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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90934 hits
Credit transfer in first and second-cycle education
On this page you will find information and guidance about how to manage credit-transfer cases for first and second-cycle studies. Here you will also find Lund University’s guidelines for credit transfer and useful links for assessment of qualifications. ShortcutsCredit transfer – for whom, what, and why?Processing of credit transfer applicationsCredit transfer in LadokAssessment of qualifications
Anställningen vid verksamhetsövergång (The Employment in the Event of Transfer of Undertaking)
Strategisk förändring, makt och kunskap : om disciplinering och motstånd i tidningsföretag
Harald Boklund : kosmopolitiskt, regionalt och nationalromantiskt i Skånes arkitektur 1890-1930
Griftetalet mellan trostolkning och livstydning : en pastoralteologisk studie.
Lokal översättning av svenskhet och symboliskt kapital : Det svenska rummet i Madrid 1915-1998
The main ambition in this study is to explore new perspectives on the relationship between ethnicity and symbolic capital, that is how different forms of ethnicity around a migrant group can be recognised and valued in the host society. At the same time, it is a case study that offers an opportunity to verify theories on local translations of transnational cultural forms by an empirical and histor
Näringsdrivande stiftelser. En rättslig studie över ändamål, förmögenhet och förvaltning. Enterprise foundations. A legal study of purpose, property and administration.
This thesis deals with questions concerning restrictions in the possibility of having commercial activities organised within the legal status of a foundation. An enterprise foundation is a foundation that either carries out commercial activities in its own name or is the owner of shares in a commercial enterprise organised outside the foundation. The commercial activity can be the object of the fo
Befolkning, samhälle och förändring : Dynamik i Halmstad under fyra decennier
Changes in society are often discussed on an aggregated level and it is argued that society is changing from a modern industrial society to a post-industrial society. Through studying changes on a local level it is possible to study the complexity and variations of the general and aggregated theories of societal changes, and place changes in a context of time and place. The main object of this stu
Energy Use and Environmental Impact of New Residential Buildings
Arbetslöshetsfrågan i historisk belysning : en diskussion om arbetslöshet och social politik i Sverige 1830-1920
Rätt, norm och tillämpning : En studie av normativa mönster vid beslut enligt LSS på tre arenor
”Gå vi till paradis med sång” : psalmers funktion i begravningsgudstjänster
Kontraktsstyrning i teori och praktik
The general aim of this thesis is to develop an increased understanding of contract management as a mode of governance. A specific aim has been to explore how complex municipal services are managed by contract. A framework for analysis of contract management was developed by combining elements from interorganisational theories with different perspectives, such as transaction cost theories, network
Variation in Mainland Scandinavian Object Shift : A Prosodic Analysis
Despite a decade-long research history, there are still ongoing debates on the analysis of Object Shift in Mainland Scandinavian, and all syntactic and information-structural accounts have run into empirical and/or conceptual problems. We argue that this debate can be resolved by recognizing that OS is, in fact, a prosodic phenomenon. Our analysis builds on the observation that varieties with optiDespite a decade-long research history, there are still ongoing debates on the analysis of Object Shift in Mainland Scandinavian, and all syntactic and information-structural accounts have run into empirical and/or conceptual problems. We argue that this debate can be resolved by recognizing that OS is, in fact, a prosodic phenomenon. Our analysis builds on the observatioDespite a decade-long rese
Ny väg till nya vägar och järnvägar : Finanseringspragmatism och planeringsrationalism vid beslut om infrastrukturinvesteringar
Investment planning is a decision-making process with specific characteristics. It is often seen as a rational quest for solutions that are in the public interest, and the dominant discourse tends to be technical and economic. Public documents reproduce this picture of a decision-making process based on rationalist premises where analytical methods and objective facts form the basis for decisions.
Research Funding
MDC Follow-up
MPP Follow-up
4. Transfer of credits
Outgoing exchange students As an outgoing exchange student, you are still a student at Lund University. Your studies should be possible to transfer to your degree from Lund University. General rules and guidelines for the transfer of creditsWe expect you to apply for full time studies while abroad.Courses may not overlap courses you have already taken or courses you are going to study. You cannot - 2025-03-19