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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2008 hits
A New Selection of the Poems of Pentti Saarikoski: A Window Left Open
A New Selection of the Poems of Pentti Saarikoski: A Window Left Open A New Selection of the Poems of Pentti Saarikoski: A Window Left Open Published 16 March 2021 Pentti Saarikoski was a prolific translator and journalist, and a revered modernist poet central to the Finnish literary scene of the 1960s and 1970s. The inventiveness, warmth and humour of Saarikoski’s voice have made him something of - 2025-01-13
The Argolid under Roman rule (31 BC - AD 600)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar det grekiska landskapet Argolis på östra Peloponnesos och vissa aspekter av livet där under drygt 600 år av romersk överhöghet. I området har man från den tiden funnit lämningar av städer, byar, villor och gårdar så väl som speciella anläggningar för framställning av olivolja, vin och keramik, dessutom badanläggningar, akvedukter, stenbrott, hamna
Dublin IV - Making transfers (im)possible) -- An analysis of human rights concerns in the envisioned Dublin IV Regulation
Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera förutsättningarna för att förbjuda förflyttningar av asylsökande inom det gällande Dublinsystemet, samt hur kompatibelt den europeiska kommissionens förslag för en Dublin IV Förordning är med mänskliga rättigheter. Dublinsystemet har till syfte att fördela skyldigheten att hantera asylansökningar mellan medlemsstaterna inom EU till en ansvarig medlemsstat. This thesis aims to analyse the prohibitions of transfers of asylum seekers in the Dublin System, and how compatible the Commission’s Proposal for a Dublin IV Regulation is with human rights law. The Dublin System is meant to allocate responsibility between Member States regarding asylum applications. After the responsible Member State has been decided according to certain criteria, the asylum see
Brevmall Språ k- oc h l i t t er at urc e nt r um Kurslitteratur för Översättning till svenska – i teori och praktik, ÖVSD62, (60 hp), termin 1 Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk-och litteraturcentrum, den 5 juni 2024. Delkurs 1: Yrkeskunskap för översättare 1 (1,5 hp) Obligatorisk kurslitteratur ”Goda råd till nyblivna översättare”. Sveriges Facköversättarförening. Länk tillhandahåll - 2025-01-12
Street Artivism on Athenian Walls – A cognitive semiotic analysis of metaphor and narrative in stree
Politics of soils and agriculture in a warming world
Feeling queer, feeling real: affective economies of truth in queer asylum politics
ECM Mark : Subscriptions and History of Reception
Powerlessness as Potential: Gigi Argyropoulou on artistic self-organisation in times of crisis, the micro-physics of power in theatre occupations, and how performance can learn from children. An interview by Eve Katsouraki and Georg Döcker
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Return to Antikythera : Multi-Session SLAM based AUV mapping of a first century BC wreck site
The Phoenix syndrome : Netroots organizations strategies to gain and maintain digital resource abundance
The development of social media challenges the established conceptualizations of resources in social movements. While previous theories largely illustrated social movements as constantly searching for new and more resources, the development of social media has allowed some actors to gather and mobilize extensive resources rapidly, calling for an analysis of resource abundance. The aim of this artiThe development of social media challenges the established conceptualizations of resources in social movements. While previous theories largely illustrated social movements as constantly searching for new and more resources, the development of social media has allowed some actors to gather and mobilize extensive resources rapidly, calling for an analysis of resource abundance. The aim of this arti
Current Account Imbalances in the European Monetary Union
Forging an Incarnational Theology Two Score Years after Nostra Aetate
Surveying how Christology is formulated in the wake of Nostra Aetate, this paper concentrates on three models: (1) The man became words, words, words; the quest for the historical Jesus has often emphasised the — allegedly unique — teachings of the Nazarene. Its main problem, however, is that the contemporaries of Jesus are no longer presented as his historical context but as his theological contr
Geriatric care in European countries where geriatric medicine is still emerging
Purpose: Practicing geriatric medicine is a challenging task since it involves working together with other medical doctors while coordinating a multidisciplinary team. Global Europe Initiative (GEI) group within the European Geriatric Medicine Society gathers geriatricians from different regions where geriatrics is underrepresented or still developing to promote initiatives for the advancement of
Qmod 2019 preliminar program
4th September 2013, Wednesday QMOD 2019 Preliminary Program 13th October, Sunday 16:00-18:00 QMOD-ICQSS Registration 18:00-19:00 Welcome Reception 19:00-21:00 Welcome Dinner 14th October, Monday 08:30-09:00 Conference Opening 09:00-10:00 Plenary Session 1 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-12:00 Parallel Sessions 1 1 2 3 4 5 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Parallel Sessions 2 15:00-15:30 Coffee Break 15 - 2025-01-13
Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: A Panel Data Empirical Analysis for South European Countries
The Art of Listening in the Gospel of Matthew and Paul’s Letter to the Romans
This revised lecture highlights two aspects of listening in the Bible, that of listening as an obedient act of confession according to the Gospel of Matthew and that of listening to and interpreting the oral performance of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The former aspect is specific to the socio-religious commitment in ancient Israel and Judaism, including the Jewish Christ-believers, and identifiesThis revised lecture highlights two aspects of listening in the Bible, that of listening as an obedient act of confession according to the Gospel of Matthew and that of listening to and interpreting the oral performance of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The former aspect is specific to the socio-religious commitment in ancient Israel and Judaism, including the Jewish Christ-believers, and identifies
Masters thesis conference program- final 2
3 rd Annual Master’s Thesis Conference PROGRAM, 09 JUNE 2014, EDEN, LUND UNIVERSITY 3 rd Annual Master’s Thesis Conference PROGRAM, JUNE 9, 2014, EDEN, LUND UNIVERSITY Conference Program | June 9 | Eden 7:45–8:15 Registration/Mingle 8:15–9:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: BEN ROSAMOND Professor at Department of Political Science, Copenhagen University Title of talk: "Europe's New Global Challenges" Location: E