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Courses and programmes at the School of Social Work. The School of Social Work offers three single subject courses taught in English, as well as an interdisciplinary master's programme taught in cooperation with other departments at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The BSc programme in Social Work covers a broad range of topics preparing the students for future careers in different fields of social - 2025-03-19

SWEAH poster 10 years

233 participants at SWEAH conferences Every second year since 2019 SWEAH has arranged it’s own national conferences; 2019 in Lund, 2021 online and 2023 in Norrköping. 206 course participants SWEAH organizes 1-2 courses every year. Ongoing course this year is “Theories of Ageing” and later this autumn the interdisci- plinary doctoral course “Ageing and social change”. 1 587 orders of “fika” Since t - 2025-03-19

Funding opportunities

With increasing societal urgency to address sustainability challenges, funding agencies continue to announce new calls for proposals that address sustainable development. However, as researchers, it can be difficult to stay on top of all the latest funding calls. Thus, we have collected the most relevant funding opportunities and resources to support your next application. The Sustainability Forum - 2025-03-19

Existential Sustainability and The Energy Transition

This paper is an attempt to link the concept of Existential Sustainability to research within the field of electrical power systems modelling. This is specifically done in the context of electrification and the energy transition. In extension, this implies a connection between the fields of humanities and technology. Author: Alice JanssonThis paper is an attempt to link the concept of Existential - 2025-03-19

2. Important phone numbers

Find a number using categoriesEmergenciesNon-emergenciesAgencies/authoritiesIf you are calling from an internal phone dial 0 in order to secure an external line.EmergenciesIn case of emergencyPhone: 112Security (Securitas)Phone: 046-222 07 00Maintenance (Akademiska Hus)Phone: 010-557 24 00 (during and after working hours as well as Saturdays and Sundays)Jörgen JäderströmHans HägerLeo ZanderNon-eme - 2025-03-19


Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety The Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety offers a range of courses with the ultimate aim of providing competencies to society that are crucial to build a safer, more resilient and sustainable future. We provide first, second and third cycle courses on the topic of Risk and Safety and offer commissioned education for professionals.We play a - 2025-03-19

Slöjförbud i relation till barns mänskliga rättigheter: En argumentationsanalys om debatten kring ett införande av slöjförbud i den svenska för- och grundskolan ur ett barnrättsperspektiv

I Sverige har debatten om lagförslaget att införa ett slöjförbud i för- och grundskolan varit aktuellt under de senaste åren. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera argument som har framlagts i interpellationsdebatten om slöjförbud i den svenska för- och grundskolan 3 juni 2019, debatten i Malmö kommunfullmäktige 19 mars 2020 och slutligen argument av Sverigedemokraternas, samt Moderaternas motione

Theme-courses at the Department

Theme Courses in English Freestanding theme courses in English.Our theme-courses should be taken as a supplement to other courses. They can usually be studied without previous university merits. However, please note that they generally do not provide eligibility for further studies. Please ask our Study Advisers for more information: studievagledare [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (studievagledare[at]s - 2025-03-19

Forouzan Glans

The Impact of Ethnicity on type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes mellitus is among the fastest growing diseases in the world. The reported prevalence of T2D appears to differ among various ethnic groups. Although ethnic-related differences in lifestyle factors may account for some of the predisposition to diabetes in various ethnic groups, genetic factors may play a more determinant role.High prevalence - 2025-03-19

LU News 12

Published 19 June. This is the last edition of LU News before the summer, it will return on 28 August. Have a nice summer until then! University-wide news Show more news On the University Management’s agenda Susanne Kristensson, University Director"Over the past six months, many managers and staff have contributed to the efforts to balance the books in the Central Administration to lower our costs - 2025-03-18

Qmod 2017 program 0

4th September 2013, Wednesday QMOD 2017: Preliminary Program 5th August 2017, Saturday 08:00-17:00 QMOD-ICQSS Check-in and Registration 10:00-11:00 Welcome Coffee 11:00-11:30 Conference Opening (Damgårdsalen) 11:30-13:00 Plenary Session 1 (Damgårdsalen) 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:00 Parallel Sessions 1 B10 B-21 B24 B 22 B23 Quality, Services, Sustainability in the 4th Ind. Revolution Quality Manag - 2025-03-19