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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2008 hits

The Arts of Editing Medieval Greek and Latin : a Casebook

With the triumph of the codex, medieval literature became more deeply hermeneutic in character. A vast range of texts, in various languages and genres, were not only copied with the commentaries and glosses of ancient tradition, but also underwent continuous reworking and transformation. Indeed, the very act of transcribing texts into a manuscript was often an incentive to rewrite them. This pract

A study of dedications to Aphrodite from Greek magistrates

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utifrån epigrafiska källor analyserar avhandlingen Afrodites roll som ämbetsmannabeskyddarinna. Huvudmaterialet är 62 dedikationer till Afrodite: inskrifter från ämbetsmän eller dedikationer där gudinnan presenteras med ett epitet som alluderar på ett ämbete, t.ex. Afrodite Strategis, ‘Strategernas Afrodite’. Materialet visar att Afrodite dyrkades av ämbetsmän på ett pa

Between Refugees’ Rights and State’s Interests: Securitization of Migration in Greece during the Refugee ‘Crisis’ in Europe

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ongoing refugee ‘crisis’ in the EU, arguing that the EU’s approach towards the refugee issue largely speaks for the establishment of a new phase of migration in Europe. As opposed to the previous phase in the aftermath of the Cold War where a common European refugee policy was evident, today, each of the Union’s member-states seems to emphasize on i

Images of the North : An imagological analysis of Nordic noir book covers in Greece and Spain

Although Scandinavia is arguably peripheral in the global literary system, it nevertheless holds a surprisingly prominent position in the field of translation, Swedish and Danish being among the ten most translated languages in the world (Lindqvist, 2015). What literature is selected for translation and introduction into new linguistic contexts is not a coincidence, but has to do with economic fac