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Information meeting feb 2016

PowerPoint-presentation Third term options GRADUATE SCHOOL│ FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Third Term – Several Options! Elective courses at Lund University or any other recognized university in Sweden or abroad. Internship 15 credits or 30 credits Exchange studies Coordinator Katarina Follin Remember! Your elective term is 30 credits. Elective Courses • The courses do not have to be on advanced level - 2025-02-20

Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

BACKGROUND: The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017 (GBD 2017) includes a comprehensive assessment of incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 354 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2017. Previous GBD studies have shown how the decline of mortality rates from 1990 to 2016 has led to an increase in life expectancy, an ageing gl

Editorial : Industrialized building

Fashions come and go. Industrialized building (IB) is no exception, having its roots far in the past and appearing in just about every type of construction, including infrastructure, at one time or another. Industrialization, as a term applied to the production of goods, can be on a macro-scale as in the case of large assemblies and near-complete structures. But it also applies to myriad products

Deoxypodophyllotoxin Exerts Anti-Cancer Effects on Colorectal Cancer Cells Through Induction of Apoptosis and Suppression of Tumorigenesis

Deoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT) is a cyclolignan compound that exerts anti-cancer effects against various types of cancers. DPT induces apoptosis and inhibits the growth of breast, brain, prostate, gastric, lung, and cervical tumors. In this study, we sought to determine the effect of DPT on cell proliferation, apoptosis, motility, and tumorigenesis of three colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines: HT29, DL

RWI Supported - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

RWI Supported - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work Methods Focus Ar - 2025-02-20

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Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Stora Gråbrödersgatan 17 B | P.O. Box 1155 SE-221 05, Lund, Sweden | Phone +46 46 222 12 00 | Input by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law on the UN Secretary-General’s synthesis report on Just Transition and Human Rights December 2024 This submission, prepared by experts at the Raoul Wall - 2025-02-17

Peace and International Politics Research Group

The Peace and International Politics (PIP) research group convenes approximately once a month. The disciplinary home of the research group is the intersection of International Relations and Peace Research broadly conceived, and we discuss and read theoretical as well as empirical work. We invite members to present work in progress at our seminars, and we invite guests as well as discuss topical re - 2025-02-19


Osvath M, Němec, P., Brusatte, S. L., Witmer, L. M. (2024) Thought for food: the endothermic brain hypothesis, TICSSome publications from the different teams, relevant for deep time cognition:Cognitive ZoologyOsvath M, Johansson M (2024) A short natural history of mental time travels: a journey still travelled? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society BRejsenhus Jensen T, Anikin A, Osvath M - 2025-02-19

Courses in economic history

We offer a large number of courses in our subject area that provide indispensable and broad knowledge of economics, society and history, but which also facilitate the understanding of many other subjects, such as economics, sociology, political science. Immersing yourself in economic history is not only the most interesting thing you can do, but has proven to be a successful venture to get a good - 2025-02-20

Alumniprogramme13oct 0

annalumniprogramm.xlsx Thursday,  15  October When   What   Venue 08:30  -­‐  09:00 Registration Palaestra  et  Odeum,   Paradisgatan 09:00  -­‐  09:15 09:15  -­‐  10:15 Key  note: "The  history  and  future  of  global  climate  governance:  towards   Paris  and  beyond"   Joyeeta  Gupta Professor  of  environment  and  development  in  the  global  south   at  the  Amsterdam  Institute  for  Soc - 2025-02-20

Emp b24 thesis defence schedule 190926 x

MSc Thesis Presentation Schedule Monday 30th September – Thursday 3th October 2019 MONDAY 30 SEPTEMBER TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 2 OCTOBER THURSDAY 3 OCTOBER Time/Student/Room Thesis title Chairperson Opponent 10.15 - Nayma Jahan - 133 The prospect of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading in microgrids: two Swedish cases Thomas Lindhqvist Thomas Parker, WA3RM 10.15 - Madison Wright - Aula Food waste - 2025-02-20

COSM34 Schedule 2021

Microsoft Word - COSM34 2020 Schedule (2020.11.16).docx 1 COSM34 Development Theories and Issues in Asia Autumn Semester 2021 Course director: Nicholas Loubere E-mail: Period: 1 November – 30 November 2021 Office hours: By appointment Teaching 9 Lectures 2 Seminars Readings Students are required to complete all the required readings prior to class. Students, in groups, a - 2025-02-20


Page 1 University Admissions in Sweden FE 20102 839 87 Östersund SWEDEN +46 771 550 720 Notification of Selection Results Autumn Semester 2016 2016-08-02 Application no. Personal code no. 8902130 19930427-T134 ERIC ANDRESEN ULRIKEDALSVÄGEN 28B 1008 224 58 LUND Notification of Selection Results for the autumn semester 2016 You have received this admissions notification for one of the following reas - 2025-02-20


Brevmall Höstterminen 2020 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUS01, Översättning till svenska 1 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av - 2025-02-16


Brevmall Vårterminen 2022 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum, den 1 - 2025-02-17


Brevmall Höstterminen 2020 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUS01, Översättning till svenska 1 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av - 2025-02-18


Brevmall Vårterminen 2021 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för: FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) FÖUS01, Översättning till svenska 1 (15 hp) FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum, den 17 juni 2020. - 2025-02-18


Brevmall Höstterminen 2021 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för: FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) FÖUS01, Översättning till svenska 1 (15 hp) FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum, den 17 juni 2020 - 2025-02-18

No title

2018 year in review Table of Contents Director’s Statement 2 This is RWI 4 RWI Around the World 6 Elisabet Fura - Chairperson of the Board 8 Solid Cooperation with Centre for Human Rights in Addis Ababa 9 Gender Equality Gains Momentum 10 Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Report Highlights Efforts 12 First Gender and Law Courses Launched at Belarusian Universities 14 Advancing Gender Equality and W - 2025-02-17

Publication in mov disord

JW-MDS#130009 1..9 Study of the Antidyskinetic Effect of Eltoprazine in Animal Models of Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Erwan Bezard, PhD,1,2,3 Elisabetta Tronci, PhD,4,5 Elsa Y. Pioli, PhD,6 Qin Li, PhD,3,6 Gregory Porras, PhD,6 Anders Bj€orklund, MD,5 and Manolo Carta, PhD4,5* 1Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France 2Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, - 2025-02-20