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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2008 hits
Den lukulliske Lucullus' passioner; om villaträdgårdar, mat och ett romerskt orginal
Mixed discriminatory judgments of individuals’ warmth and competence related abilities
Although several studies have demonstrated that stereotypes can be mixed in terms of warmth and competence (e.g., cold but competent), the possibility of mixed discrimination has received very little attention so far. To this end, the present study investigated mixed discriminatory judgments of individuals. In two studies, the participants judged the empathic (warmth) and the cognitive (competence
Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Skyros wall lizard Podarcis gaigeae (Squamata: Lacertidae)
Bouchra Khalili: Lanternists and Typographers : Solo exhibition
Brev till blomsterkungen och hans son Utgåva och översättning med kommentarer av brev från Linnés ende amerikanske lärjunge Adam Kuhn
Edition and translation from Latin to Swedish of letters to Carl Linnaeus and his son by the only American disciple of Linnaeus, Adam Kuhn.
"Ge inte giltighet åt denna deras synd!" Stefanos förbön och den tidiga kristologin
Reduced anti-TNFalpha autoantibody levels coincide with flare in systemic lupus erythematosus
Deviating cytokine patterns, as a consequence of aberrant immunoregulation, is implicated to be of aetiopathogenetic importance in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). To evaluate the possibility of anti-cytokine autoantibody-mediated cytokine regulation/dysregulation, IgG class autoantibodies against cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, TNFalpha and TGFbeta(1)) were analysed by enzyme-linked immunoso
Maria Hansson
Senior lecturer Contact details Email: maria [dot] hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 46 28 Mobile: +46 70 635 32 44Organisation Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) Visiting address: Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37, Lund Room number: E-F313 Service point: 50 WebpageMaria Hanssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Project manager Centre for En - 2025-01-13
Public Reading in Early Christianity : Lectors, Manuscript, and Sound in the Oral Delivery of John 1-4
Agios Transformers : The Use of Popular Franchises in Orthodox Christian Lambatha Candles
Gifter, droger och mat : om läkemedel i den medeltida medicinen i islam
Drugs prepared from organic and mineral substances have, throughout history, held a central position when it comes to preventing and curing disease. In Galenic medicine, foodstuffs, drugs and deadly substances, or poisons, were all accredited with the potential to affect the constitution of the body. While the Galenic paradigm continued to dominate formal medicine in the Middle Ages, the language
The "'Canticle of the Holy Ghost'" (Luke-II,14) in history and culture (Regarding the reception of the hermeneutical process in biblical translation and interpretation)
The angels still do not know how to sing during Christmas night. Some have three lines in Luke 2.14, others only two. Some have good liturgical hymns in their textbooks, others must use bad prose versions. This article reconstructs a Hebrew version with its focus on the righteous remnant of Israel, the "Anawim" in Jerusalem who saw Jesus as the beginning of the restoration of Israel, and goes on t
Bellman Anakreon Hafiz : Gustaf Ljunggren och världslitteraturens skala
Unity through Crisis? - A Qualitative Analysis of Common Identity Formation during Crisis in the European Context
Soft Systems Methodology: An Inclusive Informatics Re-Design Approach for a New Economy
The research study focuses on the application of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to develop a collaborative user-centered approach within the context of organizational learning, and concludes with suggestions of further research. More specifically, it explores library users’ and academic librarians’ ideal characteristics for the library discovery and access services mediated through the Online Publ
Carl Hampus Lyttkens
Professor emeritus Contact details Email: carl_hampus [dot] lyttkens [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 86 52 Mobile: +46 70 514 05 26Organisation Department of Economics Room number: Alfa1:4085 Service point: 10 WebpageCarl Hampus Lyttkens profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterCon - 2025-01-13
Does phylogeographic history cause among-population variation in floral scent in Arabis alpina?
Varierande likhet i blomdoft – beror det på släktskapsband? De senaste decennierna har kunskapen om blomdoft och dess betydelse i interaktioner mellan växter och insekter ökat avsevärt. Det finns en stor mängd olika doftämnen i blommors doft och blomdoften kan vara högst variabel, inte bara mellan arter utan också mellan individer av samma art. Även om vissa doftämnen verkar sakna ekologisk funktUnderstanding the evolutionary processes behind intraspecific variation and population differentiation is an important topic in biology, since intraspecific variation is required for speciation. Angiosperms show fascinating diversity in flower designs. Since the flower is crucial for reproductive success and at the same time often involved in biotic interactions with pollinators and/or herbivores,
Dikaiosyne theou : Guds rättfärdighet i Rom 3:21-26
Qmod 2017 program 1
4th September 2013, Wednesday QMOD 2017: Program 5th August 2017, Saturday 08:00-17:00 QMOD-ICQSS Check-in and Registration 10:00-11:00 Welcome Coffee 11:00-11:30 Conference Opening (Damgårdsalen) 11:30-13:00 Plenary Session 1 (Damgårdsalen) 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:00 Parallel Sessions 1 B10 B-21 B24 B 22 B23 Quality, Services, Sustainability in the 4th Ind. Revolution Quality Management Princi - 2025-01-13