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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits
Dancing through the ages in Greece. A comparative study on Bronze Age-, Classical period- and Folk dancing
The burden of disease in Greece, health loss, risk factors, and health financing, 2000-16 : an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
Homeric Hipsters : Religion and Reception in the Marketing of Greek Male Grooming Products
Images of the North : An imagological analysis of Nordic noir book covers in Greece and Spain
Although Scandinavia is arguably peripheral in the global literary system, it nevertheless holds a surprisingly prominent position in the field of translation, Swedish and Danish being among the ten most translated languages in the world (Lindqvist, 2015). What literature is selected for translation and introduction into new linguistic contexts is not a coincidence, but has to do with economic fac
Do Satyrs Wear Sneakers? : Hellenic Polytheism and the Reception of Antiquity in Contemporary Greece – a study in serious play
Haplotype analysis reveals that the recurrent BRCA1 deletion of exons 23 and 24 is a Greek founder mutation
Risk Assessments of Natural Hazards in Refugee Camp Planning in Greece. Challenges and Recommended Actions.
The genus Resupinatus Nees ex Gray in Greece
Consumer attitudes and socio-demographic factors in purchasing organic food products : Evidence from a Greek and Swedish survey
Greek and British Merchant Fleets. Pattern of Investment in the Shippin Industry. Evidence from the Tanker Sector
Making Democracy Work in Greece: The Indignant Citizens Movement, Media and Political Engagement
The effect of Europeanization on bilateral conflicts in the enlargment process: -the bilateral conflict between Greece and Macedonia over the name issue
Given the increasing role of the bilateral conflicts in the enlargement process, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact the Europeanization has on the countries involved in bilateral conflicts i.e. to account for the specific norms promoted by the EU that contribute to rapprochement between the parties in the conflict, and possibly in finding mutually acceptable solution on the confli
Integrating Local Knowledge into the Spatial Analysis of Wind Power: The case study of Northern Tzoumerka, Greece
A mistaken attribution (Angelo Barbato, Greek printing)
Review of: Greek Identity and the Athenian Past in Chariton: The Romance of Empire. Groningen 2007 (Ancient narrative suppl. 9).
Cognitive representation of colour in bilinguals : The case of Greek blues
Green pathways: Exploring Greece’s and Albania’s sustainability and implementation practices
Daylight Performance in Urban Residences in Greece: Assessing EN 17037:2018 compliance and improvement strategies
In 2018, the European daylight standard EN 17037:2018 was published to encourage designers and developers to assess and provide sufficient daylight in buildings. However, the revision process by the European Committee for Standardisation identified that the recommendations for daylight provision are often challenging to achieve; therefore, the technical committee for the daylight working group, th
An early anonymous Greek translation of the Qur'ān : The fragments from Niketas Byzantios' Refutatio and the anonymous Abjuratio
Abstract in SpanishPresentamos en este artículo los fragmentos de la primera traducción completa conocida del Corán, acompañados de una introducción y notas. Esta traducción al griego, realizada algún tiempo antes de 780 d.C., no ha sido hasta ahora reconocida en los estudios coránicos ni en los bizantinos, sin que sus principales rasgos hayan sido advertidos. En el artículo argumentamos que la tr