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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits

Images of the North : An Analysis of Book Covers of Swedish Crime Fiction in Greek and Spanish Translation

Abstract in Spanish:Este estudio presenta un análisis de las cubiertas de una selección de novelas negras suecas, publicadas en Grecia y en el mundo hispanohablante durante el periodo de 2000-2017. Las imágenes de cubierta son importantes en el sistema paratextual (Genette, 1991); a partir de las teorías sobre el paratexto aplicadas al campo de los estudios de traducción, proponemos comparar las c

Between Refugees’ Rights and State’s Interests: Securitization of Migration in Greece during the Refugee ‘Crisis’ in Europe

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ongoing refugee ‘crisis’ in the EU, arguing that the EU’s approach towards the refugee issue largely speaks for the establishment of a new phase of migration in Europe. As opposed to the previous phase in the aftermath of the Cold War where a common European refugee policy was evident, today, each of the Union’s member-states seems to emphasize on i