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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6913 hits
The marker le in Mandarin Chinese: A discussion on contextual influence
Modern War on an Ancient Battlefield: The Diffusion of Military Technology and Ideas in the Chinese Civil War, 1946-49
Acoustic analysis of Chinese fricatives and affricates
Contact Space: Shanghai : The Chinese Dream and the Production of a New Society
Aspect, tense and mood : Context dependency and the marker LE in Mandarin Chinese
Popular Abstract in Swedish Markören LE i kinesiska är speciell av flera olika skäl. Bland annat kan den uppträda på två ställen i en sats, dels direkt efter ett verb och dels i slutet av en mening. Beroende på var den uppträder kan den ofta - men inte alltid - påverka meningen på olika sätt. Det är en av anledningarna till att språkvetare ofta har valt att se LE som två olika markörer med olika f
Cash Cow, Civic Space or Co-optation: Private Schools in Urban China
In Search of a Stressful Free Life: An Examination of Chinese Lifestyle Migration to Denmark
Contextual factors for omni-channel warehousing: An empirical study in China
Introduction: In recent years omni-channel retailing has been accepted and used by both physical and e-commerce retailers. In omni-channel retailing different channels are integrated. An effective and efficient distribution system is becoming more crucial. The core of the distribution system is warehousing that affects lead time and logistics cost. The main challenge is to handle large store reple