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Your search for "julie" yielded 5712 hits


fågelåret 2021212 LUVRE 2021 by (sedan 2016), snötäcke på fjällheden i juni (i större skala sedan 2018, pilotstudier sedan 2012), humlor, fjärilar och vilda däggdjur (inkl. spår, ren ingår inte) på fjällheden (start 2019). En kort historik om projektet samt grundläggande information om de olika långtidsprojekt som drivs gavs i Fågelåret 2016. En komplett publikationslis- ta för LUVRE-projektet, me - 2025-02-22

Water quality in rivers affected by urbanization : a case study in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Staden Frutal, centrerad i den brasilianska delstaten Minas Gerais är idag under stark urbanisering och utveckling. Målet med denna studie var att ta reda på om den starka urbaniseringen har påverkat närliggande vattensystem och dess vattenkvalité. I studien har vattenkvalitén i floden Frutal, en flod liggandes centralt i staden Frutal, jämförts med vattenkvalitén i floden Bebedouro, en lantlig flThis study highlights the key issues that urban river systems face due to urbanization. The city of Frutal (20°01' 32.17”S 48°56' 09.62” W) centered in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is under urban expansion today. The aim of this study was to compare two rivers in this area, the Frutal River, an urban located river, with the Bebedouro River, which is a rural river approximately 3 km

Våldtäkt som krigsvapen i väpnade konflikter – Hur kan rättvisa skipas

Rape as a weapon of war in armed conflicts is one of the history’s great silences. It was not until the 1990’s, through the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR), that the international community explicitly recognized rape as a crime against humanity. The International Criminal Court, ICC, was established on 1 July 2002. However, it was not until 201

Proportionalitet i utsökningsrätten - Europakonventionens krav vid utmätning av bostad

On the 25th of July 2013, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held Sweden responsible for violating Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the convention regarding a sale of the applicant’s home and ensuing eviction due to an en- forceable debt. This paper examines the relations between the Swedish debt enforcement and the ECHR, with t

Hedersbrott som egen brottsrubricering - En problematisering av Hedersbrottsutredningens lagförslag utifrån de straffrättsliga kriminaliseringskriterierna.

On the 18th of July 2019, the government appointed an inquiry to evaluate whether or not honour crime should be appointed as a classification of a crime in the penal code. The appointed inquiry was named SOU 2020:57 Ett särskilt hedersbrott. The proposed Government Bill would mean that multiple honour crimes under specific circumstances could be assessed collectively. This would result in a strict

”Livet är som ett tv-spel.”

Sammanfattning Debatten om påverkan av masskultur är en debatt som vägrar att dö. Samtalet har cirklat kring allt från hur läsandet av dålig litteratur skulle leda till sämre läsförståelse, till 70-80 talets videovålds-debatt. Idag fokuserar detta samtal på tv- och datorspels påverkan på spelarna. Vi har intresserat oss för vad det är som idag sägs bakom de omedelbara argumenten i detta samtal. I

Ansvar för underlåtenhet att förhindra brott i sammanslutningar - en befogad kriminalisering?

In the Swedish legal system there is limited responsibility for failure to hinder other people´s criminal acts. As of July 1st of 2016 there is a new paragraph in the 6th section of the 23rd chapter of the Swedish Penal Code. It was introduced in order to be able to keep leaders of organized crime responsible for the crimes that are, with them knowing, taking place within the organization. During


Introduction 1 THE BEST SWIMMERS DROWN – MECHANISMS AND EPISTEMIC RISKS: A CONSTRUCTIVE CRITIQUE OF ELSTER Johannes Persson Department of Philosophy, Lund University ABSTRACT: According to Jon Elster, mechanisms are frequently occurring and easily recognizable causal patterns that are triggered under generally unknown conditions or with indeterminate consequences. In the - 2025-01-28

No title

Thursday May 16th Room: Arrival: 12:30-12:40 Scandinavian Literature in the World Nordic Languages in the World / World Languages in the Nordic Countries Translations of Scandinavian Literature Room: H135a H135b H140 Afternoon sessions: 12:40-13:00 Agata Lubowicka Bjarne Købmand Petersen Els Biesemans 13:00-13:20 Jens Lohfert Jørgensen Frederic Pearl Catia De Marco 13:20-13:40 Krzysztof Bak* Crist - 2025-02-20

