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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14364 hits

Grekisk litteraturhistoria från antiken till tidig bysantinsk tid

Vi kommer att läsa ett urval av texter av viktiga grekiska författare – Sapfo, Homeros, Sofokles, Euripides, Herodotos, Platon, Lukianos, Plutarchos, Plotinos, och många flera. I analyserna av texterna kommer vi att jämföra antika och moderna analysteorier och undersöka den historiska kontinuiteten i bruket av exempelvis antik retorisk teori.    Kursen är obligatorisk inom masterprogramWe will read a selection of texts by famous Greek authors – Sappho, Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, Herodotus, Plato, Lucian, Plutarch, Plotinus, and many others. When analyzing the texts, we will compare ancient and modern theories of interpretation and investigate the historical continuity in the use of ancient rhetorical theory. The course is a compulsory component of the Master of Arts (120 cred

Kvartärgeologi: Maringeologi och havsmiljöförändringar

Do you want to learn more about the oceans, how they function today and how they functioned in the past? Then this course is for you. It is at advanced level and focuses initially on circulation patterns in the oceans, marine sedimentation processes and depositional environments, nutrient cycles, marine life habitats and ecosystems. Thereafter we study how the oceans devel

Engelska: Kandidatkurs

This is the BA course in English, that is, the course you need to finish in order to be able to get a BA (bachelor's degree) in English. You need a BA in order to go on to get an MA (master's degree). At Lund University you get a BA in either English linguistics or English literature. However, your do not need to choose your specialisation before the start of the course, and you will get more info

GIS: Pythonprogrammering i GIS

Efter introduktion och grundläggande Python-programmering lär sig studenten att programmera och visualisera såväl vektor- som rasterexempel i GIS-miljö. Olika moment, från input, via algoritmprogrammering, till debuggning tas upp i kursen. Kursens innehåll Följande moment ingår i kursen: Introduktion till Python Grundläggande Python –inbyggda datatyper samt exekveringsflöde Objektsorienterad progrAfter introduction and basic Python programming the student learns to program and visualize vector- as well as raster-based examples in a GIS environment. Many different components in Python programming, from input, via algorithm programming, to debugging, are discussed within the course. Course content The following modules are included in the course: Introduction to Python  Basic Python emb

No title

LUPstudent papers Student Manual 1:3 2011-12-11 Manual - Student When registering your student paper you need a pfd version of your paper and basic information such as title, supervisor, etc. Log onto: http// using your StiL username and password. (If you are a student at Lund University but do not have your StiL-id, please contact If you are not registered at t - 2025-01-10

Call for papers: "Aesthetic Expressions of Vocation and Responsibility in Nordic Cultures since 1750

Call for papers: "Aesthetic Expressions of Vocation and Responsibility in Nordic Cultures since 1750" Call for papers: "Aesthetic Expressions of Vocation and Responsibility in Nordic Cultures since 1750" Published 23 May 2023 Members of the research group: “Aesthetics of Protestantism in Scandinavia from the 19th to the 21st Century” announce an international conference in Strasbourg next year (21 - 2025-01-10

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in 20th and 21st Century Literary History (DK)

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in 20th and 21st Century Literary History (DK) Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in 20th and 21st Century Literary History (DK) Published 5 December 2024 The new Center of Excellence TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Copenhagen, invites applicants for a postdoctoral position in Danish literary histories of 20th - 2025-01-10

Call for Conference Contributions: "Doing Things with Old Norse Myth: A Research & Cultural Symposiu

Call for Conference Contributions: "Doing Things with Old Norse Myth: A Research & Cultural Symposium on Mythological Processes" Call for Conference Contributions: "Doing Things with Old Norse Myth: A Research & Cultural Symposium on Mythological Processes" Published 23 April 2021 The Northern Door at Urnes Stave Church, Norway. The latest in the annual series of Aarhus Old Norse Mythology confere - 2025-01-10

New publication about migration in Scandinavian literature

New publication about migration in Scandinavian literature New publication about migration in Scandinavian literature Published 16 November 2021 Anja Trögers new book, "Affective Spaces: Migration in Scandinavian and German Transnational Narratives" sheds light on the social and political structures causing conflict and struggle for immigrants by comparing novels from the literatures of Denmark, G - 2025-01-10

Call for signatures: Preserve the study of the Danish language and culture abroad

Call for signatures: Preserve the study of the Danish language and culture abroad Call for signatures: Preserve the study of the Danish language and culture abroad Published 16 September 2021 Illustration by Allan van Hansen/Ursus The Danish government is moving to terminate the Danish Lecturer Scheme which ensures the distribution of Danish language and culture abroad. The Danish Lecturer Scheme - 2025-01-10

