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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6913 hits

The dark truth behind plastic waste trade, the consequences of the Chinese import ban & the environmental damage of plastic waste trade using Life Cycle Assessment.

In recent years, plastic waste trade has received increasing attention due to huge amounts ending up in countries with high rates of mismanaged plastic waste and the environmental damage of plastic pollution. The EU has been exporting plastic waste to China for recycling purposes due to insufficient domestic recycling capacities, until 2018, when China decided to ban all imports of plastic waste.

Toward a gender perspective on courts evaluation: A socio-legal study of Chinese women’s trust in courts

This study aimed to explore how women, as the dominated, evaluate an institution (the court) that is under the control of the dominant from a gender perspective. To fulfill the research aims and provide empirical evidence to the field, this thesis has conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis to explore the observed phenomena and understand them within the socio-legal theoretical framework