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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14364 hits

Samhällsgeografi: Ekonomisk geografiska omvandlingsprocesser - platser, människor och produktion

This advanced level course in Economic Geography focuses on some of the most important socio-economic challenges that today’s cities, regions and nations face. It examines how globalisation affects firms and people in particular places, and why some regions continue to grow and prosper when other regions struggle with economic restructuring. These themes are analysed from different theoretical pe

Digitalisation and Services

I dag klarar vi oss inte utan kunskap om digitaliseringen och dess inverkan på vårt samhälle. I kursen får du en inblick i hur digitala tjänster kan utvecklas men framför allt de mer teoretiska perspektiven på digitalisering och tjänster. De mer teoretiska och kritiska perspektiven på digitalisering och tjänster kommer att kombineras med mer praktiska perspektiv. I kursens avslutande moment får duIn today's digital society, we need an understanding of digitalisation and its impact on our society. In this course you will get an insight to how digitalization affects services, how services are digitalized as well as how new services can be created through digitalisation. In this course the more theoretical and critical perspectives on digitalisation and service, will be combined with more pra

Företagsekonomi: Strategisk organisering

Kursens övergripande mål är att bredda och fördjupa studenternas kunskaper inom organisationsteori samt att träna studenterna i avancerad problemlösning inom områden som byråkrati, hierarki, makt, styrning, integration, nätverk, strategi, ledarskap, förändring och lärande. Under kursen får du lära dig mer om aktuella forskningfrågor inom organisationsområdet och lära dig att utveckla ett s

Resources : LUSID

Resources : LUSID Lund University School of Industrial Design Lund University School of Industrial Design Lund University School of Industrial Design Home About History Faculty Facilities Bachelor Curriculum Admissions Master Curriculum Admissions Ingvar Kamprad Scholarship Research Gallery Exhibitions Projects Yearbooks Tutorials Resources Account Contact Resources Student Information LTH Student - 2025-01-09

Conferences and Workshops

Here you find conferences, workshops, and other activities organised by our researchers. Upcoming eventsEUPRERA Annual congress 2025 - At the Intersection between 
Academia and Practice in Public Relations and Strategic CommunicationPrevious events2023 International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference: Organizing in the Face of Global Crises 2023 IPBA conference: Place branding in times - 2025-01-09

CSS International Conference: Nordic Romanticism and Viking Culture

CSS International Conference: Nordic Romanticism and Viking Culture CSS International Conference: Nordic Romanticism and Viking Culture Published 14 June 2024 We at the Centre for Scandinavian Studies, Lund University, are delighted to announce the next CSS International Conference, Nordic Romanticism and Viking Culture, which will be held in Lund 1–4 October 2025. The conference is jointly organi - 2024-12-03

CSS: Upcoming publications

CSS: Upcoming publications CSS: Upcoming publications Published 11 April 2022 CSS always strives to turn the creative energy of our events into lasting works of research and knowledge available to both fellow scholars and to the interested public, and 2022 is no exception! During 2022 and 2023 CSS are planning the following publications: Nordic architecture and design A collection of videos from o - 2025-01-10

CSS partner in new Interreg project called "Fördomsfönster Öresund"

CSS partner in new Interreg project called "Fördomsfönster Öresund" CSS partner in new Interreg project called "Fördomsfönster Öresund" Published 4 March 2019 Since the autumn of 2018 CSS is a partner in the Danish-Swedish project Fördomsfönster Öresund. A cooperative project that aim to make it easier for companies in the Öresund Region who is looking to hire to get connected with international p - 2025-01-10

Kemi: Molekylspektroskopi - metoder och tillämpningar

KEMM29. The aim is to enable students to acquire specialized understanding of how light interacts with molecules and materials. The course introduces a variety of optical spectroscopy tools and methods for studying molecules and materials. Electronic processes that can be excited by light are considered. We discuss on an advanced level how these methods together with data analysis are used to inve

