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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90934 hits
Mellan europeisk kris och amerikansk utopi
Att vara eller att inte vara
Globaliseringen har lett till att ett nytt område inom varumärkesforskningen har vuxit fram, nation branding. Det råder delade meningar på forskningsfältet kring vad begreppet innebär, men den gemensamma nämnaren återfinns i att nation branding är en mer komplicerad variant av traditionell marknadsföring. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap kring hur svenskhet konstrueras i nation branding, vi
Från miljövård till hållbart samhällsbyggande - Förändringar i den Svenska miljöpolitiska diskursen under perioden 1987 - 2005
E-banking and Service Quality Online
Sverige och Humanitära Interventioner - en kritisk granskning av den svenska regeringens ställningstagande till humanitära interventioner
The increasing importance of human rights within the international community over the past fifteen years has raised the issue of humanitarian intervention. This concept is a complex one, and in the debate surrounding this issue can be heard arguments from and within legal, political and ethical standpoints. There is not yet a unified definition or agreement as to the nature of humanitarian interve
"Hej, jag heter..." -en diskursiv studie om svenska för invandrare (sfi) i integrationsprocessen
Mellan kamp och samförstånd: den könspolitiska debatten i Svenska Kommunalarbetareförbundet 1958-2006
Katarzyna Herd skriver om spöken på TV
From waste management to waste prevention
Credit transfer in first and second-cycle education
On this page you will find information and guidance about how to manage credit-transfer cases for first and second-cycle studies. Here you will also find Lund University’s guidelines for credit transfer and useful links for assessment of qualifications. ShortcutsCredit transfer – for whom, what, and why?Processing of credit transfer applicationsCredit transfer in LadokAssessment of qualifications
Östersjöområdet : Studier av interaktion och barriärer
The geopolitical transformation after 1989 had radical territorial consequences in almost all parts of East-Central Europe. In the Baltic Sea Area alone, five new states were formed. The process of European integration became a priotity on the agenda. The concept of integration describes a process of uniting two or more entities. Interaction (flows of goods, people and messages) must be seen as a
Med kroppen som instrument : en studie av new age med fokus på hälsa, kroppslighet och genus
In this thesis New Age is studied from a sociological perspective, with a focus on health, body, and gender. One purpose is to examine how people within New Age view and relate to these problem areas. A parallel purpose is to find explanations to why women predominantly take an interest in New Age, and to discover how these explanations are related to the view on health, body and gender. The subje
Hälsovägledning i barnhälsovården : syntetisering av två uppdrag
Att översätta en dikt av den syriske poeten Muhammad al-Maghut (1934-2006)
Kärleksband i bunden form
Collecting dialect data and making use of them an interim report from Swedia 2000
This paper consists of two, somewhat disparate parts. In the first part, some experiences of two years of fieldwork are summarized, concentrating, as the subtitle suggests, on the very heart of phonetic fieldwork: the encounters and interviews with the informants. As a result of the fieldwork, the project now has access to recordings from approximately 1300 speakers of more than 100 dialects of Sw
"Förtryck i hederns namn-och hur vi stoppar ett växande problem i Sverige" : SD-kvinnors åtgärdsprogram belyst utifrån ett intersektionellt diskursanalytiskt perspektiv
Från chiffer till klartext? : Temamodellering av statliga offentliga utredningar 1945–1989
Denna artikel innehåller en analys av samtliga rapporter från Statens offentliga utredningar (SOU), 1945-89. Analysen applicerar metoder inom digital humaniora och inkluderar forskning gjort i en Jupyterlabbmiljö som utvecklats på Humlab på Umeå universitet. Artikeln är ett resultat av forskningsprojektet Välfärdsstaten analyserad, som ämnar att digitalisera litteratur, arbetar med datasäkring av
Deliberating a Sustainable Welfare-Work Nexus
Very few countries have managed to decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms and where this was achieved at rates too slow to meet the climate targets of the Paris agreement. To do so, technological solutions would need to be combined with sufficiency-oriented policies in a post growth context. Contributing to such a policy strategy, this paper explores the potential