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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91025 hits

Criminal Act, Criminal Jurisdiction and Criminal Justice

This book presents a study on general and specific problems concerning the role, functions and structure of criminal justice systems. After a presentation of some ideological and methodological issues, the justifications for different principles of criminal jurisdiction are discussed, both in the perspective of public international law and municipal law. The constituent elements of criminal offenc

Transient electromagnetic pulse propagation in temporally dispersive materials

This thesis treats the problem of transient electromagnetic pulse propagation in temporally dispersive media. The analysis is performed using time-domain techniques. In particular, the dispersive wave splitting which decouples the Maxwell equations both in vacuum and inside the medium is utilized. Complex time-dependent electromagnetic fields are introduced. These fields simplify the Maxwell equat

Resource Allocation with Potts Mean Field Neural Network Techniques

Potts mean field artificial neural network techniques are developed and applied to airline crew scheduling problems and routing problems. A propagator formalism in terms of Potts neurons is developed to handle global topological issues. An integrated method for identifying and classifying ECG complexes is presented. Unsupervised self-organizing artificial neural networks are employed to cluster t

Some Studies of the Transport Coefficients of Pulp and Paper

The drying of a porous material occurs in two different periods: the constant rate period and the falling rate period. During the constant rate period, the drying rate is determined by the external conditions regarding heat and mass transfer, and the drying rate is not influenced by the properties of the drying material. During the falling rate period, the material properties, such as the transpor

Att bli fosterbarn i tonåren : Om frigörelsen från internaliserade föräldraobjekt

The aim of the study is to improve on the understanding of the implications for adolescents of being placed in foster care. The basis for the study is that the adolescents´ previous relationship with their parents has significance for the manner in which the adolescents will handle the separation from the parents and how they will relate to foster parents. 27 adolescents aged 13-16 years were exam

Studies on hereditary C2 deficiency: Frequent occurrence of severe infections, atherosclerosis and rheumatological manifestations

The complement system is a part of the innate immunity and is essential in the defence against microorganisms. Hereditary C2 deficiency (C2D) is one of the most common complement deficiency states with an estimated prevalence of 1:20,000 in persons of Western descent. In the present investigation, the identification of more than 40 C2D persons at a single centre combined with long observation peri

Radio Wave Propagation in Confined Environments - Measurements and Models

This thesis deals with radio wave propagation in environments where the propagation is severely influenced by surrounding objects, mainly walls and other building structures. As an introduction, a brief description is given on propagation terms like loss, delay and dispersion along with system functions relevant for the topic. The focus is then placed on propagation from an outdoor transmitter to

Not Just Any Water : Hinduism, Ecology and the Ganges Water Controversy

Whether the Ganges river in Varanasi (India) is pristinely pure or heavily polluted depends on by whom it qualities are defined, the Brahmin religious specialists in the city or the science oriented environmentalists. While the controversy continues, some Hindu religious leaders are searching for ways to adjust their respective traditions to the environmental paradigms, an initiative that reflects

Märkesorientering - Utveckling av varumärken som strategiska resurser och skydd mot varumärkesdegeneration

The aim of this study was to examine how an organisation’s approach to brands can, in the building up of a brand competence, prevent trademark degeneration and develop and protect brands as strategic resources. A line of argument is put forward for adopting a new corporate approach (mind-set) to brands. The starting-point is the concept of trademark degeneration (genericness), which is both the ke

On Parameter Estimation and Control of Time-Varying Stochastic Systems

This thesis is about parameter estimation and control of time-varying stochastic systems. It can be divided into two parts. The first part deals with an estimation algorithm commonly used when estimating parameters in time-varying stochastic systems, the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm with forgetting factor. The exact statistical properties for the RLS-estimator with forgetting factor ar

No title

The German poet Jacob Balde (1604-1668) chose a biblical human sacrifice as subject for his tragedy "Jephtias" intended to be performed at a Jesuit school. Jephthah, the judge, had to sacrifice his own daughter due to a vow given before the war against the Ammonites. Balde uses this topic to exemplify Jesuit virtues such as obedience, ability to handle one's emotions and readiness to sacrifice one

Vuxnas tänkande om och förhållningssätt till munhälsa

The need, for health educational reasons, of obtaining a more adequate understanding of how people think and act in connection with questions of dental health and professional dental care has been emphasized. The present study examines the attitudes and conceptions of adult individuals regarding their own dental health, as well as measures they take to further it. The aim is to elucidate factors t

Empatisk förståelse. Från inlevelse till osjälviskhet

This treatise examines the nature of empathic understanding, i.e. understanding of what it is like for someone to be in a particular mental state. Its aim is twofold: (1) to explain how empathic understanding is possible, and (2) to explain how empathic understanding can cause unselfishness. The treatise defends a theory that meets both these desiderata. According to this theory (“the simulation i

Landskap på jorden och i drömmen. Studier i Folke Isakssons lyrik

My study focuses on the analysis of single poems chosen as paradigmatic of Fole Isaksson's style and poetic vision. This approach is grounded in the belief that there is a certain thematic unity to Isaksson's lyric output, a unity which stems from the poet's constant preoccupation with the relations between the speaker of a poem and external nature, i.e. the place or landscape in or before which t

Seger åt Tibet! : den tibetanska diasporan och den religiösa nationen

This dissertation in anthropology of religion focuses on images of Tibet, among Westerners as well as among Tibetans. Based on approximately one year of fieldwork in the former British Hill station, it also deals with the politics of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and some of its political and social implications for the exiled Tibetan youth living in Dharamsala, India. The Western perc

To act as a Union : Explaining the development of the EU's collective foreign policy

It is difficult for states to cooperate on issues related to international peace and security. Yet, ever since 1970, the EU member states have succeeded to gradually intensify their foreign policy cooperation and increasingly act in unison towards the rest of the world. This PhD thesis seeks an explanation to this trend. It does so by initially painting a picture of when, in time, the volume and c

Vad är det att åldras? : en etnologisk studie av åldrande, kropp och materialitet

This dissertation aims to explore and describe ageing and old age from an ethnological perspective and create a deeper understanding of the complex nature of ageing by focusing on how cultural concepts and the ageing body together shape the experiences of old age. The theoretical basis is a phenomenological perspective, highlighting the relation between the body and the materiality of everyday lif

Beställarföretags arbetsmiljöansvar för inhyrd arbetskraft

Hiring of employees is based on the relationship between the temporary work agency, the temporary worker and the hiring in firm. The purpose of the relationship is based on the fulfillment of business' need of flexibility. This paper analyzes the effect of the relationship as regards the hiring in firm's responsibility of the working environment of the temporary agency worker. The point of

Money Illusion and the Optimal Long-Run Rate of Inflation

The conventional NAIRU model stipulates that any existing money illusion would vanish by the passage of time. In contrast, the model developed by Akerlof, Dickens and Perry (2000) (ADP) argues that inflation, instead of time, dissipate money illusion. Accordingly, there exists a possibility of an inflation unemployment tradeoff in the long run. This essay reviews the evidence of money illusion and