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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91037 hits
Finns det en gräns i värde eller kvantitet för ett oändligt avtal? ‐ Om takvolym är analogt tillämpligt på dynamiska inköpssystem
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om takvolym är analogt tillämpligt på dynamiska inköpssystem. De senaste åren har prejudikat förändrat synen på vad som maximalt kan avropas inom ett ramavtal. Det skapar följdfrågor om takvolym kan tillämpas analogt på dynamiska inköpssystem, vilket är uppsatsens huvudsakliga fråga. Uppsatsen kommer att börja med att introducera upphandling i stora drThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the possibility of applying “ceiling volume” onto a dynamic purchasing system. Ceiling volume means the requirement to specify a maximum volume of supplies or services. In recent years legal cases have changed the view of the maximum volume that can be awarded during a given period within a framework agreement. A question has now been raised as to whethe
Air - for Health and Comfort, An Analysis of HVAC Systems' Performance in Theory and Practice
One part of the objective is to analyze how different ventilation systems perform in practice when it comes to supplying and exhausting designed air flow in different outdoor and indoor conditions. The other part is to analyze the design criterias and the energy use of a variable air volume system based on controlled static pressure at the branch duct level and supplying outdoor air only. To inves
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This dissertation aims at showing that Chrétien de Troyes' Conte du Graal does not, as often affirmed, uphold traditional chivalrous values, but discloses a problematic ideology, mostly as a result of multiple interactions at the textual level. In order to examine ideology, Le Conte du Graal is analysed in the light of the poetics elaborated by Vincent Jouve in his Poétique des valeurs (2001). Fol
Floodwater harvesting for artificial recharge of groundwater - estimation and prediction for arid Iran
Groundwater depletion in arid and semiarid areas is of increasing concern. Increasing water demand due to increasing population and climate change impacts have intensified the water shortage problems and put further stress especially on groundwater. Water harvesting techniques have been traditional solutions to water scarcity problems in the arid and semiarid Middle East for thousands of years. Th
Ord på prov : En studie av ordförståelse i högskoleprovet
Upplevelser av etnisk diskriminering och moralisk stress - en studie utifrån rekryterares perspektiv
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka om rekryterare upplever att det förekommer etnisk diskriminering mot den ansökande under rekryteringsprocessen, samt om rekryterare upplever moralisk stress. Den syftade också till att se om det finns ett samband mellan rekryterares moraliska stress och deras erfarenhet av etnisk diskriminering. En enkät gjordes med hjälp av både tidigare befintliga frågor sThis study aimed to investigate whether recruiters experience ethnic discrimination against the applicant during the recruitment process, as well as whether recruiters experience moral stress. It also aims to see if there is a relationship between recruiters' moral stress and their experience of ethnic discrimination. A survey was made using both a pre-existing questionnaire and self-construct
On Evil Twins and Their Absent Friends
Knowledge on intermetallic compounds and alloys is essential for technology leaps. The latest of these, the so-called digital revolution, started the period of the information age which is characterized by fast information transfer. The constant development of faster and smaller electronic devices comes with the drawback of increased amounts of waste, meaning products that used to by high-end tech
An exploration of digital CNN implementations
Computationally hard problems, such as operations on n-dimensional maps, are in need of efficient solutions. Cellular Neural Networks have this promise. This paper explores digital realizations of such computational paradigms through the case of real-time image processing. It is shown that a behaviour-based spatial unrolling of the time-critical numerical convergence loop outperforms a classical f
Squatting and the right to the city
Modeling the cooling effect in compressed air assisted machining
RF Characterisation of Vertical III-V Nanowire Tunnel FETs
Non-congruence in accounting standards supported by the EU and its economic consequences for small- and medium sized companies, the case of internally generated intangible assets
Organization of Nanoparticles in Solution-A TEM Study
A new approach to the study of nanoparticle systems has been introduced. Nanoparticle systems in aqueous and organic solutions have been synthesized and studied by transmission electron microscopy. These systems include nanoparticles of gold, silver, palladium, ruthenium, and platinum which have been stabilized using various ligands. The particles were initially studied as deposited samples on ca
Sampling and Selective Detection of Peptides and Proteins Emphazing Microdialysis,Bio-recognition Assays and MALDI-TOF MS
The use of microdialysis sampling and flow immunochemical detection as well as MALDI-TOF MS for peptide and protein analysis is described. Sampling of peptides and smaller proteins was investigated with different membranes. Cyclodextrines additives and an on-line push-pull microdialysis sampling method was used with the result of a higher sampling efficiency compared to conventional microdialysis
Measured CMOS Reconfigurable Matching Network and its Switched High Quality Capacitor Building Blocks
Switched capacitors are here investigated for use in reconfigurable matching networks, particularly for DVB-H frequencies. A $0.13$ $mu$m CMOS circuit is evaluated through both simulations and measurements. Source grounded NMOS transistors are used to switch high quality metal capacitors located above metal layer 8. The quality factor and tuning range depend on frequency, switch voltage, capacitor
Synthesis Towards Biologically Active Natural Products
In 2005 two research groups independently reported the isolation of a series of structurally intriguing C-19 terpenolides from the plants Thapsia transtagana and Thapsia garganica. The compounds were shown to be potent inhibitors of the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases. The interesting biological properties and the unique structural characteristics of the transtaganolides/basiliolides (the
Harmoniserade tulltaxor. Införlivande tolkning och tillämpning av internationella regler för varuklassificering.
In international commerce, various taxes and charges are levied on commodities; besides, goods may be subject to import and export restrictions. However, free-trade agreements may stipulate that some goods can be imported and exported free of charge. The regulations pertaining to different types of merchandise are reflected in the customs tariff of a state or customs union. The application of many
Reconciliation and the Search for a Shared Moral Landscape – An exploration based upon a study of Northern Ireland and South Africa
In Northern Ireland and South Africa obstacles to reconciliation were found in these elements of a “moral landscape”: – Experiences of trauma, separation and inequalities, – Divergent views of the conflict and of “the other”, – Opposing identifications and loyalties, – Norms for interaction, – Contestant interpretations of values such as “peace” and “justice”. This study describes how these obstac
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A broad, distinctive material presentation is done, which is linked to some variables of psychological value, stating a research for the authenticity of Garborg in viewing him as well a symptom bearer as a symptom solver. An introduction to Garborg is meant to be an invitation, especially to those who are not so well acquainted with him as a person and a writer. Out from a period of about 110 year