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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2027 hits

Public Outreach

At Lund Stem Cell Center, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of stem cell research and its potential impact on society by bringing stem cell science to our local and global communities. Join us on our journey to unlock the potential of stem cells for better health and a brighter future, explore our website for upcoming events, educational resources, and ways to get involved.Public Outreach an - 2025-03-11

Gunes Gokmen

Associate senior lecturer Contact details Email: gunes [dot] gokmen [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 86 55Organisation Department of Economics Room number: Alfa1:4106 Service point: 10 WebpageGunes Gokmens profile in Lund University research portalPersonal website: Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by ty - 2025-03-12


Delegated  decisions,  Enclosure  2     Travel  Grants         Applicant Amount (SEK) Kind of activity Approved by Group affiliation Date of approval Martina  Svensson   5  070   ENCODS  2016;  European   Neuroscience  Conference  for   Doctoral  Students,  June  29-­‐ July  1,  2016,  Helsingör,   Denmark   Gunnar   Gouras   Tomas   Deierborg   2016-­‐06-­‐02   Per  Ludvik  Brattås   7  000   EMB - 2025-03-12

Erospedagogik. Från Platon till Areopagites

"Eros pedagogy. From Plato to Areopagite" is a philosophical-pedagogical essay which emphasizes the educational dimension in the philosophy of eros as presented by Plato, and further, through Neoplatonism, interpreted and introduced by Areopagites into Christian thought. At first the essay describes the theory of Plato on eros as part of his general system of thought and here the pedagogic element

Landscapes with different logics: A physicalistic approach to semantic conflicts in spatial planning

This paper deals with the ways of categorising landscapes as ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ using a physicalist approach, where these terms have special meaning. The aim of this paper is to elaborate on the question whether such a division is still meaningful with regard to anthropogenic landscapes, not least in spatial planning. The concerns raised in this paper depart from the increasingly complicated stru

ReSisters in Conversation: Representation Responsibility Complexity Pedagogy

Resisters in Conversation is one of a series of booklets that present conversations and reflections on feminist issues within a trans-European academic context. Each is written by a different group of academics from across Europe. They have one thing in common: a passionate interest in teaching and feminist politics. Building on this, the authors address specific issues generated by the national a


230209-UNI-Unistem-leaflet_updated UniStemDay Theneverending trip ofstemcell research Supporter:Concept&Coordination: What is UniStemDay? UniStemDay is aone-daymeetingorganized forhigh school students since2009.Thisevent, solely dedicated to the disseminationand outreachof stem cell scienceand research,providesan opportunity to fosterlearning,discovery anddebate onthe themesof knowledge and innova - 2025-03-12


Ladd What is prosody, anyway? Bob Ladd, University of Edinburgh Widespread use of the term prosody in linguistics dates only from the 1970s. Up until then, the term’s primary meaning concerned rules of poetic metre and other aspects of text-setting and poetic well-formedness. The shift from the poetic sense to the term’s current meaning began in the late 1960s and was more or less complete by abou - 2025-03-10

Weeping for the res publica : Tears in Roman political culture

Avhandlingen undersöker betydelsen och funktionen av tårar i romersk politisk kultur under republiken och tidig kejsartid i olika historiska sammanhang, huvudsakligen sorg, tårar och i olika politiska sammanhang där auktoritet, makt och underkastelse utövades eller iscensattes. Detta görs genom studier av hur tårar skildras i olika genrer och författarskap i latinsk och grekisk litteratur. Allmänt

The Art of Listening in the Gospel of Matthew and Paul’s Letter to the Romans

This revised lecture highlights two aspects of listening in the Bible, that of listening as an obedient act of confession according to the Gospel of Matthew and that of listening to and interpreting the oral performance of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The former aspect is specific to the socio-religious commitment in ancient Israel and Judaism, including the Jewish Christ-believers, and identifiesThis revised lecture highlights two aspects of listening in the Bible, that of listening as an obedient act of confession according to the Gospel of Matthew and that of listening to and interpreting the oral performance of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The former aspect is specific to the socio-religious commitment in ancient Israel and Judaism, including the Jewish Christ-believers, and identifies

Nurturing tomorrow’s leaders : The ISCB student council symposia in 2018

The Student Council of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB-SC) is a student-focused organization for researchers from all early career levels of training (undergraduates, masters, PhDs and postdocs) that organizes bioinformatics and computational biology activities across the globe. Among its activities, the ISCB-SC organizes several symposia in different continents, many tim