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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6905 hits
Invitation to Webinar: Covid-19, Gender and Human Rights - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human R
Invitation to Webinar: Covid-19, Gender and Human Rights - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Ev - 2025-02-18
Stockholm +50 Anniversary Conference in Nairobi - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and
Stockholm +50 Anniversary Conference in Nairobi - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation - 2025-02-18
Peace and International Politics Research Group
The Peace and International Politics (PIP) research group convenes approximately once a month. The disciplinary home of the research group is the intersection of International Relations and Peace Research broadly conceived, and we discuss and read theoretical as well as empirical work. We invite members to present work in progress at our seminars, and we invite guests as well as discuss topical re - 2025-02-17
Osvath M, Němec, P., Brusatte, S. L., Witmer, L. M. (2024) Thought for food: the endothermic brain hypothesis, TICSSome publications from the different teams, relevant for deep time cognition:Cognitive ZoologyOsvath M, Johansson M (2024) A short natural history of mental time travels: a journey still travelled? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society BRejsenhus Jensen T, Anikin A, Osvath M - 2025-02-17
Time series analysis in remote sensing
In order to handle and analyze satellite data time-series, we developed TIMESAT (Jönsson and Eklundh, 2002, 2004). The TIMESAT software package provides tools that allow modeling of seasonality patterns of vegetation and the investigation of the relationship between satellite derived parameters and dynamic properties of vegetation, such as phenology and temporal development.TIMESAT was originally
Courses in economic history
We offer a large number of courses in our subject area that provide indispensable and broad knowledge of economics, society and history, but which also facilitate the understanding of many other subjects, such as economics, sociology, political science. Immersing yourself in economic history is not only the most interesting thing you can do, but has proven to be a successful venture to get a good - 2025-02-18
Page 1 University Admissions in Sweden FE 20102 839 87 Östersund SWEDEN +46 771 550 720 Notification of Selection Results Autumn Semester 2016 2016-08-02 Application no. Personal code no. 8902130 19930427-T134 ERIC ANDRESEN ULRIKEDALSVÄGEN 28B 1008 224 58 LUND Notification of Selection Results for the autumn semester 2016 You have received this admissions notification for one of the following reas - 2025-02-18
COSM34 Schedule 2021
Microsoft Word - COSM34 2020 Schedule (2020.11.16).docx 1 COSM34 Development Theories and Issues in Asia Autumn Semester 2021 Course director: Nicholas Loubere E-mail: Period: 1 November – 30 November 2021 Office hours: By appointment Teaching 9 Lectures 2 Seminars Readings Students are required to complete all the required readings prior to class. Students, in groups, a - 2025-02-18
Emp b24 thesis defence schedule 190926 x
MSc Thesis Presentation Schedule Monday 30th September – Thursday 3th October 2019 MONDAY 30 SEPTEMBER TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 2 OCTOBER THURSDAY 3 OCTOBER Time/Student/Room Thesis title Chairperson Opponent 10.15 - Nayma Jahan - 133 The prospect of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading in microgrids: two Swedish cases Thomas Lindhqvist Thomas Parker, WA3RM 10.15 - Madison Wright - Aula Food waste - 2025-02-18
Alumniprogramme13oct 0
annalumniprogramm.xlsx Thursday, 15 October When What Venue 08:30 -‐ 09:00 Registration Palaestra et Odeum, Paradisgatan 09:00 -‐ 09:15 09:15 -‐ 10:15 Key note: "The history and future of global climate governance: towards Paris and beyond" Joyeeta Gupta Professor of environment and development in the global south at the Amsterdam Institute for Soc - 2025-02-18
No title
Publication in mov disord
JW-MDS#130009 1..9 Study of the Antidyskinetic Effect of Eltoprazine in Animal Models of Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Erwan Bezard, PhD,1,2,3 Elisabetta Tronci, PhD,4,5 Elsa Y. Pioli, PhD,6 Qin Li, PhD,3,6 Gregory Porras, PhD,6 Anders Bj€orklund, MD,5 and Manolo Carta, PhD4,5* 1Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France 2Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, - 2025-02-18
Chapter 5 Dark Matter and New Physics Beyond the Standard Model with LHAASO
In order to reveal the nature of dark matter, it is crucial to detect its non-gravitational interactions with the standard model particles. The traditional dark matter searches focused on the so-called weakly interacting massive particles. However, this paradigm is strongly constrained by the null results of current experiments with high precision. Therefore there is a renewed interest of searches
Introduction : Performativity in Literature. The Lund–Nanjing Seminars
The seventeen papers were originally discussed in joint seminars in Lund and Nanjing in the beginning of 2014, and presented at a conference in Stockholm in October 2014.
A grammar of Jahai
Popular Abstract in Swedish Jahai är ett språk som tillhör asli-grenen av språkfamiljen mon-khmer och talas av ca 1000 jägare-samlare i bergsregnskogarna i norra Västmalaysia. Denna avhandling, baserad på språkliga data inhämtade i fält, beskriver och analyserar grammatiken i jahai. Arbetet inleds med en introduktion till språket och dess talare och behandlar sedan bl.a. ljudsystemet (fonologin), Jahai, a language belonging to the Aslian branch of the Mon-Khmer language family, is spoken by a group of about 1,000 hunter-gatherers in the montane rainforests of northern Peninsular Malaysia. Drawing on linguistic data collected in the field, the present dissertation is a study of the grammar of Jahai. The work begins with an introduction to Jahai and its speakers, and subsequent chapters char
Burakumin and Shimazaki Toson's Hakai: Images of Discrimination in Modern Japanese Literature
Popular Abstract in Swedish Shimazaki Toson (1872 - 1943) anses vara Japans främste företrädare för shizenshugi - en japansk form av fransk Naturalisme. Hans debut som romanförfattare skedde 1906 med Hakai - Löftesbrottet. Romanen anses allmänt vara en representant för kokuhaku shosetsu, eller en "bekännelseroman". Denna avhandling påvisar att författaren hade politiska ambitioner att påvisa diskrPublished in 1906, Hakai or The Broken Commandment in English, by Shimazaki Tôson, is generally considered the first novel in the genre of shizenshugi, a Japanese variation of French Naturalisme. Traditionally, the novel has been viewed as an example of kokuhaku shôsetsu, or “confessional novel” in that the protagonist “confesses” his origin as a member of Eta¾an autochtonous and despised minority
Gerard Quinn Archives - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Gerard Quinn Archives - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work Methods - 2025-02-18
RWI Supported - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
RWI Supported - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work Methods Focus Ar - 2025-02-18