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Your search for "chat gpt" yielded 147 hits

Quantum Control and Feedback in Qubit Systems

This thesis examines the behavior of a single-qubit quantum system controlled by feedback. Key parameters such as coupling strength, dissipation, and detuning are explored to improve quantum coherence and stability. Based on the results, practical methods for controlling quantum systems are proposed to better understand quantum control techniques and then improve the performance and stability of q

The artifact description library : shape, form and colour editon

This book invites you to embark on a journey of discovery, where words become the palette for the expression of design. Furthermore, this book extends its utility to individuals working with Al and text-to-image creation. By enhancing the effectiveness of prompts, it empowers Al systems like Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, and MidJourney to produce refined and contextually relevant visual outputs. The t

Gabriella Scaramuzzino

Director of Second Cycle Studies | Senior lecturer | PhD in Social Work Contact details Email: gabriella [dot] scaramuzzino [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 88 49Organisation School of Social Work Room number: 348 Service point: 28 WebpageGabriella Scaramuzzinos profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer School of Social Work Associate professor Schoo - 2025-03-10


GaiaNIR-Lund.key GaiaNIR – Solar System Toward µas astrometry on small solar system bodies Daniel Hestroffer — Paris observatory, univ. PSL Science and technology roadmap for μas studies of the Milky Way Lund, 18-20 July 2023 Gaia SSO main characteristics • Gaia provides high precision astrometry, and photometry 
 and colour/spectro-photometry • astrometry at - 2025-03-10

Minutes GS Board 240227

Graduate School Graduate School Board, 2024-02-27 In attendance Board members Lena Karlsson Director of Studies, Graduate School Leysan Storie Program Director, Politics and Society of the Contemporary Middle East Catia Gregoratti Program Director, Global Studies Marta Kolankiewicz Program Director, Social Studies of Gender Anne Jerneck Program Director, Development Studies Christopher Swader Prog - 2025-03-10

Become a Lund University Student Ambassador

As a Lund University Student Ambassador, you will help prospective students feel supported in their choice of university and studies. They will turn to you for advice, support and reassurance via a messaging app called 'Unibuddy'. Applications are open Apply by 2 February 2025 – see below for details. Apply to join our 79 current student ambassadors, representing 75 programmes and 55 countries, an - 2025-03-10

1a Lund University AI tools working group report May 2023

1 Working group on AI tools Report April 2023 Assignment According to the Vice-Chancellor’s decision (Diarienummer STYR 2023/215, Datum 2023-02- 02), a working group1 was formed in order to: 1. discuss and make suggestions for examination types, examination tasks and examination arrangements that discourage cheating but at the same time are meaningful in relation to the students' learning and deve - 2025-03-10

No title

1ANNUAL REPORT 2021–2022 Annual Report 2021–2022 2 LUND UNIVERSITY HUMANITIES LAB 3ANNUAL REPORT 2021–2022 The Director’s welcome Cover image: Vadstena project, recon- struction by Stefan Lindgren Welcome to the Annual Report of Lund University Hu- manities Lab for 2021–2022. The Lab is a department for research infrastructure at Lund University open to re- searchers, teachers, and students across - 2025-03-08

När mänsklighet möter teknologi: En studie om sambandet mellan värme, kompetens och tillförlitlighet till ChatGPT

The AI ​​model ChatGPT has become immensely popular in a short time and is used daily by millions of people. By analyzing large amounts of data consisting of public information, the AI ​​model performs services such as CV writing, composing poems and answering questions about everything from science, to culture and history. ChatGPT is used to a very large extent, despite the fact that the generate

Videor om GAI i undervisningen

På den här sidan kan du fördjupa dina kunskaper om generativa AI-verktyg med hjälp av ett antal videor framtagna av lärare och forskare vid Lunds universitet. Videorna är på engelska men det går att få dem textade. Samtliga videor är inspelade i mars 2023. Få videon textadSlå på automatiserad textning genom att klicka på ikonen för inställningar i videofönstret. Klicka på “Undertexter/textning” oc - 2025-03-09

”Möjligheterna och hoten går hand i hand” En studie om svensklärares förhållningssätt till AI-verktyget ChatGPT

ChatGPT, the artificial intelligent chat robot known for its ability to qickly create well-structured, coherent, and reasonably accurate texts based on user input, has fundamenally changed the landscape of text production. This is particularly evident among students in school. In response to AI advancements, the Swedish National Agency for Education (2024c) has issued new, more strict guidelines a

Människan och den moderna teknologin: en studie om individers föreställningar om ChatGPT och deras korrelation med attityder

ChatGPT is the latest addition in AI technology, a conversational model created to answer questions and produce text. Although ChatGPT is receiving a lot of attention and has become an increasingly common part of people’s everyday life, previous psychological research on this feature is limited. Therefore, it was considered interesting to delve deeper into this socially relevant topic. The study c