Microsoft Word - ENSO V second call for paper 20161201.docx

Microsoft Word - ENSO V second call for paper 20161201.docx ENSO  V     The  Fifth  Conference  of  the  European  Network  on  Social  Ontology   Lund,  Sweden   August  30  –  September  1,  2017     SECOND  CALL  FOR  PAPERS  –  SUBMISSION  OPEN  DEC  1st     The  European  Network  on  Social  Ontology  invites  contributions  to  its  fifth  conference.  ENSO   V  is  an  interdisciplinary  c - 2025-02-20

News and events from 2022

News updates and events from the 2030 Graduate School. NewsDecemberReduced flow of plasticsAt Helsingborg's hospital, doctors have switched from disposable to reusable items and reduced the flow of plastics, writes Sjukhusläkaren. The Agenda 2030 PhD student Linn Boberg researches plastic articles in healthcare and is interviewed in the article.Tog bort onödiga verktyg - minskade plastflödet i ope - 2025-02-21

Forskningsgruppen Miljöpolitikgruppen

Environmental Politics Research Group (EPRG) är en av de ledande miljöforskningsgrupperna i Europa Samspelet mellan människan, naturen och miljön i stort väcker viktiga frågor för den samtida politiska analysen som spänner över en rad olika områden, från offentlig politik och styrning till studier av demokrati, makt, intressen och normer samt debatten om antropocen.Environmental Politics Research - 2025-02-21

Simulation and Estimation of Diffusion Processes : Applications in Finance

Kvantitativ analys är en teknik som syftar till att förstå komplexa system genom att använda matematisk och statistisk modellering. Det är en viktig del av dagens finansiella system och innebär bland annat att modellera den slumpmässiga utvecklingen av finansiella tillgångar, och för att förutspå verkliga händelser som till exempel förändring av riksbankens styrränta. En mycket vanlig metod som anDiffusion processes are the most commonly used models in mathematical finance, and are used extensively not only by academics but also practitioners. Nowadays a wide range of models, that can capture many of the effects observed in financial markets, are available. A very important task is to calibrate the models to observed market data and to achieve a good fit, since a slight misspecification ca

Prognostic significance of nuclear expression of UMP-CMP kinase in triple negative breast cancer patients

We have previously identified UMP-CMP kinase (CMPK1) as a prognostic marker for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) by mass spectrometry (MS). In this study we evaluated CMPK1 association to prognosis in an independent set of samples by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and assessed biological pathways associated to its expression through gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). A total of 461 TNBC paraffin

The Role of Airway Inflammation and Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness in Athlete's Asthma

Purpose Asthma is frequently reported in endurance athletes. The aim of the present study was to assess the long-term airway inflammatory response to endurance exercise in high-level athletes with and without asthma. Methods In a cross-sectional design, 20 asthmatic athletes (10 swimmers and 10 cross-country skiers), 19 athletes without asthma (10 swimmers and 9 cross-country skiers), and 24 healt

Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and lysosomes are disorganized in lung fibroblasts from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is often caused by smoking and other stressors. This causes oxidative stress, which induces numerous changes on both the transcriptome and proteome of the cell. We aimed to examine if the endomembrane pathway, including the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi, and lysosomes, was disrupted in fibroblasts from COPD patients as opposed to healthy ever-smoker

Immune gene expression and response to chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer

Background:Transcriptomic profiles have shown promise as predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer (BC). This study aimed to explore their predictive value in the advanced BC (ABC) setting.Methods:In a Phase 3 trial of first-line chemotherapy in ABC, a fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was obtained at baseline. Intrinsic molecular subtypes and gene modules related to i

Ja, nej eller kanske? - En undersökning av frivillighetsrekvisitet i 6 kap. 1 § Brottsbalken

Uppsatsens syfte är att ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv undersöka frivillighetsrekvisitet i 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken. Först genom att undersöka hur lagstiftaren be-skrivit rekvisitet i förarbetena och lagtexten för att sedan analysera hovrättsdomar som tillämpat det. Detta för att avgöra om kritiken gällande oförutsebarheten i lagstiftningen varit befogad. Diskussionen om frivillighet kom på allvaThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the requirement of consent in chapter 6 section 1 of the Swedish Criminal Code (brottsbalken, SFS 1962:700) from a legal security perspective. First by examining how the legislator described the requirement in the legislative history and in the text of the law and thereafter by analyzing court cases where the requirement has been applied. This is to decide