Matematisk statistik - Masterprogram

Utbildningen ger dig möjlighet att djupdyka i den fascinerande tillvaron av sannolikhet och slump. Som student får du en gedigen kompetens i sannolikhetslära, statistisk teori och metodik. Du lär dig en rad olika metoder för att kunna tillämpa den matematiska statistiken inom exempelvis biologi, medicin, miljö, klimat, riskhantering och ekonomi. Det kan exempelvis handla om att analysera genetiskThe entire programme is taught in English and it gives you the opportunity to take a deep dive into the fascinating world of probability and chance. As a student, you will acquire solid skills in probability theory, statistical theory and methodology. You will learn a number of different methods enabling the application of mathematical statistics in fields such as biology, medicine, the environmen

Beräkningsvetenskap, Fysik - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa processer inom fysikämnet och hur beräkningsvetenskap kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Beräkningsfysik är en gren inom beräkningsvetenskapen där analytiska, numeriska och statistiska metoder används för att analysera och dra slutsatser frånAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. In this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within physics, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Computational physics is a branch of computational science in which analytical, numerical and statistical methods are used to analyse and draw conclusions f

Kemi: Avancerad organisk kemi

KEMM21. The aim of the course is to provide students with specialised theoretical knowledge of synthetic organic chemistry and knowledge of physical organic chemistry. This course will provide you with synthetic tools to master functional group transformations and carbon-carbon bond formations on a high level. It will give you an orientation about how to perform multistep synthesis and retros

Kemi, Syntetisk och analytisk kemi - Masterprogram

Programöversikt Masterprogrammet erbjuder dig teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper i analytisk, organisk och metallorganisk kemi samt koordinationskemi. Du rör dig inom områden som läkemedelsframställning, livsmedel, miljöfrågor och nanoteknologi.  Du får fördjupade kunskaper inom avancerad organisk syntes, lär dig om reaktionsmekanismer hos metallorganiska föreningar samt metalProgramme overview The Master’s programme provides both theoretical and practical knowledge in analytical, organic, organometallic and coordination chemistry. Some of the areas covered include drug production, food, environmental issues and nanotechnology. You will obtain specialised knowledge in advanced organic synthesis, learn about reaction mechanisms in organometallic compounds and the impor

Performance Studies - Western Art Music

Performance Studies - Western Art Music is a one-year full-time university course designed for those who want to refine their technical and artistic skills at an advanced level in Western art music. The course includes both individual lessons and ensemble playing. Course content: Instrumental Studies: You will have the opportunity to deepen your skills on your main instrument under the g

Lingvistik: Fortsättningskurs

Fortsättningskursen i lingvistik ges varje vårtermin. Den innehåller fördjupningar inom några centrala delar av lingvistik, och målet är att du ska kunna inta en självständig hållning till lingvistisk teoribildning och kunna följa och bedöma olika teorier på empirisk grund. Fokus är på de mest centrala delarna av fonetik (hur talet produceras och uppfattas, olika språkljud, intonation, betoning os

Biologi, Evolutionsbiologi - Masterprogram

Masterprogrammet i evolutionsbiologi har stark forskningsanknytning. Våra lärare är världsledande inom sina områden, och programmets innehåll anpassas till forskningsfronten. Under utbildningen får du praktisk erfarenhet av att designa experiment och samla in data med hjälp av de senaste metoderna. Du lär dig analysera olika typer av biologiska data för att fastställa vad som orsakat evolutionära The Master’s programme in Evolutionary Biology has strong connections with research. Our teaching staff possess world-leading expertise in their fields and the programme content is adapted to the research front. During the programme you will gain practical experience of designing experiments and collecting data using the latest methods. You will learn how to analyse different types of biological

Matematik - Masterprogram

    The Master's programme has two specialisations - mathematics and numerical analysis. Both specialisations have a flexible structure with the possibility of individual adaptation and offer a wide range of courses that give you both advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills. You can choose different areas where you learn to work with purely mathematical problems or with mat