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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91024 hits

Money Illusion and the Optimal Long-Run Rate of Inflation

The conventional NAIRU model stipulates that any existing money illusion would vanish by the passage of time. In contrast, the model developed by Akerlof, Dickens and Perry (2000) (ADP) argues that inflation, instead of time, dissipate money illusion. Accordingly, there exists a possibility of an inflation unemployment tradeoff in the long run. This essay reviews the evidence of money illusion and

Service Life Assessment of Harbor Structures - Case studies of chloride ingress into concrete and sheet piling corrosion rates

Popular Abstract in English The two most used building materials in harbor structures are undoubtedly steel and concrete. These two materials are often combined in the structures of wharfs and quays where most steel sheet pile walls have cap beams of reinforced concrete. The degradation processes of these structures must be taken into account both when designing new structures and when inspecting The two most used building materials in harbor structures are undoubtedly steel and concrete. These two materials are often combined in the structures of wharfs and quays where the steel sheet pile walls often have cap beams of reinforced concrete. The degradation processes of these structures must be taken into account both when designing new structures and when inspecting existing harbor structu

CALLUM Linear Transmitter - Architecture and Circuit Analysis

This doctoral dissertation presents a study of linear radio transmitters based on the combined analog locked loop universal modulator (CALLUM) approach. Linear architectures such as CALLUM are very attractive for power-efficient operations, since they have no fundamental limitations prohibiting a 100% efficiency for all envelope levels, without sacrificing the potential of a linear transmission. T

Positioning the Bronze Age in Social Theory and Research Context

The thesis investigates the theoretical background and the research context within which interpretations of the Nordic Bronze Age have been formed in Scandinavian archaeology. A theoretical analysis that emphasises theories of social practice and phenomenological perspectives is presented. The purpose of the analysis is to explore theories of social practice as tools for grasping the dynamic relat

On Premixed Gas Fuelled Stirling Engine Combustors with Combustion Gas Recirculation

The main objective in the research described in this thesis was to design and test the use of lean premixed combustion using combustion gas recirculation for gas fuelled Stirling engine combustors. A system using a flame-arrester type of flame-holder to stabilize the flame and an ejector system for the recirculation of combustion gas was designed and tested in the laboratory. The impact of changes

Hypoxia-induced phenotypic modulation of human neuroblastoma cells

Neuroblastoma is a childhood tumour derived from cells of the sympathetic nervous system, which are arrested at low differentiation stages. Low differentiation stage and high tumour stage correlate to poor outcome. In earlier studies we have found that hypoxia induces dedifferentiation of neuroblastoma cells, which implies that hypoxia evokes a more aggressive phenotype. Here we employ microarray

The Message of a Mitsvah: The Mezuzah in Rabbinic Literature

The present study deals with different aspects of the mitsvat mezuzah in Rabbinic literature from the first to the sixteenth centuries, with some emphasis on the medieval sources. Through a charting of statements regarding the mezuzah as an object, and the mitsvat mezuzah and its fulfilment, an overview is given of the development of the mezuzah and the perception of it. Special attention is given

Lärarstudenters berättelser om läsning. Från tidig barndom till mötet med lärarutbildning

The aim of the thesis is to contribute to knowledge about experience and perceptions of reading that students at a school of education have, from early reading experiences in childhood, to the encounter with reading in context of their teacher training. The following overarching questions were asked: What aspects of narratives appear to be significant in the students’ reading trajectories? Which a

Korruption, utländsk påverkan och frihetstidens styrelseskick : En politisk historia

Allt sedan det amerikanska presidentvalet 2016 har det runt om i världen pågått en intensiv diskussion om utländska påverkansoperationer och hur och med vilken framgång främmande makter i det fördolda har sökt påverka demokratiska val, politisk opinion och politiska beslut i olika länder, däribland Sverige. Forskare, debattörer och politiker har särskilt framhållit att den nya informationsteknolog

What's Eating the Eater? Perspectives on the Everyday Anxiety of Food Consumption in Late Modernity

Consumers today are constantly showered with a vast array of different messages about what and how they should and should not eat in order to lead a healthy life. This bombardment has escalated over the last decades as various actors, such as representatives from the medical community and public policy makers, have increasingly stressed the connections between individuals’ food consumption habits

Redox Regulation and Stress Responses - Studies in Bacillus subtilis

Redox reactions are central to all organisms to sustain life. Both anabolic and catabolic metabolism depends on them. It is thus vital to sense and adjust the redox balance in the cell. One major factor affecting the redox status is the level of oxygen present. Transitions between different oxygen concentrations change the redox status and among other things, confer a stress upon the cells. This s

Searches for New Physics in Single Photon Events and a Search for Charginos at the DELPHI Experiment

A search for new physics using events with a single photon and missing energy has been made at the DELPHI experiment together with a search for charginos. The results were based on data collected up to and including the final year of 2000. An integrated luminosity of 650 pb^-1 was used in the single photon analysis and 450 pb^-1 in the chargino search. Center-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV were ex

Branch Identification in Elastic Stability Analysis

In this thesis, methods to determine the static postbuckling behaviour of elastic structures undergoing large deformations, are considered and developed. Since the governing non-linear equations usually becomes too complex to be handled analytically, the main focus has been on developing methods that can be incorporated into a numerical solution scheme, such as the finite element method. First me

Magnetic properties of magnetosomal greigite and factors influencing its occurrence and preservation in Baltic Sea Littorina sediments

The Baltic Sea is one of the world’s largest brackish water environments and is today suffering from, for example, eutrophication, spreading hypoxia, accumulations of contaminants and invasive organisms. These problems exist due to a combination of natural features that makes the Baltic Sea a sensitive ecosystem (such as long water residence time, limited water exchange, large catchment area), and