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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6913 hits
Understanding the Identity Shaping Role of Popular Nationalism in China
The Location Decision of Chinese Outward FDI
Maritime Arbitration: Law and Practice in the People's Republic of China
Teaching the third tone in Standard Chinese: Tone representation in textbooks and its consequences for students
Being Minority and Majority - Chinese Muslims in Malaysia
Desiring Feminism in Chinese Documentary
Abstract in Chinese本文通过分析 2016年在香港大学举办的“情欲中国:性与女性主体”展映纪录片,以及受邀但因伦理问题未参展的影片,探讨中国独立纪录片电影在处理隐私、性别、暴力、创伤等议题时的女权主义立场性:1)电影人的关怀伦理立场,以及与影片主人公形成(亲密)团结立场;2)影片主人公从坦白和渴求的立场出发,从基于性别的暴力和歧视中重宣自主;3)电影人与影片主人公从不同的立场出发,通过发行控制来降低纪录片对主人公个人生活可能造成的负面影响;4)片中人物与电影人自我转变的演进,因此恢复一度禁止的放映;5)从活跃分子立场出发的政治代言,以及从电影人立场出发的艺术意义上的再现;6)理论与实践之间的紧张关系要求学者、电影人和活跃分子反思性别与知识生产的传统关系,置身于具体处境中进行讨论和落实纪录片伦理。本文认为在制作、展映、评论中国关于女性的纪录片时,有必要采取女权主义的关怀伦理
International trade and carbon emissions : The role of Chinese institutional and policy reforms
De-pathologizing Perversion : Proust’s Sexual Discourses and Their Chinese Translations
Fictional Dictionaries : Power and Philosophy of Language in Contemporary Chinese Fiction
Asymmetry Effects in Chinese Stock Markets Volatility: A Generalized Additive Nonparametric Approach
Le – a context-sensitive marker in Chinese
Chinese Digital Diasporic Media and The Shaping of Identity: The Case of UKzone
The dark truth behind plastic waste trade, the consequences of the Chinese import ban & the environmental damage of plastic waste trade using Life Cycle Assessment.
In recent years, plastic waste trade has received increasing attention due to huge amounts ending up in countries with high rates of mismanaged plastic waste and the environmental damage of plastic pollution. The EU has been exporting plastic waste to China for recycling purposes due to insufficient domestic recycling capacities, until 2018, when China decided to ban all imports of plastic waste.