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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14360 hits

Naturgeografi: Geografiska databaser

Kursen syftar till att studenten ska inhämta teoretisk förståelse för hur en geografisk databas är uppbyggd och hur den kan användas. Kursen har även fokus på att studenten efter genomgången kurs ska ha tillägnat sig praktisk förmåga att modellera, skapa och använda en geografisk databas på ett korrekt sätt. Efter avslutad kurs ska du kunna: förklara hur frågespråk kan användas för att sThe aim of this course is to provide students with the theoretical understanding of how a geographic database is built-up and how it can be used. You will study key concepts for handling geographic databases with special focus on spatial databases, object oriented modelling of the contents of geographic databases, the query language SQL (and spatial development of this) and indexing of spatial dat

Teoretisk Fysik: Statistisk mekanik

This course is intended to teach more advanced concepts and methods for dealing with interacting systems with many particles, and also critical phenomena. Among the topics included are: the Ising model, the transfer matrix method, mean field theory, and renormalization theory.

Japanska: Språkvetenskaplig textkurs 2

The course is a continuation and specialisation of the course Text Course in LinguisticsI (JAPM13) and aims to provide students with the ability to translate and discuss advanced texts in Japanese on linguistics. The discussions address aspects of syntax, morphology and semantics as well as the relevance to linguistics of the texts. The texts in Japanese are supplemented with influential and speci

Naturgeografi: Geografiska informationssystem - fortsättningskurs

This is a continuance for those who already have basic knowledge in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) but would like a deeper knowledge and understanding. The course consists of a number of modules with advanced use of constructing databases, methods for analysis and the presentation of geographical information. As a student you will develop your skills and ability to structure and solve comp

Molekylärbiologi, Immunologi och infektionsbiologi - Masterprogram

Detta tvärvetenskapliga program syftar till att ge dig som student i molekylärbiologi en solid grund för en karriär inom områden relaterade till immunologi och infektionsbiologi. Dessa ämnesområden spelar en allt viktigare roll för hållbar utveckling, inklusive det moderna samhällets förmåga att ta itu med globala folkhälsoproblem inom både infektiös och icke-infektiös etiologi. Studierna ger dig This interdisciplinary programme aims to give students of molecular biology a solid foundation for a career in areas related to immunology and infection biology. These areas play an increasingly important role for sustainable development, including the ability of modern societies to address global public health problems of both infectious and non-infectious etiology. The programme provides valuabl

Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap, Kemi - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa kemiska processer och hur beräkningsvetenskapen kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Några exempel på aktuella infallsvinklar är inom miljö- och klimatförändringar, klimatanpassning, naturvård och kemikalierisker, biologisk mångfald och ekosystAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. On this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within chemistry, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Some examples of angles to focus on could be environmental and climate change, climate adaptation, environmental protection and chemical risks, biodiversi

Kontrafagott - teknik, interpretation, solistisk repertoar och orkesterstudier

Students will learn advanced development and practice of tone formation, articulation, timbre, finger technique, special grips, and solo repertoire for the contrabassoon. The teaching consists of a mix between group lessons and individual work such as exercises and preparation.

 Read more about independent courses at Malmö Academy of Music

Nationalekonomi: Ekonometri

This course starts with an introduction to descriptive statistics, probability theory and inference. Thereafter, the course treats problems connected with establishing and quantifying the relationship between different economics variables as well as basic econometric methodology. The main focus is statistical regression analysis, but more advanced methods in, for example, time series analysis are

Call for papers: "Aesthetic Expressions of Vocation and Responsibility in Nordic Cultures since 1750

Call for papers: "Aesthetic Expressions of Vocation and Responsibility in Nordic Cultures since 1750" Call for papers: "Aesthetic Expressions of Vocation and Responsibility in Nordic Cultures since 1750" Published 23 May 2023 Members of the research group: “Aesthetics of Protestantism in Scandinavia from the 19th to the 21st Century” announce an international conference in Strasbourg next year (21 - 2025-01-10

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in 20th and 21st Century Literary History (DK)

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in 20th and 21st Century Literary History (DK) Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in 20th and 21st Century Literary History (DK) Published 5 December 2024 The new Center of Excellence TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Copenhagen, invites applicants for a postdoctoral position in Danish literary histories of 20th - 2025-01-10

Biologi: Populations- och samhällsekologi

This is an advanced course, focused on the theoretical background of population and community ecology. Various topics such as competition, predation, community ecology and trophic interactions are treated in lectures, article seminars and a literature project. The course aims to give a deeper understanding of how to formulate hypotheses, design studies and analyse the data that result from these s

