictor Å . Lindstr ö m (, M. Green and H. G. Sm - 2025-03-10

Mass spectometry imaging 2019

Microsoft Word - Mass Spectometry Imaging 2019.docx Mass Spectrometry Imaging Center Lund 1. Short description of the platform Mass Spectrometry Imaging is used to analyze tissues with respect to different markers such as proteins, peptides, and drug compounds, and the corresponding metabolites. The possibility to scan with a fine spatial resolution of less than 10 um may then give an image of the - 2025-03-10

Sasnet news bulletin 3 2016

SASNET News Bulletin 3_2016 Från: Lars Eklund Ämne: SASNET News Bulletin 3/2016 Datum: 14 oktober 2016 13:13 Till: Lars Eklund Lund 14 October 2016 SASNET key staff retires – two researcher positions announced On 31 October 2016, SASNET director Anna Lindberg will retire from her position after nine years; and two months later - on 31 December - de - 2025-03-10

Bristande delaktighet, information och respekt: en explorativ studie om patienters upplevda autonomi inom vuxenpsykiatrin

Autonomins roll i vården är svårbegriplig och varken patient eller vårdgivare har en tydlig uppfattning av begreppet. Detta resulterar i att patienters rättigheter regelbundet överträds vilket förhindrar tillfrisknandet och riskerar att vidare skada patienter. Syftet med denna explorativa studie var att undersöka och analysera anmälares (patienter och anhöriga) upplevelser av kränkningar inom den The role of autonomy in healthcare is unclear, and neither patients nor healthcare providers have a clear understanding of the concept. This results inpatients' rights being violated regularly, which hinders recovery and risks further harming patients. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate and analyze the reporters’ (patients and relatives) experiences of violations within t

‘Bildung Life’ : Holistic Ideals of Hip Hop Education

Over the past fifteen years, Hip Hop–based education has gained ground in academic literature, especially so by building on the educational tradition and gospel of Each One Teach One. A contribution to this scholarly discussion is the Scandinavian attempt to analytically tie Hip Hop education to perspectives on learning and pedagogy that traditionally derives from popular movements of the twentiet