Nationalekonomi: Internationell makroekonomisk teori

The course covers open economy macroeconomic theory at an advanced analytical and formal level. It develops standard macroeconomic models into the framework of an open economy with intertemporal decision-making. Topics covered include various macroeconomic aspects on interetmporal decision-making including: the current account, consumption, investment, public consumption, taxes, the public

GIS: Pythonprogrammering i GIS

Efter introduktion och grundläggande Python-programmering lär sig studenten att programmera och visualisera såväl vektor- som rasterexempel i GIS-miljö. Olika moment, från input, via algoritmprogrammering, till debuggning tas upp i kursen. Följande moment ingår i kursen: Introduktion till Python Grundläggande Python –inbyggda datatyper samt exekveringsflöde Objektsorienterad programmering medAfter introduction and basic Python programming the student learns to program and visualise vector- as well as raster-based examples in a GIS environment. Many different components in Python programming, from input, via algorithm programming, to debugging, are discussed within the course. The following modules are included in the course: Introduction to Python  Basic Python embedded data

Konstnärligt kandidatprogram i fri konst

Konstnärlig kandidatutbildning i fri konst är ett treårigt utbildningsprogram på heltid som syftar till att utbilda konstnärer med hög konstnärlig och professionell förmåga. Programmet håller en hög internationell profil och förbereder för en yrkesverksamhet på internationell nivå. Utbildningens internationellt verksamma professorer är aktiva inom en rad olika konstnärliga fält. Detta leder inte bThe Bachelor of Fine Arts is a three-year full-time study programme that aims to educate artists with high artistic and professional ability. The programme has a distinct international profile and prepares students for an international career. The programme’s internationally active professors work in a range of different artistic fields.  Not only does this lead to important interaction at Ma


Confirmation The course syllabus was confirmed General Information Teaching languages: English Outcomes On completion of the course, the student shall show an advanced knowledge about the development and business logic of the retail trade that takes expression in horizontal integration and international establishments and product supply via different channels, demonstrate an understanding of how s - 2025-01-10

Service Work

Kursen tar sin utgångspunkt i de föränderliga villkor som tjänstearbetet står inför. I kursen problematiseras förutsättningar och praktiker i dagens och framtidens arbetsliv inom tjänstesektorn. Utifrån ett samhällsvetenskapligt perspektiv ger kursen en ökad förståelse om vem som utför tjänstearbete, i vilka former det utförs samt hur det värderas.The course is based on the changing conditions that service work faces. The course problematises conditions and practices in today's and future working life in the service sector. From a social science perspective, the course provides an increased understanding of who performs service work, in what forms it is performed and how it is valued.

Risk- och krisledning

Kursen tar sin utgångspunkt i den återkommande diskussionen kring hur risker skall hanteras och säkerhet skapas för att undvika kriser för verksamheter. Inom kursen ges verktyg för att förstå riskledning ur olika samhällsvetenskapliga, företagsekonomiska och humanistiska perspektiv. The course is based on the recurring discussion about how risks should be managed and security created to avoid crises for businesses. The course provides tools for understanding risk management from different perspectives such as social science, business economics and humanities.

Öst- och centraleuropakunskap: Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall (Polen, Tjeckien, Slovakien, Ungern)

Kursen ger dig en översikt i fråga om Polens, Tjeckiens, Slovakiens och Ungerns postkommunistiska samhällsutveckling. De viktigaste politiska och kulturella tendenserna som genomsyrade Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall kommer att problematiseras och diskuteras. Du får möjlighet att fördjupa dig i specifika frågor rörande nationella och etniska identiteter, demokratiseringsprocess och övergång tiThe course provides an overview of the post-communist development of the societies of Central Europe, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The key political and cultural tendencies permeating Central Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall are problematised and discussed, as is the question of the region's role as a potential bridge between East and West and North and South. A s

Nationalism and Communism in Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary)

Kursen inleds med en teoretisk granskning av begreppen nationalism och kommunism, de dominerande ideologierna under 1900-talet i Centraleuropa, det vill säga Polen, Tjeckien, Slovakien, Ungern. Därefter studeras nationalismens och kommunismens uppkomst, utveckling och nutida arv i regionen. Olika konkreta fall av nationalismens och kommunismens uttryck i Centraleuropa så som bildandet av nya natiThe course will discuss the emergence, development and contemporary legacy of nationalism and communism as the two major political ideologies in the twentieth century Central Europe. A particular focus will be directed towards Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Communism will be further explored as a political and cultural system that dominated the societal transformation of these stat