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SASA16-literature list-ht23

sasa16-lterature-list-spring2023 Page 1 of 3 Department of Gender Studies Literature list Fall 2023 SASA16 Gender Studies: Gender, social change, and modernity, 7,5 Amft, Andrea (1998). Silent in the church: Sami women in reindeer-herding society 1886- 1996. In The social construction of gender in different cultural contexts. Ed. Gun-Marie Frånberg. Umeå: SIR, 17- 51 (34 p., posted on Canvas) Blom - 2025-03-11

SASA16-literature list-vt25

sasa16-lterature-list-spring2023 Page 1 of 3 Department of Gender Studies Literature list Spring 2025 SASA16 Gender Studies: Gender, social change, and modernity, 7,5 Amft, Andrea (1998). Silent in the church: Sami women in reindeer-herding society 1886- 1996. In The social construction of gender in different cultural contexts. Ed. Gun-Marie Frånberg. Umeå: SIR, 17- 51 (34 p., posted on Canvas) Bl - 2025-03-11

Annual report 2014

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 2 IIIEE– Advancing Strategies for Sustainable Solutions Lena Neij. Photo: Gunnar Menander. Content IIIEE – Advancing Strategies for Sustainable Solutions ............ 1 Highlights 2014 ............................ 2 Education ..................................... 4 Research ....................................... 6 International Collaboration 2014 .................... 10 The Alu - 2025-03-11

Letter of Recommendation Academic 2023

Letter of Recommendation: Academic Reference Letter of Recommendation: Academic Reference Dear Academic Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide an academic reference for an applicant to the 2023-2025 admission to Lund University International Master's Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES). As LUMES is international and inter-disciplinary and enti - 2025-03-11

Letter of Recommendation Professional 2023

Letter of Recommendation Professional Letter of Recommendation: Professional Reference Dear Professional Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide a professional reference for an applicant to the 2023-2025 admission to Lund University International Master's Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES). As LUMES is international and inter-disciplinary and - 2025-03-11

Letter of Recommendation Academic 2024

Letter of Recommendation: Academic Reference Letter of Recommendation: Academic Reference Dear Academic Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide an academic reference for an applicant to the 2024-2026 admission to Lund University International Master's Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES). As LUMES is international and inter-disciplinary and enti - 2025-03-11

Letter of Recommendation Professional 2024

Letter of Recommendation Professional Letter of Recommendation: Professional Reference Dear Professional Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide a professional reference for an applicant to the 2024-2026 admission to Lund University International Master's Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES). As LUMES is international and inter-disciplinary and - 2025-03-11

Portfolio Selection and the Analysis of Risk and Time Diversification

This thesis is devoted to the analysis of three important issues in financial economics in general and portfolio selection in particular: the risk measure, estimation risk and time diversification. Besides a short introductory chapter the thesis consists of four empirical essays. In the second chapter, the effect of estimation risk on the efficient frontier in the lower partial moment framework is

Storgodsdrift. Godsekonomi och arbetsorganisation i Skåne från dansk tid till mitten av 1800-talet.

The aim of this study is to systematically survey and analyse the Scanian manors’ economic and labour organisational development from the province’s Danish times to the middle of the nineteenth century. In this thesis the various surveys provides some clear results that make it possible to generalise the Scanian estate development. Manors were generally large at the end of the the seventeenth cent

Gods, kvinnor och stickning : tidigindustriell verksamhet i Höks härad i södra Halland ca 1750–1870

The aim of this dissertation has been to examine the growth, development, and organisation of the knitting industry in southern Halland during early modern times. This proto-industrial enterprise was conducted primarily via a putting-out system in the goods districts. Wallen's estate in Våxtorp parish played an active role in the enterprise already from an early stage. During the latter half of th

Thermodynamic Simulation of HCCI Engine Systems

This thesis focuses on engine system simulation using thermodynamics and chemical kinetic models to investigate the performance and efficiency of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines for stationary applications. It includes the development of software as well as models for engine, turbocharger, intercooler, inlet and exhaust manifolds, wastegate valve, inlet air humidifier, inle

Morality Beyond Humanity : Schopenhauer, Grysanowski, and Schweitzer on Animal Ethics

The study examines the character and development of the animal ethical ideas of three German thinkers: Arthur Schopenhauer, Ernst Grysanowski, and Albert Schweitzer. By situating them in their cultural and intellectual context, the study explores the differing meanings of their ethical views of animals and seeks to answer the question of how their ideas can be explained historically. It is argued

Downstream Processing Using Membrane Technology

Membrane filtration is a very gentle separation technique and can be used at low temperatures. This makes it suitable for liquids that contain micro-organisms and/or are heat sensitive, which is often the case in liquids processed in the field of biotechnology. However, one drawback is that these liquids are often very complex, which is a disadvantage when using membrane technology as it makes the