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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48814 hits

Informatik: Business Decision Management

Business Decision Management (BDM) handlar om transparens och mänskligt läsbar och regelbaserad beslutslogik i form av beslutstabeller och uttryck som används för att hantera och automatisera operativa och upprepade massbeslut i verksamhetsprocesser. Den automatiserad beslutslogiken är utformad på förhand av människor och inte genererad på något magiskt vis av generativ AI. Till skillnad från dageBusiness Decision Management (BDM) instead deals with transparent and human-readable rules based decision logic in the form of decision tables and expressions, used to manage and automate operational and repeating mass decisions in business processes. Different from today’s AI applications and their enormous foundational models can this decision logic be understood and explained by business expert

Archaeology: Viking Age Scandinavia

The course gives a broad overview of the archaeology, history and art history of the material culture and of the written sources from the 8th to the 12th centuries. Different aspects of the political, social, cultural and religious developments and changes within Scandinavia are treated here. These include such aspects as the transition from paganism to Christianity, Viking Age burials, gender and

Folk- och världsmusikensemble nivå 2

This is course is a continuation of MUHG77 Folk- och världsmusikensemble. You will play in a folk music ensemble, where we perform both Swedish folk music and folk music from the rest of the world. The teaching is mainly done by ear. You need to be pretty independent  on your instrument, but do not need to have played folk and world musiThis is course is a continuation of MUHG77 Folk- och världsmusikensemble. You will play in a folk music ensemble, where we perform both Swedish folk music and folk music from the rest of the world. The teaching is mainly done by ear. You need to be pretty independent  on your instrument, but do not need to have played folk and world musi

The Emergence of European Culture

During prehistory Europe changed and developed in several ways, especially in connection with the introduction of new technological and social complexes. This course consist of a number of thematic lectures and seminars concerning different central questions in European prehistory. Among them we find; the introduction of agriculture the emergence of metallurgy the emergence of complex soci

Recasting the Dublin Regulation : an analysis of the impact of the M.S.S. and N.S./M.E. judgments on the recast of the Dublin Regulation

Syftet med Dublinförordningen är att se till att asylansökningar behandlas av endast en medlemsstat, för att undvika fenomenen “asylsum shopping” och “refugees in orbit”. Förordningen består av en hierarki av kriterier för att fastställa vilken stat som är ansvarig, men detta har också lett till principen om ömsesidigt förtroende mellan medlemsstaterna, där alla stater förutsätts ha samma nivå av The purpose of the Dublin Regulation is to ensure that applications for asylum will be considered by one Member State, avoiding the phenomena of “asylum shopping” and “refugees in orbit”. The Regulation consists of a hierarchy of criteria for determining the responsible state, however, this has also resulted in the principle of Mutual Trust between Member States, where all states are presumed to h

Avancerad neurovetenskap

This course aims to provide you with in-depth theoretical and practical learning activities in the subject of neuroscience. You will initially receive theoretical instruction through lectures and seminars. These are led by experienced researchers and clinicians. Together with a supervisor, you will identify a neuroscience research project, and you will write a project plan. You will then practical

Asienstudier: Kroppspolitik i Öst- och Sydöstasien

The course situates body politics within broader regional and global contexts, and also emphasises the local particularities of how such politics are articulated and manifested. By engaging with topics ranging from military prostitution and transnational adoption to bereaved families’ safety movements and the entertainment and cosmetic surgery industries, students will gain insight into the vital The course situates body politics within broader regional and global contexts, and also emphasises the local particularities of how such politics are articulated and manifested. By engaging with topics ranging from military prostitution and transnational adoption to bereaved families’ safety movements and the entertainment and cosmetic surgery industries, students will gain insight into the vital

Vatten och hållbarhet

The themes are covered significantly through a variety of scientific readings and reflection that exemplify different approaches and perspectives for analysing and interpreting present and future water resource availability, the political ecology of water resource challenges, water-related vulnerability and adaptation measures, and uncertainties in climate modelling coupled to freshwater resources

Asienstudier: Dagens sydöstasiatiska samhällen

The course is divided into four parts where the first part provides a basic understanding of the region’s socio-cultural processes. The historical context and its impact on contemporary South-East Asian societies are discussed. It discusses religion as a field of meanings that informs individual people’s lives and strengthens social and political identities, and influences social and political dis

Economic History: Growth, Stagnation and Inequality in Africa

This course gives a deeper presentation of long term trends of economic and social development in Africa, with special focus on the agricultural sector. The course takes its point of departure in current challenges and debates and provides alternative historical explanations to issues of poverty, underdevelopment and inequality. The course emphasizes the diverse historical paths and the importance

Central and Eastern European Studies: Understanding Belarus and Ukraine

The course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It alsThe course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It als

Human Rights through Active Democracy and Rhetorical Citizenship

Democracy can be seen as a central part of human rights and good communication is a central part of democracy. The ability to both express one’s own views and to listen to others’ is foundational. Through a series of lectures and exercises, this intensive short course both highlights and fosters the importance of respectful, authentic, and efficient communication. Within the framework the Copenhag

MCC 2024 program final

Malmö Cancer Center Retreat 5-6 September 2024 Thursday September 5 08.10 Departure by bus from CRC, SUS Malmö, Jan Waldenströms gata 35 09.10 Arrival and coffee at Ystad Saltsjöbad, Ystad 09.25 Welcome address 09.30 – 10.10 MCC Special Guest Lecture Chairperson: Daniel Förnvik Kamila Czene, Dept of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet “Improving Mammography Screening for - 2025-02-27

MCC retreat program final.

Malmö Cancer Center Retreat 5-6 September 2024 Thursday September 5 08.10 Departure by bus from CRC, SUS Malmö, Jan Waldenströms gata 35 09.10 Arrival and coffee at Ystad Saltsjöbad, Ystad 09.25 Welcome address 09.30 – 10.10 MCC Special Guest Lecture Chairperson: Daniel Förnvik Bruno Barufaldi , Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania, USA “Virtual Clinica - 2025-02-27

Mångkulturell bibliotekariekompetens - En litteraturstudie och intervjuer med bibliotekarier och chefer vid Malmö stadsbibliotek.

The title of this Master´s thesis is Multicultural librarian competence - a literature study and interwievs with librarians and managers in Malmö Public Library. Every fifth Swede is born abroad or has at least one parent who are. The migration flows of today reach out longer, there are more efficent ways of communication and travel. This has made previously ethnic homogeneous populations as the

Political Science: International Relations Theory in Time and Space

The course is only offered as a single subject course for incoming exchange students. International Relations Theory is a time-honoured approach to the social world. Texts that are clearly recognisable as dealing with international relations date back to the ancient Greeks. Still, most textbooks in the field take a geographically and historically very parochial stance towards its own field. It i

Sociologi: Moderna klassiker

Course name: SOCN04, Sociology: Modern classics. Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Spring semester. Language of instruction: English. To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level. This course is offered as a stand-alone course and is also compulsory within the Master´s Programme in Sociology SASCO. The aim of the course is to provi