Call for Conference Contributions: "Doing Things with Old Norse Myth: A Research & Cultural Symposiu

Call for Conference Contributions: "Doing Things with Old Norse Myth: A Research & Cultural Symposium on Mythological Processes" Call for Conference Contributions: "Doing Things with Old Norse Myth: A Research & Cultural Symposium on Mythological Processes" Published 23 April 2021 The Northern Door at Urnes Stave Church, Norway. The latest in the annual series of Aarhus Old Norse Mythology confere - 2025-01-10

New publication about migration in Scandinavian literature

New publication about migration in Scandinavian literature New publication about migration in Scandinavian literature Published 16 November 2021 Anja Trögers new book, "Affective Spaces: Migration in Scandinavian and German Transnational Narratives" sheds light on the social and political structures causing conflict and struggle for immigrants by comparing novels from the literatures of Denmark, G - 2025-01-10

Call for signatures: Preserve the study of the Danish language and culture abroad

Call for signatures: Preserve the study of the Danish language and culture abroad Call for signatures: Preserve the study of the Danish language and culture abroad Published 16 September 2021 Illustration by Allan van Hansen/Ursus The Danish government is moving to terminate the Danish Lecturer Scheme which ensures the distribution of Danish language and culture abroad. The Danish Lecturer Scheme - 2025-01-10

No title

LUPstudent papers Student Manual 1:3 2011-12-11 Manual - Student When registering your student paper you need a pfd version of your paper and basic information such as title, supervisor, etc. Log onto: http// using your StiL username and password. (If you are a student at Lund University but do not have your StiL-id, please contact If you are not registered at t - 2025-01-10

Rättssociologi - Masterprogram

Inom masterprogrammet i rättssociologi får du en interdisciplinär utbildning och kunskap om samspelet mellan sociala normer och lagen. Du lär dig om hur lag, rättsinstitutioner och mänskligt beteende samspelar i en social kontext och om lagens ursprung, applicering, effekter och funktioner. Därutöver studeras rättssystemets möjligheter, begränsningar och beroende av samhället. Programmet erbjuderThe Master’s Programme in Sociology of Law will give you knowledge about social norms and the origin and application of laws, their effects and their functions. You will gain an understanding of the legal system's possibilities, limitations and dependence on the surrounding community. The Master of Science in Sociology of Law is an interdisciplinary programme that introduces you to the study of

Biologi: Akvatisk ekologi

This is an advanced ecology course dealing with both freshwater and marine systems. The aim is to give an increased understanding of the scientific process in general and a deeper knowledge base in aquatic ecology in particular. This course serves as a base for research education in limnology and marine ecology, but it is also useful for students that want to work within this science field but out

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Hållbarhetens geografi

Kursen erbjuder tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv från miljögeografi för att studera sociala och miljömässiga processer i specifika geografiska sammanhang. Perspektiv från en rad olika forskningsfält, såsom markförändringsvetenskap, landskapsgeografi och politisk ekologi, behandlas. Kursen syftar till att fördjupa studentens förståelse för och förmåga att utforska de sociala, ekonomiska och miljömThe course provides interdisciplinary perspectives from the field of environmental geography aimed at studying the dynamics of social and environmental change in particular places. It covers perspectives from a variety of research fields, such as land-change science, landscape geography, and political ecology. It aims to advance students’ understanding of the spatial dimensions of social, economic

Statsvetenskap: Miljö- och planetär politik

Under de senaste decennierna har det blivit allt tydligare att mänskligt driven resursanvändning och miljöförändring orsakar föroreningar, förlust av biologisk mångfald och klimatförändringar i en skala som äventyrar jordens beboelighet. För att förstå och förklara dessa miljö- och hållbarhetsutmaningar krävs teoretisk och empirisk kunskap om varför politiska åtgärder hittills varit otillräckliga Over the past decades it has become increasingly clear that human-driven overconsumption, pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change endanger the habitability of the Earth. Environmental politics involves the study of green political theories, green movements and parties, international agreements and environmental policies. Planetary politics is characterised by eco-centric planetary relatio

Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap, Biologi - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa biologiska processer och hur beräkningsvetenskapen kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Några exempel på aktuella infallsvinklar är inom biologisk mångfald, ekosystemtjänster, naturvård, kemikalierisker, miljö- och klimatförändringar, klimatanpAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. On this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within biology, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Some examples of angles to focus on could be biodiversity, ecosystem services, environmental protection, chemical risks, environmental and climate change, a